Jaedong v Snow
Entering this Best of 5, The Dong was at the tail end of his peak. Career 68% winrate, second only to Flash. 70% win-rate versus Protoss.
Snow was a relative newcomer, although restricted almost entirely to a vT sniper in Proleague. Career 53% win-rate, but only 41% v Zerg.
Should be a ROFLstomp, right?
Keep in mind that Snow has an excellent practice partner to help train for this set in Hydra, who was unequivocally the second-best Zerg at the time. Hydra would actually go on to win this tournament. Jaedong's team doesn't have a good Protoss.
Game 1:
Dante's Peak
This map was broken. ZvP was 5-2 (71.4%), with 6 ZvZs. Protoss lack an easy-to-defend 3rd gas. Even their mineral-only is exposed. Unfortunately for Snow, this is the map for both the first and fifth (if necessary) game.
Cross-position spawns. Snow is forced to make two cannons
and pull three probes off the line to block six lings. Win for Jaedong. Snow bounces back by sniping two Overlords with his first two Corsairs. Win for Snow.
Zerg usually opt for 3-hatch spire, make a couple of scourge to scout/drive away Corsairs, and plop down two more hatches. With good building placement ("Sim City"), an Overlord at each base and a couple of static defense in Sunken Colonies, they buy enough time to drone ***** and mass up hydralisks in the mid-game. The hydralisk mass is deadly to Protoss; if Zerg's economy is left untouched Hydras can break the opponent right as he's getting High Templar. Zerg often likes to make 4-5 mutalisks to snipe the High Templar right as the Protoss ball starts to move out.
Jaedong goes 5-hatch spire but transitions into mass muta/scourge. Snow is going sair-reaver. When he gets 5-6 +1 Corsairs and a speed shuttle for the Reaver he'll move out; his harass must do damage and he cannot lose the Reaver for naught. Whoever micros better will win.
Snow gets his shuttle sniped. The game is essentially over.
Snow manages to drag it out with some excellent aggressive shenanigans, even managing to sneak a DT into The Dong's main to take out 14 drones, but Jaedong is on 4-gas versus Snow's 2. Jaedong eventually overruns him.
Game 2: Circuit Breaker
This map is awesome! Look at the stats: it doesn't get much more balanced than that.
Cross positions once again. Snow plays cautiously, plopping down two cannons and using two probes to block. I think this is a mistake; because it's cross map the travel distance means Snow should be able to get away with just one cannon. Snow also misses an opportunity to delay Jaedong's expo with probe micro.
Jaedong is playing standard. But we get an inkling of why Snow was playing so cautiously. He takes his second gas before his Core is complete, indicating another tech build.
In Game 1 this was Sair-Reaver, but this time he's opting for absurdly heavy tech. Core into Stargate into Citadel +1 sairs into Templar tech into Robo? All off
one gateway?
We even see Snow plop down a third cannon shortly after his initial scout dies, but cancels it as soon as his sair patrols the map. Psychologically speaking, Snow may fear The Dong.
In general The Dong's strategy v Protoss is to play extremely greedy. He cuts corners. He loves to drone *****. He can be opportunistically aggressive, but would prefer to macro up and outclass you with superior late-game micro and macro.
Snow opts for Shuttle-DT play, but once again his Shuttle gets sniped thanks to a clutch Zergling scout by Jaedong. Big win for The Tyrant. Snow is in deep ****. He is still on one gateway.
Instead of an early 4th, or investing in a Lurker contain, Jaedong smells blood and masses Hydras. Snow's first Reaver is out but Jaedong wants to end the game. Unfortunately for Jaedong is overaggressive; fortunately for Snow his Reaver micro is on point. The first Reaver gets 31 kills! The second Reaver gets 20+! Jaedong is pissing this game away!
The one piece of tech Snow didn't get was an Observatory! Jaedong would have been better off setting up a Hydra contain, transitioning into a 4th base and a Lurker contain.
