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SSBB: Forgotten Memories: Ch. 8 has been posted. On 2nd page. Happy BDay SWF!


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
My first FanFiction. Please review and tell me your thoughts on it. Please give constructive criticism if you have any. Rated T for Mild Language, and Violence.

Forgotten Memories


He awakens, with no memories of his past. Soon, the cogs of destiny are set in motion. As events unfold, truths are revealed. And new friends are made. A man’s quest for the truth begins.


As he prepared for his journey, He wondered if he was going to find out anything of his past by going there. He closed his eyes, and took a moment to reminisce of how he got here.


He opened his eyes suddenly, as if he awoke from a horrible nightmare. He searched his mind, only to find that he remembered next to nothing except for the basic things of life. All he remembered was seeing a bright light, someone shouting, and the feeling of being split in two. As he lied there for a while more, he realized he was in some kind of box. He tried opening it, but to no avail. So he pushed with all his might and the lid flew into the air. He arose out of his confinement and turned to look at the thing he was in. He soon realized it was a coffin. “Was I dead?” He thought to himself. He soon realized he held something in his hand, it was a bow-like thing, and the two ends were as sharp as swords. After toying with it a little he found that he was able to split it in two. He also found that he was carrying a shield that reflected every image like a mirror. He then noticed that he was wearing a white, Greek like toga, and had a black shirt and black shorts underneath.

After examining the bow even more, he took time to survey his surroundings. He found that he was in a barren plain. Even though he was in a coffin, he wasn’t in a cemetery. And there was no church nearby. After looking around more he saw a group of lights that seemed far off. And he headed towards them.

He finally made it to the group of lights. It actually turned out to be a small city. He entered the city and as he walked around he got strange stares. One group of two people seemed mortified by him. Pointing at him with quivering fingers, they soon shouted: “He has wings!!”

“I-I have wha-…?” He looked behind him and saw that he did have wings! And they were the whitest shade of white. He touched them and was amazed that they were a part of him. “I have wings!” He thought happily. He tried moving them, but when he did, it felt as if they had not been moved in years, and he winced in pain. He looked back at the two people and saw that they were quivering and seemed afraid of him.

“We have to tell him!!” And they ran off. He was confused by their behavior, but didn’t think much about it. The joy of having wings was great. He tried flapping them for a while, and could actually lift himself up a few inches off the ground. But he decided he would not try flying yet, as it still hurt a little to move them.

After daydreaming about the things he could do with wings, he set out to find an inn to rest in. And as he walked, stares of all kinds were shot at him.

As he walked around the barren city, he finally found an inn that was open.

“Hello and welcome to…!” The receptionist gasped as she looked up to look at him from behind her desk. He started to feel uncomfortable about having wings with all the people looking at him.

“To the Full Moon…” She finished her sentence with a fraction of the enthusiastic volume she started with. After staring at him for a long time, he said:

“I’m sorry…” He felt a bit guilty for startling the girl.

“It’s quite alright…” She said, still awestruck. After a moment of silence she asked, “U-Um… Would you like to stay with us?”

“Um… Yes.”

“Well, it’s 40 gold a night.”

“Oh! Uh.” He quickly searched his pockets to find he had nothing. In despair he said “I-I don’t have any money.”

The waiter was about to send him away, but out of some pity that arose from nowhere she said “Please, it’s on the house.”

“Oh! I-It’s okay! I’m sorry I don’t have anything.”

“I said it’s on the house! Now you can eat your fill at our tavern. But only drinks of water are free.” She said sternly.

Even though water was the only free thing, it sounded like heaven now that he noticed that he felt extremely parched.

“All I need is your name, sir.” She asked.

“My name?”

“Yes, your name, please?”

He searched his mind for some kind of name, but he found none. “I don’t even remember my own name? How can that be? Amnesia…? There are so many holes in my head. In fact it feels empty… What’s my past…?”

“Um, sir? Your name?” The receptionists question snapped him back to reality.

“My name is…” After a while he suddenly spoke out confidently “Vane.”

“Alright, mister Vane, your room is the second door on the right.” She said cheerfully as she handed him the keys. “Please, enjoy yourself in our tavern Mr. Vane.” She said with a smile.

“Thank you.” Vane said with uncertainty. “Vane… Is that even my real name? How did I lose my memory?” He soon left his thoughts alone and he headed for the tavern.

