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SSBM/Smashboards and Reddit, increasing awareness!


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
Before anything, for those of you that don't know, Reddit.com is one of those 'heart of the internet' kinda places. Viral jokes arise there, important issues, debates, or anything of importance to a particular section are posted. If someone likes your topic, they 'Upvote' it and it goes closer towards the front page, the more Upvotes you have the more your topic is closer to front page.

But yeah, I noticed in the gaming section of reddit, there's some of you melee'rs discussing alot of TheoryBro's for fun, so i know i'm not alone on the site. Anyways, I feel if we pick a popular enough melee video, or even like a little paragraph involving Why melee is so good [describing in the simplest way how amazing it's competitive nature is, why, etc]. That we can use the site to increase people's awareness of the game.

There's currently a front page topic in gaming involving broly, titled:
"One of the best SSF4/Smash-Bros players in Texas has no use of his hands or feet. How does he keep winning? Watch the video to find out."
So atleast they are aware of the existence of smash as a tournament game, they just probably have seen nothing of value about it, or anything specifically about melee.

i dunno, i just feel reddit[the gaming section] is a great place to do this, i know lots of people are interested in making melee more popular and such, but couldn't really find an opening.



t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
I think it'd be nice for awareness, but it'd be silly to discuss things on there that we already do on here, plus we'd probably link them to Smashboards over and over.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
I think it'd be nice for awareness, but it'd be silly to discuss things on there that we already do on here, plus we'd probably link them to Smashboards over and over.
I wasn't implying that we should ever have real discussion there, i was just noting that there are other melee players on reddit. i meant nothing more than for advertising


Smash Ace
Nov 8, 2009
Austin, TX
Go reddit! I did comment on the video of Broly, haha. Melee players on reddit ftw


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2010
I think it'd be nice for awareness, but it'd be silly to discuss things on there that we already do on here, plus we'd probably link them to Smashboards over and over.
Abundant linking? Sounds like free karma to me, lolololol.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
It wouldn't be silly, the point would be to bring traffic to smashboards and maybe get new people to join the community


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
This is a great idea that I fully support. I've been trying to think of ways to get a good r/gaming post for melee on reddit. Haven't thought of anything useful though. I'll keep thinking and bookmark this thread.

The best thing I could think of is posting a hype video, but that just leads me to my biggest question about melee and reddit.

Has Wombo Combo been posted there before?

<-------------- reddit lurker for 6 months now


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
I'm a pretty heavy redditor.

I actually created the /r/melee subreddit a little while ago, I was kind of saving it I guess.
Everyone is welcome to start posting stuff in there if they are interested.

I can mod some dudes too if it takes off.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
Eh, I just dunno how to approach making a new topic. I tried making one last night but it just seemed like a huge wall of text more than anything, and i didn't see non-smashers approaching it from that.

Honestly, if we had a video that described melee, along with our hype, combos, a view from the spectator side and all that it would bring some people in, i just don't know who would do that.

Here's what I posted before deleting, maybe one of you could re-touch on it alot.