Once Snow holds off the would-be game-ending Hydra break, all he needs to do is execute and the game is his. His tech is overwhelming: +1 sairs continually destroying Overlords, a plethora of Reavers in speed shuttles,
and a bunch of High Templar / Archons. Jaedong tries to switch to Muta but that has no chance vs +1 sairs and speed shuttles. Gee Gee.
Game 3:
Another Z-favored map, with 13 ZvZs (versus 9 TvTs and 4 PvPs) and a 20-12 (62.5%) ZvP winrate. We again see Jaedong opt for overpool for the third consecutive time. But this time we see an exceptionally fast Lair off of just two hatcheries. Zerg rarely goes 2-hatch Lair in ZvP! This screams aggression.
Snow takes his gas when his Core is about 2/3 completion, indicating another tech build. His probe scouts and finds Jaedong's third, which was plopped down when the spire was about 2/5 of the way completed. But Jaedong's third is at an aggressive location! Instead of taking the easy-to-defend third that is protected by cloaked eggs, The Dong takes the third with the shortest flight path to Snow's base.
Snow responds by making a Goon and plopping down a Robo bay. He also adds a second stargate. Okay, this is getting weird. Did Jaedong just metagame Snow? Going two stargate versus Zerg is almost always suicide.
Were these builds pre-determined, as is usually the case in Best of X play, or was this a response to Jaedong's build?
Now the Dizzle takes his protected base in the back of his main. Jaedong will soon have four gas at his disposal, surrounding the Protoss from all sides. Meanwhile Snow is going for a uber aerial-heavy, powerful two-base Sair-Reaver. This is in keeping with the theme of the series: Jaedong cuts corners and plays greedy, Snow opts for tech-heavy, aggressive two-base maneuvers.
This is unusual strategy for a Protoss. Bisu set the standard for the current v Z metagame: after Stargate you add a Citadel, get +1 ground attack and Zealot speed, and put pressure on the greedy Zerg early in the midgame. This easily transitions into a quick DT, buying map control for an early third base, +1 sairs or High Templar play.
Tech-heavy builds allow the Zerg to drone ***** and defend, which they excel at. Protoss's push must do significant damage or soon be overhelmed.
The Tyrant knows what's up and has massed a lethal amount of scourge and Mutalisks, investing in +1 air defense to counter +1 aerial attack. Good micro ensues. Snow needs that protected 3rd gas soon; if you don't do economical damage to a 4-gas Zerg, you're also dead.
Jaedong's micro is better. Snow's harass doesn't do enough damage. Game over.
Game 4:
A balanced ZvP map. Cross position spawns.
NEXUS FIRST! Snow takes a major risk! I love Nexus first!
Did Snow just metagame Jaedong?
It pays off; Jaedong only makes two initial lings. Big advantage for Snow. And his scouting probe gets to harass the drone attempting to make Jaedong's natural expo.
The first three games he played scared in the mid-game. Jaedong adjusted and cut corners in Game 4. Snow anticipated such adjustment, called his bluff and goes Nexus first! Brilliant!
In StarCraft, small early-game advantages stack into big ones. Did Jaedong even see the Nexus first? By the time his Lings probe the perimeter, one cannon and nice building placement blocks him. (The small natural opening is one reason Protoss has an advantage on this map.)
He never gets an Overlord in, so he may not have. Jaedong opts for an early 4th, but on this map it's not protected. The earlier Nexus gives Snow a huge mid-game army of both +1 sairs and speedlots. Jaedong might lose!
Lurker's just in time! Those Lurkers are able to delay Snow's 3rd. (It is standard for Protosses to delay an observatory for as long as possible.)
Even though Jaedong is on 4-base, only 3 are gas, and he's lost a lot of drones. That Nexus first has given Snow a formidable air and ground army; his presence dominates the map. H
Great Defiler usage
can save Jaedong, however. That is a stark possibility: Jaedong's large-army control seems much superior to Snow's. Cracklings take out buildings in ten seconds. Could we see a comeback?
No. Sick game by Snow.
Game 5: Dante's Peak
No series can be great without an epic Game 5. One of the most exciting games in Brood War history!