As he opened the door, he saw all kinds of people. Most were drunk. He headed over to the bar and asked for water, which the waiter quickly brought to him. As he drank the water, he felt refreshed and reinvigorated. It felt like he hadn’t drank for days. As he gulped the last drop of water, he quickly asked for another. As he waited for the next glass, he noticed the tavern had become silent. He looked behind him and saw everyone staring at him… Again. “Not again.” He thought complaining, “I know it must be uncommon for someone to have wings, but do they really have to stare THAT much?”. He quickly received his next glass of water, and gulped it down happily. He put his glass down when he was finished. He thanked the waiter, and started to head out to his room. But as he started to head out of the tavern, the door slammed open and two men appeared.

“Those are the same ones as before.” Vane remembered. They didn’t seem afraid anymore.

“It’s him!!” They shouted, “He’s the one with the bounty on his head!!”

“What!?” Vane didn’t know what he had done for a bounty to be placed on his head. But, to his horror, people that had weapons and armor started to rise from their seats, and the two men started to walk towards him. They all pulled out swords of different shapes and sizes. There were a total of four people who headed toward him. The rest had either run away, or stayed and bet if Vane was going to survive or not.

One suddenly rushed towards him swinging his sword. And Vane, out of instinct, used his bow-like sword to repel the attack. He quickly jumped back and pulled them apart, holding one in a back-hand position, and holding the other normally. “These swords are short… I’ll have to be careful not to get hit.” He thought strategically.

The same one rushed towards him again, but this time he was ready. As soon as the other man’s sword made contact with him, he repelled it again; but this time he made the man stagger back, and Vane used that time to give a quick slash to the man’s left arm. The man yelped in pain and clutched his left arm. Vane had given him a non-lethal cut, and the man soon retreated. Although, the others stayed their ground.

Vane readied himself for the next attack, and the next man rushed towards him. This time, Vane swiftly dodged the attack, but the man was not done. The man made another vertical swing at Vane, and he dodged it again; although, this time Vane saw an opening. He quickly spun around 180 degrees and kicked the man in the stomach hard with his right foot. The man’s breath was knocked out of him, and he fell into a table, breaking it in two.

Then suddenly the two left both made a rush at him, one from behind and one from in front of him. They both swung and Vane had to use both his blades to guard against them. Their blades were locked with each other, and neither side was gaining the edge. So, Vane quickly shifted out from between the men, parrying their blades so that the pressure they were putting against him would make their swords hit the ground, and the men almost tripped. As both of them were bending over due to their swords going to the ground, Vane gave one a hard kick in the stomach knocking him out. The other unhooked his sword from the ground and gave a quick swing at Vane, which he dodged.

Vane moved to the edge of the tavern as the man slowly approached him. “D-mn! Don’t they take a hint!?” He thought angrily. He felt that he was out of options as his back was to the wall.

But then he put his two swords back together into a bow and suddenly pulled out an ethereal Arrow. The man rushed at him, and Vane let go of the Arrow. The Arrow flew straight into the man’s right thigh on his leg, and the man fell.

As Vane looked over the bar, panting heavily, he saw the three men on the floor groaning in pain. And the onlookers amazed that he had survived. “Fighting must be the only thing I remember…” He thought sadly. “But why would I know how to fight?”

“He’s there!” A man shouted from the entrance to the tavern. It was the man that had his left arm cut. And then, ten more men with weapons filed into the tavern.

“D-mn not again. I haven’t done anything!” Vane shouted in frustration. “That’s too many to take on. And there’s nowhere to run to. What should I do?”

“Hey you!”

Vane turned around as he heard the feminine voice call out for him. He saw that it belonged to a cloaked figure. She came out of a trap door that was in the floor, next to the bar. She held out her hand and said “Come with me!”

“How do I know you’re not trying to kill me?” Vane asked.

“Well if you DON'T come with me you WILL be killed!”

“Good point.”

Vane agreed and ran towards the trap door.

“WAIT!!” The men called after him. But Vane was already through the trap door, and the cloaked woman closed it shut.

As a crowd gathered around where they had disappeared, one man asked “How did she do that? There was no trap door there before.”

“It disappeared when she closed it!” Added another person.

