Smash Champion
Before anything, for those of you that don't know, is one of those 'heart of the internet' kinda places. Viral jokes arise there, important issues, debates, or anything of importance to a particular section are posted. If someone likes your topic, they 'Upvote' it and it goes closer towards the front page, the more Upvotes you have the more your topic is closer to front page.
But yeah, I noticed in the gaming section of reddit, there's some of you melee'rs discussing alot of TheoryBro's for fun, so i know i'm not alone on the site. Anyways, I feel if we pick a popular enough melee video, or even like a little paragraph involving Why melee is so good [describing in the simplest way how amazing it's competitive nature is, why, etc]. That we can use the site to increase people's awareness of the game.
There's currently a front page topic in gaming involving broly, titled:
"One of the best SSF4/Smash-Bros players in Texas has no use of his hands or feet. How does he keep winning? Watch the video to find out."
So atleast they are aware of the existence of smash as a tournament game, they just probably have seen nothing of value about it, or anything specifically about melee.
i dunno, i just feel reddit[the gaming section] is a great place to do this, i know lots of people are interested in making melee more popular and such, but couldn't really find an opening.
But yeah, I noticed in the gaming section of reddit, there's some of you melee'rs discussing alot of TheoryBro's for fun, so i know i'm not alone on the site. Anyways, I feel if we pick a popular enough melee video, or even like a little paragraph involving Why melee is so good [describing in the simplest way how amazing it's competitive nature is, why, etc]. That we can use the site to increase people's awareness of the game.
There's currently a front page topic in gaming involving broly, titled:
"One of the best SSF4/Smash-Bros players in Texas has no use of his hands or feet. How does he keep winning? Watch the video to find out."
So atleast they are aware of the existence of smash as a tournament game, they just probably have seen nothing of value about it, or anything specifically about melee.
i dunno, i just feel reddit[the gaming section] is a great place to do this, i know lots of people are interested in making melee more popular and such, but couldn't really find an opening.