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sssSSss...*BOOM* - Creeper for Smash!


Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
That'ssssSSsss a nice roster you've got there...

(found this comic on Google)​

~The Creeper~

The Creeper is Minecraft's most iconic monster / mob, being a kamikaze creature, meaning it blows itself up to hurt you. It's infamous for catching players off guard, ending in their death while either messing up their structures or ruining their mining trip (say goodbye to your diamonds!). Despite this, many people still like the Creeper, with there being fan art and even silly stuff about the Creeper just wanting a hug, but getting so nervous it explodes!

So, why should it be a playable fighter in Smash alongside Steve? ...well, call me biased as it's my favorite Minecraft mob, but since it is the iconic face of Minecraft with Steve and Alex, I believe it should get a chance to face off in the ultimate party/fighting game! It could also represent Minecraft's creatures, by featuring other mobs in its moveset. Instead of the ingame pixel-design, it could use the official artstyle as seen on Minecraft's website and game cases (though I would personally enjoy either look).

...that's basically it, so uh, feel free to check out / suggest movesets and such :)

I'll begin with the specials (NOTE: I'm just throwin' out numbers I assume would be fine, because I'm not sure what would be balanced. Should probably just ignore them as they may be either underpowered or overpowered, and just focus on the move itself :p)

Neutral-B - Explode: Yup, just explode. However, instead of dying, the Creeper is covered in soot, which comes off while battling. You can charge it for up to 3 seconds before exploding, but you'll take 2-5% damage depending on how long you've charged it, while your opponent takes 9-15% damage.

Side-B - Fire Charge: The Creeper will toss what's basically a fireball sideways, which keeps going while falling slightly, its descent speeding up every half-second. It won't stop until it either hits an opponent, hits a solid object/wall, or simply has existed for 5 seconds. It has a decent speed, but can be outrun by some characters. When it hits an opponent, it will deal 7% fire damage. If it hits a wall, ceiling, or floor, it will set a fire that lasts for 7 seconds, which will deal 3% fire damage to any opponent that touches it.

Up-B: Firework Rocket: The Creeper summons a firework below itself. It will charge up for 1 second, it and the user falling slowly, and then launches upwards for a great boost. Anyone who gets hit by you riding the firework will be knocked sideways and take 6% damage. The initial blast-off will actually create a fiery blast, which deals 10% fire damage to anyone who's hit. The firework is fast, covering a decent amount of vertical length, and when it finally explodes, the Creeper get's knocked towards whichever direction your thumbstick is pointing with a small amount of knockback power, while the explosion itself releases a random firework effect, and deals 3% damage to any opponent who's near the blast.

Down-B - Mob Egg: The Creeper summons a random mob egg, which can be any hostile mob from Minecraft, or cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, and squid. Cows, Sheep, Chickens, and Pigs just run around quickly, dealing 3% damage to opponents in their way. The sheep has a random wool color, which will usually be white, and rarely rainbow (meaning it constantly changes colors). Chickens lay eggs ever-so-often. Squid just splash around, but very rarely will fly off towards either the background or the blast zone.

Continuing the down special, Zombies will walk slowly and deal 4% damage to any opponent they hit; Zombies also have a chance to be a baby zombie, which are just smaller and faster, a Giant which are even slower but deal 8% damage to opponents, or a Husk/Desert-Zombie or a Drowned/Water-Zombie which are just for aesthetics. Skeletons will try and stay away from opponents, shooting them from a distance, their arrows dealing 6% damage; Skeletons have a small chance to be a Stray/Cold Biome-Skeleton, which deal the same damage but can slow opponents' walk/run speed a little for 5 seconds. Creepers will run towards opponents and...kaboom, dealing 9% damage. Angry wolves will chase and bite opponents, dealing 5% damage. Spiders will chase and leap at opponents, dealing 4% damage; Spiders also have a small chance to be a Cave Spider, which is smaller, slightly faster, and deals 3% damage instead, but leaves a damage-over-time effect (poison) which deals 1% damage per second for 5 seconds. Slimes can come in small, medium, or big; small slimes won't deal damage, medium ones deal 3% damage, big ones deal 5% damage; they bounce towards opponents.

Now for Nether mobs...Zombie Pigmen will do the same thing as a normal Zombie, except they're faster and deal 7% damage instead; they're holding golden swords. Ghasts will fly around and shoot explosive fireballs, which deal 9% damage to opponents. Magma Cubes are basically the same as Slimes, except each magma cube size deals 2% more damage than their overworld counterparts. Wither Skeletons will act similar to Zombie Pigmen, except they will hold stone swords, run slightly slower, and deal 4% damage while leaving another damage-over-time effect (wither) which is basically the Cave Spider's but lasts for two more seconds. Blazes will stay stationary, but can be knocked sideways, and shoot fire charges at opponents, but unlike your side-special, these fire charges will only last for 3 seconds, and they will deal 6% fire damage; if they hit a wall, etc. they will leave a fire that only lasts for 4 seconds while dealing 2% fire damage.

Last but not least: Endermen, Phantoms, and Shulkers. Endermen will chase and teleport to opponents, and simply hit them for 7% damage; they're rather quick! Phantoms will fly around and dive-bomb opponents for 8% damage. Shulkers are stationary and will only move by teleporting if attacked, but they won't teleport for every attack, however the chance is high; they open up their shells and shoot out a strange projectile that homes in on a nearby opponent and deals 3% damage, while forcing the opponent to slowly float upwards for 2 seconds, but the opponent can still move sideways and use up their double-jump if they have it.