As they ran in the underground for a while, Vane thought to himself “Who is this person? I have to be careful in case she does try to kill me. I’ll have to be ready.” And he tightened the grip on his bow.

After running for a while, they came to an underground lake that lit up the cavern walls with patterns of the blue serene water. They both stopped a while to catch their breath.

“Who are you?” Vane asked after a while.

“You’ll find out soon.” She said plainly.

“Why did you save me?”

“Because I know that you can help me and my friends.”

“What are you talking about?”

But she did not answer his question. All she did was take his hand and placed an embroidered handkerchief in his hand. It contained the symbol of a circle with a cross that intersected at the lower left hand corner of the sphere.

“What’s this?”

“In the future, you’ll understand. Always follow your instincts, and you’ll understand. I’ll hide your wings for you.” She waved her hand, spoke a few words and his wings became invisible. “Till we meet again.”

She started to make movements with her hands and mumble a few words, and a green wind surrounded her.

“Wait!” Vane shouted, but she was gone, and the green wind had disappeared.
After standing for a while, he surveyed his surroundings and saw that there was only a path forward. The path that they came from had disappeared.

“I guess I’m going this way then.”

And he walked. After walking a while he reached the surface through another trap door. It opened into a street. When he closed it, though, it disappeared. “How odd.” He thought.

“Well, the other hotel won’t work, I guess I’ll have to find another one… But my wings…?” He soon noticed that they were gone, but when he reached he could still feel them. “She must have cloaked them… I guess I’ll go find somewhere to stay… But what about money?” He soon noticed that something heavy was in his left pocket. He reached in and found an adequate amount of gold was there.

“How did I get this?”

After pondering he guessed that lady gave it to him.

He looked ahead, and, determined, he set out to start out his life, and find out his lost memories that were locked in his mind.


Ever since then, he had decided to live the life of a fighter, participating in tournaments all over. Winning had become easier after he found out how to use the shield three years ago. Although, he wished he could use his wings, it would make things easier.

He went to the local tavern and perused the bulletin board that contained the listings for upcoming tournaments. As he looked around, only a few seemed interesting, but the prizes were not exactly impressive. He looked a bit more and suddenly laid his eyes on one that seemed to stick out from the rest. He found other people crowding to it as well.

The poster had a large circle with a cross that intersected at the bottom left of it, dividing it into four pieces. It was called “The Duel of Souls”.

“That symbol!” He thought excitedly. He quickly pulled out the Handkerchief that he had kept ever since the woman gave it to him. He looked over the rest of it, reading the rules and when it would start. The description read:

This tournament is an elimination tournament consisting of 60 contestants. Any number of people may join. In the first day, preliminaries will be held, narrowing the number of participants to 64 contestants. This tournament will have 6 rounds. It will be held at the Super Smash Bros. Coliseum, located in the Super Smash Bros. Kingdom. It will be held on May 25th. Register today!

“That’s 5 days from now!” He hurried to the desk where they registered themselves for tournaments. He received his ticket and went to the train station to buy a ticket to go to the Smash Kingdom. Excitement filled his heart and he found himself counting the days until it would start.


He opened his eyes. He stood in front of the entrance to the train. He soon put his thoughts about his brief past aside, clutching the handkerchief the woman had given to him.

“She said we’d meet again… But will she keep her word?”

He took a deep breath, and stepped inside the train. He looked behind him, and the train doors closed.

Disclaimer: I do not own Super Smash Bros. or it's characters in any way shape or form. Please don't sue me.

The name, and I do stress the NAME, Vane created by me.

Please review, and thanks for reading ^__^!


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
Well, here's the second chapter. Hope you all enjoy ^__^. Please read and review and tell me what you think. Thank you ^__^.
I do not own Super Smash Bros. or it's characters in any way shape or form. Please don't sue me.


The train was relaxing. He wondered what he would do, since it will take a day to reach the Smash Kingdom. He stepped out of his room on the train, and headed down the hall. The first few carriages were the living quarters, and the price of each increased as you got closer to the head of the train. The one next to the head of the train was the first class carriage, and going down from there was the upper class carriage, then the regular carriage. The regular carriage was where Vane stayed. The carriages in the back of the train were mostly for entertainment. It included a dining room, a theatre, a shopping center, and a video arcade. At the very back was where the baggage’s were kept.

