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starting out with diddy


Deleted member

and I want to know what the first techniques are that I should train on.

I read all the guides (really, almost all of them) and figured glide tossing is very important, but I think it is not part of the basics.

suggestions welcome

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
start learning how to use your bananas asap. Glide tossing is not hard to do at all, so even though I wouldnt call it "basics" you might as well start using it.

forwards and backwards glide tosses with followups is a good start.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Baltimore, MD
well yes glide tossing may be the most important skill u will learn for your diddy game it is still an advanced technique but with that being said the only thing that u can realy work on before glid tossing is learning move trajectory

so for now just learn how each move effects the opponent and what can be strung together

but as soon as you learn that learn glide tossing because ur bannagame will be lacking alot with out it and since bannana will be the biggest part of your game then ur overall game will be lacking as well

so i advise that u learn u moves quick then learn how to string ur bannanas in combonation with ur attcacks

Edit: and listen 2 sauce he right

Deleted member

ok thx.

also, what are some good ways to create opportunity to pull bananas since I noticed just pulling them out will likely mean I eat a hit or two from the opponent.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Baltimore, MD
ok so for pluckin nannas for one start out the game pluckin pluck ur first 2

there are many ways 2 do this but i think this way is the safest:
Full hop -> Pluck -> Mid air jump -> Pluck this way ur pretty high in the air plus after u pluck the second pluck u can atack if the opponent is 2 close 2 u. Plus it will help u evade projectyles.
now this works best on bigger levels like fd but for smaller stages like BF u will find u self short of time when the enemy aproches so instead of plucking 2 pluck 1 and the pluck ur next in a few second after u started fighting. Keep in mind that u should pluck 2 if the person doesnt aproach.

ok heres where its tough mid game pluck

so durring the game u may feel pressured not 2 pluck but u should dismiss this thought immediately ok the trick is 2 get enough space between u and the enemy then pluck 1 or 2 but it should be 2 if time permits and u dont have any out u just make use of any free time 2 pull out some nannas i hope this helps


Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2008
One thing I've seen a lot of good players use is
From the ledge->fall (flick analog opposite away)-> walljump off the edge-> pluck towards the stage->get back on edge via b-up or any other way possible.

Deleted member

that's a nice trick, but FD is and always will be my battle ground making that a little harder
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