The Smash[Melee] Community has always been looked down upon by the fighting game community because it doesn't follow traditional fighting game rules. I'm here to show you why SUPER SMASH BRO'S MELEE [specifically melee only.] is and always has been an amazing competitive fighter[regardless of tradition!] for many years.
Reddit is an awesome community to me, so I feel this would be a great place to increase some awareness of our game and it's competitive scene/nature. I'd really appreciate it if anyone helped upvote this, to let others check this out!
As i finished writing everything, I feel I might be getting too deep into topic, I feel like i'm scaring people away with the wall of text. Can anyone give me some advice on how to go about this awareness successfully? This has nothing to do with karma, simply wanting to get our game out there as much as possible!
Before anything, let me just tell you this game is the definition of hype. Drastic matches, where insane combos and insane comebacks happen, create exciting commentary and exciting matches to watch. ([1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qna80MbcAAc) This video is a good example.
One major aspect is the game isn't ordinary in terms of combos, because combos aren't simply just repeating rhythm'd button commands to get what you want done, as a traditional fighter. This game is about creativity, and reaction. Instead, you juggle your opponent with specific moves that vary your opponent's distance and direction, slightly depending on the way your opponent defends themself within point seconds of being hit, and the percent they are at.
This may seem like a problem for lengthening combos, but this actually creates openings for different combos, and different techniques to get combos, as hitstun can be lengthy either way. With this creates unique and creative combos of all kinds.
These combos are not easy very simple to pull off. As I said before, the combos aren't simply ABCD button pushing. To get a real idea of how fast and technical combo'ing can be, this video gives a decent example in a few seconds[ignore the text crap]:
-[2] Melee's technical ability * It's probably very difficult to grasp everything in that video, as that player is rather fast, using lots of tech skill, and playing a fast character, but it shows alot of melee's general flow of play in slowmotion, and also showcases certain techniques required for competitive play, such as wavedashing and L-cancelling.
Here is a few combo videos of some of the top players in the world. Each character's playstyle is drastically different, and all rely on different forms of execution.
[3] A Captain Falcon Combo Video it's very exciting :)
[4] A Fox/Falco/Falcon/Marth Combo video!
I'd continue, but as i said before, I don't want to dig too deep on something new to alot of people. advice?!
This might just die out quick. I dunno, I tried!
for smash everything, be sure to check out [www.smashboards.com](www.smashboards.com)


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Cal Poly / Davis, CA
Why doesn't someone just post a "This is why I love melee" title with the link to a youtube video that's just ****ing sick as ****. Then you let everyone know when it's happening so that we can all upvote it and people actually see it

Digg is also good.
maybe like a year and a half ago...


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
lol digg is terrible

While it is a good idea to spread Melee awareness on reddit, I feel like making a post about "why Melee is good" isn't the right approach for a community like reddit, especially /r/gaming. People go on reddit for a source of news and entertainment, not to read about other redditor's opinions. Although...starting a discussion on Melee through a text submission might be a good idea.

The most effective way to garner interest for Melee on reddit (imo) is to regularly submit Melee-related material that is genuinely interesting/exciting to people that are not familiar with Melee (or fighting games for that matter). However, the goal isn't to overwhelm, but rather to initiate a spark of interest. Showing the technical/mental demand required at high level play is just as important as showing how easy it is to get into the game through demonstrating simple gameplay mechanics, the openness/activity of the Smash community, etc. The game needs to appear approachable.

It's difficult to effectively spread Melee awareness since old games are usually overshadowed by the flow of news on newer games. Making a compilation of Melee goodness seems like a solid plan, but it really has to hit all the points and end in the willingness to upvote by people outside of the community for it to be significant.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2008
University of Maryland, College Park
It's important that the success of any link is genuine. Reddit has a thing for calling out companies or anybody for artificially boosting links, so "planning" a video's success could cause more harm than good. We definitely need to post a video that shows off everything melee has to offer, not just some random combo video or tourney match. Actually a big draw of smash for me at least is the large and friendly community, and I think that could attract a lot of people.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Video posts are probably the easiest thing to show the complexity of the game, but they will have to be absolutely phenomenal to get the attention of the average dude browsing reddit.

Also, whoever posts should be ready to be trolled.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
I agree, we shouldn't plan on upvoting each other's posts. Let's just show our enthusiasm for the game by consistently posting stuff we think is cool.

Btw I loved that combo video.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
Eh, I don't see why we shouldn't up-vote eachothers stuff. most people get mad because people upvote for karma, we're simply attempting to increase awareness of our game, not to mention people up-vote friend's stuff all the time. lol don't comment and not upvote moblin!

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
most of us would probably upvote anything melee related just because we play the game, we just shouldn't plan upvote success or tell randoms on smashboards to upvote stuff or anything like that


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
i mean me linking the topic is basically asking you to upvote it, i don't see how people from our community are gonna find the topic any other way.

would it really be that bad asking fellow melee'rs to upvote? i mean it's really just to get things going. obviously if melee wasn't invisible to reddit i wouldn't have to even ask


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
There's currently a front page topic in gaming involving broly, titled:
"One of the best SSF4/Smash-Bros players in Texas has no use of his hands or feet. How does he keep winning? Watch the video to find out."

does he play brawl? :awesome:
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