As he opened the door at the end of the hall, he was in the dining room. It was full of tables and people eating various things. The dining room was decorated with light red colored walls, and a rug that spanned the room that was the same color as the walls. The tables were round, and most had four seats, and a few had only two. The tables all had unlit candles in the center; Vane guessed that they lighted them when it got dark. You could sit down at a table or go to a counter where you could take out food to take with you. It operated like a fast food restaurant and a regular restaurant in one, but it served many things other than fast food. Vane walked up to one of the counters and ordered some cheesecake. He decided he would eat the dish later in his room.

He looked around the dining carriage and saw people of all kinds eating or just talking with each other. He recognized some people from the city, who had also come for the tournament. He saw one girl staring out the window at the passing scenery as she sat at a table. She was smiling as she saw it, and she didn’t take her eyes off the ever changing view. She had long blonde hair that reached all the way to her waist. She also had blue eyes, and a smooth face. She had on a pink Turtleneck and a reddish skirt and she had black heels on. She looked young too. He decided to approach her and try to make small talk. And maybe find out more about where he was headed.

“Um… Hello.” Vane said shyly.

“Hmm?” She looked up at him and smiled. “Hello” She said with a pleasant tone.

He sat down to join her, and she resumed staring out the window.

“Do you like to watch the scenery?” He asked.

“Oh yes. It’s relaxing and amazing at the same time. Can you believe how fast we can get around from place to place nowadays?”

“Yeah, I guess. There are a lot of things that can get you from place to place…”

She turned to look at him and asked “Do you mind telling me your name?”

“Um, my name is Vane. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Alura, Alura Greenstone. Nice to meet you as well. How old are you, Vane?”

Vane didn’t know his exact age. So he just added 10 years to the five years he’s spent awake.

“I’m 15, and you?”

“I’m 15 as well.” She answered with a smile.

“So, where are you traveling to?” Vane asked.

“I’m traveling to the Smash Kingdom. I’m looking forward to the tournament.”

“I’m traveling there as well. I’m sure you can’t wait to see it.”

“It’s true, I’m anxious. Although, I’m not going to be a spectator, I’ll be participating in it.”

“You’re participating!?” He wondered if she would be alright participating in a tournament of that size. She had a fragile figure, and he couldn’t imagine her in a fight.

“Is that odd?” She asked.

“N-No, I just didn’t expect someone like you to be participating. I don’t mean to offend you, though.”

“It’s quite alright, it’s the usual reaction people give me.” She said smiling. “I’ve known how to fight for a while now. I’m quite good, and I won a tournament once.”

“Congratulations. How do you fight, though? I don’t see any weapons.”

“I fight with my hands and feet. I learned Martial Arts from my father. He knew many things about it and taught me since I was young. What do you use?”

He showed her his bow and she became curious of it. “My, what a sharp bow. Is it also used as a sword?”

“Yes,” he said “it can also be split in two.” He split it in two in front of her, and reattached it again.

“My… What a wonderful invention. Who made it?”

“What?” He never gave thought as to who made it, besides he didn’t know who made it or where it came from.

“It’s uh… I-I’ve had it since before I can remember. And I never found out who made it.” He replied quickly.

“Hmm… I’m sure you’ll find out soon, Vane. And you’re clothes are uncommon as well.” She noted his Greek style clothing.

“Well, I’ve also had this for a long time. I’ve never really worn modern clothes.”

She stared at him for a while. It made Vane uncomfortable.

“W-What is it?” He asked.

“He-hee, it suits you.” She giggled, smiling a calming smile. He smiled back at her, enjoying the moment.

“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you, do you know anything about the Kingdom?” Vane asked.

“Hmm… I can’t say I know much. All I know is that it’s famous for its tournaments. I’ve also heard it’s quite large. Do you know anything about it, Vane?”

“I don’t know much either. I didn’t really research the Kingdom before now.”

“I see…” She let out a sigh after a moment’s silence. “Can we talk about something else? If we keep talking about it, I’ll be thinking about it so much I won’t be able to sleep.”

“True, I guess we could talk about other things…” He didn’t know what to talk about, though, and he wasn’t sure what to ask.

After a few moments of silence, Alura asked “What’s your favorite food?”


“You know, what do you like to eat?”

“U-Um… Well I guess steak would have to be my favorite.”