Each mob acts like a normal fighter in terms of taking damage and knockback, except for the Shulker though it can be knocked back after a certain amount of damage. Each mob lasts for a certain amount of time but I don't know what to put.

Alright, time for normal moves:

Jab: The Creeper does a simple headbutt the first time, then another, and finally jumps and kicks; the headbutts each deal 2% damage, while the kick does 4%.

Dash: The Creeper tries to stop, turning to face the camera as it tries while leaning, and finally falls over to deal 7% damage.

Side-Tilt: The Creeper spits out a piece of gunpowder, which causes a very small explosion for 3% damage.

Up-Tilt: The Creeper does a small hop, dealing an upwards headbutt for 5% damage.

Down-Tilt: The Creeper summons small explosions to its sides, both dealing 4% damage.

N-Air: The Creeper spins around sideways while kicking, repeatedly dealing 3% damage for the move's duration.

F-Air: The Creeper does a forward kick for 5% damage.

B-Air: The Creeper looks back and deals a backwards kick for 5% damage.

U-Air: The Creeper spits gunpowder upwards, dealing a small explosion for 7% damage.

D-Air: The Creeper tilts itself downwards slightly, and drops fused TNT that explodes either after 3 seconds or when it hits an opponent, dealing 9% damage.

Side-Smash: The Creeper tackles forward, hitting the opponent for 14% damage (if not charged).

Up-Smash: The Creeper causes a small explosion above itself, dealing 15% damage (if not charged).

Down-Smash: The Creeper tilts itself into a position where it's on one of its four little legs, and spins around, dealing 4% damage while trapping opponents in its spin (if not charged, can deal up to 20% damage).

Grab: The Creeper grabs the opponent by summoning an Enderman, which holds the opponent for the Creeper to pummel. During the throws, the Enderman steps out of the way while staring the opponent down, and disappears after the throw is over, except for the back-throw and down-throw when the Enderman is needed. If the opponent breaks free, both the Creeper and the Enderman kinda act surprised while the Enderman disappears.

Pummel: The Creeper just headbutts the opponent. Deals 2% damage.

Up-Throw: The Creeper summons an explosion under the opponent, which deals 18% damage and launches them upwards.

Forward-Throw: The Creeper walks back slightly, then charges forward at full-force, dealing 15% damage and launching the opponent forward.

Backward-Throw: The Creeper summons fused TNT behind it, then has the Enderman toss the opponent behind the TNT, which proceeds to deal 20% damage while launching the opponent backwards.

Down-Throw: The Creeper has the Enderman slam the opponent downwards, and then the Creeper bodyslams them for 17% damage; launches the opponent upwards.


1. The Creeper faces the camera and looks down slightly, while closing its eyes, shaking, and then exploding, getting covered in soot and shaking it off.

2. The Creeper walks around in a circle, with its frown turning into a "smile;" it stops after walking around once.

3. The Creeper tilts its head to its left and then its right, letting out an intimidating hiss for each tilt.

Now for the Final Smash!

Monster Army

Charged Creeper.png

The Creeper is struck by lightning, becoming a charged Creeper (it basically gains a blue aura around it), then tackles the opponent(s). The opponent(s) fall(s) into a cutscene where everyone is in the overworld while the sun is setting; the camera moves to show the Creeper, still charged, as it summons an army of monsters and angry animals to stampede over the opponent(s) while your Creeper keeps beating them up by stomping, jumping on top of them, and its electric aura zapping them. After this, the Wither and Ender Dragon appear, while your Creeper runs to get out of the way; the Wither shoots some explosive Wither Skulls at the opponent(s), and then the Ender Dragon flies into them, launching them off into the sunset (while these bosses attack, you can see your Creeper off to the side, jumping around cheerfully). The cutscene ends, and then the opponent(s) get launched for real. Over the duration of the cutscene, the opponent(s) accumulate 42% damage.

Well, that's my Creeper moveset.

I imagine costumes would just be differently-colored Creepers, though I guess they could also make some up by having an ice-blue Creeper with red pupils in its eyes; a black Creeper with a purple mouth and eyes (Endercreeper); a netherrack Creeper with a lava mouth and eyes (Nethercreeper); and others like these. Maybe just different block textures for camouflage.

-Keep Calm and KABOOM (end)-
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
No offense to Steve fans, but I personally think the Creeper would be a more interesting and off-the-wall Minecraft choice. I can't not smile at the idea, even if it's a big load of, "But how?"

Count me in.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
I would honestly prefer Enderman if we had any Minecraft representation, but Creeper would be a neat pick.


Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
No offense to Steve fans, but I personally think the Creeper would be a more interesting and off-the-wall Minecraft choice. I can't not smile at the idea, even if it's a big load of, "But how?"

Count me in.
Tbh I'd prefer Creeper over Steve even if I'd still love and be hyped for Steve's inclusion (honestly though I'd probably still want Steve even if Creeper would mostly satisfy me).

edit: nah I feel differently now, I want Steve first, but I’d still want the Creeper after him. Steve would satisfy me though.
I would honestly prefer Enderman if we had any Minecraft representation, but Creeper would be a neat pick.
Yeah Enderman would be cool too, the Creeper is my personal favorite so I tend to focus on it more.
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