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Stop drawing conclusions based on a minor demo


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
I agree with you Nealdt, Whole-Heartly. It's like they think because they went to Tournaments they are 100% geniuses at the game, and can "speculate" what moves are in. This is generally why I had my differences when choosing to even join, because half of the topics posted could be completely erroneous.

But, that still doesn't make it bad. I mean it's not wrong to come up with moves you think would work, but saying it is 100% in the game is stupid. It's a Demo people. Demo's usually change significantly. They have a full Four months to work out issues.

Man I love how some of the trolls bash the game without even playing it, by bashing because of what they have seen in videos. How about we all wait until it comes out, then our speculations will be valid.(Of course I'm speaking to the people who think moves will be 100% added into the game).

Michael Blaine

Smash Apprentice
Nov 3, 2005
I don't agree with you. Taking out L cancelling and wavedashing makes this game suck for me, Im gonna play it but im not gonna play it competitivly, why even bother if its practically a movie now
Exactly. If they didn't want people to draw conclusions they wouldn't have provided a demo. Most people's conclusion is that they like what they are seeing and want to buy Brawl even more. Not everyone feels that way (me). Stop trying to stifle opinions, how about that.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 4, 2007
UIUC/Chicago South Suburbs
Marvellously said, OP. People need to stop drawing ridiculous conclusions at such an early stage of the game. Dylan, how can you honestly be so short-sighted? When people first started playing Melee, they didn't immediately know about wavedashing or shffling or any of the subtle nuances of competitive Melee play now. These things had to be developed over time. Likewise, no matter how much Melee seems "nerfed" to you towards competitive play, NEW advanced techs will be found and developed. Brawl is an entirely different game, and it's going to take time to get used to it and start developing new, perhaps even better techs and tricks to improve competitive play.

Competitive play for Brawl will definitely exist. It's ridiculous to think otherwise. But competitive Brawl play will be different than competitive Melee play because they're different games! The metagame is going to be a whole new ballgame. The challenge to you, as a competitive player, is to handle this change. I'm afraid I don't know who this quote belongs to, but I've seen it around in a sig here and there. A truly skilled player would learn how to adapt to any atmosphere. (I apologise for likely buthering the quote, I don't remember it word for word.)

If you're really competitive? If you're really talented, you're going to learn how to play brawl as well as you can play melee. That's going to be part of the fun. Brawl is a different game, and it's going to have a different metagame. Does that mean it's going to be any worse? Of course not! Just different!

Oh and yea.. don't speculate about tier lists at this stage, that's just silly. We likely haven't even played with a quarter of the characters. We don't understand the metagame yet, don't make predictions about it. The quote from McFox says it perfectly.

Edit: To LevesqueIsKing, the point is that the two games are different, just like Smash 64 is different from Melee. Of course we aren't dismissing Melee, because what more similar game do we have to compare to, right? But in making those comparisons you have to understand and accept that Brawl is a different game. Things are going to change from one to the other, just like things changed from 64 to Melee. It's not the end of the world if something is different in Brawl than what it was in Melee. Melee wasn't a horrible game because it was different from 64, was it? Hell, it was better. So until we get the chance to really examine all aspects of Brawl, it's silly to discredit Brawl for being different than Melee. It's NOT Melee, plain and simple.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2003
Culver City, CA
I think this is what Neal is trying to relay:

Brawl is an entirely new game, so you can't hold onto the mindset that you may have held for Melee. We won't know if wavedashing, or any other technique for that matter, will be in Brawl until it is officially released. Characters can change! Final smashes could be edited! Yeah, I know about the demo, in fact I've played it, but nothing is 100%...
Though I agree to an extent, I don't really mind if people discuss their ideas and theories on the boards...I tend to find some of them interesting and entertaining from time to time!
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