“Mine is cheesecake. I’ve always been into sweets.”

“Oh really?”

And they made small talk, talking about what they liked, their misadventures, and laughing and smiling at each other during their conversation. It felt comfortable and relaxing. It’s as if they had known each other beforehand.

“Oh, you said you liked cheesecake, right, Alura?”

“Yeah, it’s very hard to resist.”

“W-Well, here.” He said nervously as he took out the cheesecake he ordered and put it in front of her.

“Oh, Vane, I couldn’t accept this! I’d feel guilty eating food that you bought.”

“Then how about we share it? Half and half? Would that make you feel a bit less guilty?”

She smiled and gave in “Sure, that sounds wonderful!” She said with a smile. And they kept talking about their hopes and wishes of what to happen in the tournament all while eating their cheesecake. It seemed as if there was a never ending list of topics they chose to talk about, and they kept talking long after they had finished their cheesecake.

After finishing her sentence, Alura looked outside and was stunned to find that the moon was in the sky.

“Oh my! What time is it?” She glanced at the clock in the wall and saw that it was 8:00 P.M.

“It’s almost time to go…” She thought sadly. “Well, it’s getting late...” She said.

“I guess… We should go to our rooms, huh?”

“I guess so, well, it was nice talking with you. And thank you so much for the cheesecake!”

“You’re welcome.” He said smiling.

She started to walk away toward the door. But he suddenly wanted to stop her. “Wait, Alura.”

“Hmm?” She said with a confused look.

“What if we stay in touch during the tournament?”

“What do you mean?”

“W-We could travel together, as friends… What do you say?” He didn’t know why he asked her, but he knew he wanted to see her again.

“W-Well I…” She thought about it for a while. Strangely enough, she wanted to because she wanted to see him again. She hadn’t had a friend in a while, and she thought it would be nice to have someone to talk to every now and then. “Sure, why not? It’ll be fun traveling with a friend.” She said with a smile.

“Well, where should we meet tomorrow? Here at the table?” Vane said.

“Sure, we’ll meet just before getting off. Let’s see… We’ll be getting off at around 8:00. So how about at 7:30?”

“That sounds just fine.”

“Great, see you here tomorrow! Good night, Vane.”

“Good night, Alura.” She left the room, smiling as she went. He started to wonder if she was the cloaked woman who had saved him 5 years ago. “I’ll ask her tomorrow and try to find out if she is the woman from back then.” Vane planned. After standing there for a few more moments, Vane left the dining carriage.

They both couldn’t sleep, both thinking of what tomorrow would bring for the both of them. They both enjoyed each other’s company, and they didn’t mind the thought of traveling together. After having a plethora of thoughts cross their minds, they finally found sleep and drifted into unconsciousness.

Disclaimer: Pit Created by Nintendo
The name, and I do stress the NAME, Vane created by me.
Alura created by me.

Well, I hoped you all liked it. Please tell me what you thought about it. Thank you.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
Well. Here's Chapter 3. Hope you all enjoy.
Disclaimer: I don't own Super Smash Bros. or it's characters in any way shape or form. Please don't sue me.


He woke up groggily. He moaned as he forced his eyes open, he saw that the first light of the morning sun was shining through the shades in his room. He looked at the clock perched on his nightstand and it read 7:09 A.M., but it quickly changed to 7:10 A.M.

“I’d better get ready to be there in time.” Vane thought. He didn’t want to keep her waiting. He got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and he quickly washed his face to help him wake up. He straightened himself out before heading for the door. He stole another look at the clock; it read 7:15 A.M.

“I don’t think she’d mind if I get there early.”

He opened the door, but in his hurry to get out, he bumped against someone. He bumped into the person so hard that he fell on top of said person. He groaned as he raised himself up off his victim, and he started to apologize.

“I-I’m sorry I wasn’t watching were I was go-.” But he stopped short as he opened his eyes and was shocked to see who he had fallen on top of. He looked into the surprised expression on Alura’s face that was under his; her hair spread across the floor. Vane’s face mimicked Alura’s expression after he took in the situation. They both didn’t move for a while, and after a few more moments of staring at each other, Vane quickly got up and extended his hand to help Alura up.

“I-I-I’m sorry, Alura! A-Are you hurt?” He said, stuttering harshly. She took his hand and she quickly looked away from him. He could slightly see a hint of red on her cheeks.

