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SSBM and SSB mentalities different?


Feb 10, 2005
Salisbury, England
If you want to talk more about this, take it to the melee discussion. We don't really need it here, but at the same time, BOWSER FOR TOP TIER!


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA


Why do you say that you're pro? What do you mean as pro anyway >__>

not pro like isai, johnny, and boom. pro as in I play this game at a level that is much MUCH higher than most people (if my combos dont prove anything to you then play me, my mind games are quite good). I mean if i can't find anyone in my area who is even close to being as good as I am (well besides valoem and m3gav01t), that's saying something.

Also by pro, I mean that I can give respected players like valoem and m3gav01t a run for their money. Look at it this way, im not saying im on the same level as isai johnny boom jaime, whatever. I mean is every pro basketball player as good as jordan or shaq? no, kuz they are beasts. Which is exactly waht isai and them are.

whatever I don't care. call me a noob for all I care, I know i'm good i dont need some title to tell me i am.


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
Eh, I wasn't calling you a noob, its just that I except that you're about as good as me, and I don't consider myself anywhere near pro O__o

Sorry man, no hard feelings. And you'd prolly **** me on a console cuz I keyboard it up =\


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Kso do you play online? If so I'd like to play you. I'd like to play you too, Winston. Between the first time I played you and the most recent time I played you, you got loads better, so you are probably really good now.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2007
They're both keyboard users lol. Nintendude you went to smashality? How did you get used to the controller?


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
I know Kso but I'd like to play you more lol.

Umbra getting used to the controller wasn't bad at all except I had a really off day in both the SSB and SSBM brackets and did terribly in all the tournaments >_>


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
I know Kso but I'd like to play you more lol.

Umbra getting used to the controller wasn't bad at all except I had a really off day in both the SSB and SSBM brackets and did terribly in all the tournaments >_>
talk about your off days for everyone man...
first of all, i had a terrible bracket, first round i was up against valoem...ugh >_<. I came close to beating his kirby but his pika absolutely ***** my falcon which is weird kuz when i usually play him i don't do so poorly. maybe he was having a good day and i was just out of practice

not to meantion i wasnt even planning on going until that morning, and i was hungover as hell


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Well I lost to m3gav0lt first round because I suicided like twice in the first match ad was just ******** in the 2nd, and then I lost to Chu Dat when I feel I shouldn't have but whatever no johns. I'll just have to step it up next time.

Winston I still main Mario and Samus, though I've been trying to make Falcon a 3rd main so I've been using him a lot lately.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Yea m3gav01t is mad good. me and him falcon mirror all the time. but yea your right no johns lol. do you live near us? we should play


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2007
Lol Kso I was hungover when I want to Sensei's tournament earlier this year.

I want to play offline on the console more often... online really sucks. Who lives around the CT area?


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2006
Chesterfield, Michigan
I think younger people are playing ssb64 since its online. People the age of 12-16 cant really drive all the way for tournaments like FC and stuff. Very rarly do u see a kid at those tournaments
Yea, it's pretty much like that. Today i wanted to go to a tourney about 30 min away from me, but my mom didnt wanna drive me... People with driver's licenses have all the fun:urg::urg:

EDIT: By the way, I'm 15.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
The difference is so big that you cant say "no johns" to someone who uses "i play online a lot so console is harder for me" as an excuse.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Wait, how come online sucks? Is the difference that big? O__o

The difference between console and online IMO can be a fairly large difference. When i play online, i seldom (twice a match, sometimes more on a bad day) throw out my grab (with Samus) after z cancelling my dair/bair. I played some guys on console the other day after not playing on console for over a month, and I was throwing out my grab WAY more often than i do online. I think that the small amount of lag that is inherent in online play can throw off your timing a little bit. I think that you have a slightly larger window (due to lag, im sure that the actual frame times dont change) to z cancel online vs. console play. I also think that it is easier to double shine/shine cancel with fox on console because it is just more responsive. All in all, the differences are subtle, but if you are not ready for them, playing online can slightly throw off your timing when you switch to console play. For most characters, the z cancel then grab mistake is not a big deal, but I main Samus, and you all know that when you throw that grab out and miss, its like sitting there with your d*** out, ready to get smashed.

I still love a good console play, but my buddies dont play as much, and after I have been playing online for over a month, they are not any real competition anymore anyways.

Edit: And online play definetly doesnt suck, i love being able to get online and get worked by some of the best out there, how else can you really improve if you dont have good players living near you? I have only been on Kaillera for a little over a month, and every one of my characters has improved so much more in the past month, than over the previous 2 years of console play.
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