“I-I’m alright, Vane. Thank you, though.” He pulled her up, and he quickly turned away as well when he felt his face go light red, fearing she would see it.

“W-Well, we should get going, huh?” He said to break the silence.

“Y-Yeah. Let’s go.”

They walked through the carriage where Vane stayed into the dining room. They saw that it was only 7:28 when they arrived.

“I guess we’ll have to wait a while before we get there…” Vane thought.

Thankfully, their table was empty, and they went to sit down.

None of them said anything to each other for a while. The mood increased in awkwardness as time passed. Soon, Vane started to feel tense, and it only got worst as time progressed. He started to apologize to Alura to cease the silence between them.

“A-Alura… I just want to say I’m sorry for f-falling on you earlier.” He said as he tensed up even more. He felt uncomfortable saying this, since that moment when he fell on her was a bit awkward.

“I-It’s fine, Vane, really.” She said, chuckling nervously. She soon blushed again when the subject was brought up.

Seeing her blush, Vane quickly said “L-Lets just forget it happened. A-Alright?” He said, chuckling nervously.

“Y-Yeah, that sounds good.”

Soon after, the mood lightened up, and Vane soon relaxed. Alura went back to smiling at him and soon regained her talkative personality.

“I wonder what kind of people will be in the tournament.” She started wondering aloud.

“Probably many, since there are so many contestants.”

“Do you think we’ll make it through preliminaries, Vane?”

“I hope so, it would be frustrating to be eliminated in the first round.”

“It would. I’m sure we’ll be able to make it through if we try our best, though.”

They then talked about more subjects related to the tournament. They conversed about many things, from the number of people to the things they would be able to do there. After talking a while, Alura switched their current subject.

“Vane, do you think we’ll be able to face each other in the tournament?”

“What?” Vane couldn’t imagine fighting Alura. He didn’t really want to fight any women, which he considered to be unethical. He soon asked “Do you want to fight me?”

“Well, yes. Don’t you think it would be interesting to fight each other?”

“I suppose…”

“Then let’s make a promise”.

She suddenly took Vane’s hands, holding them.

“Let’s promise to hold out long enough to fight one another.” She said smiling.

“It’s a promise, Alura.” He said smiling back at her. He slightly tightened his hands around hers, to return the gesture. They stared at each other, while enjoying the warmth and feel of their hands.

Then a male voice spoke through the intercom.

“Attention all passengers. We will be arriving at our destination in 5 minutes. Please take all of your belongings with you before you leave the train. Thank you for traveling with us.”

They both looked at the clock, which now read 7:55.

“Oh my!” Alura said in surprise. She pulled her hands back to her, breaking their hold.

“I guess we’d better get our stuff. I’ll meet you back here okay, Vane.”

“Yeah, let’s meet up here again.”

They both left for their rooms and retrieved their luggage that they had brought on the train. They both arrived at their spot at the same time, and when they looked at the clock it read 7:58.

“Boy, I’m nervous.”

“Don’t worry Alura, we’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, at least I have you traveling with me. Thank you, Vane.”

“Y-You don’t have to thank me.” Vane said shyly.

As they looked out the window, they saw that the train station was a large, dome like structure. And they saw that a sprawling city was right outside the train station. But their view of the city was suddenly taken away when they entered the indoor station.

“That city was enormous!” Alura said excitedly. “I wonder what we’ll be able to do there…”

“Do you like cities like that, Alura?”

“Well, yes. I like to do shopping and things like that, but I also don’t mind the peace and quiet of the countryside as well when I need a break from the city life.”

“I’ve never really been to big cities like this before. I wonder how it will be like in the city.”

As they neared the end, the train slowed and stopped in front of a train ramp. The intercom soon sounded again.

“Thank you for traveling with us. Please watch your step as you exit the train.”

“Well then, let’s go and see what awaits!” Alura said cheerfully.

“Yeah, I’m getting excited just thinking about it!” Vane said.

They both walked out the train doors, which were located in the Regular carriage. The inside was very spacy. At the left side of the building were the ticket counters and on the right were various restaurants and stores. Separating the two sides was a clear walkway of marble tiles that had no obstructions, and had to at least be 40 feet long. The size accommodated for the number of passengers, and walking was easy since the walkway was long and the crowd was spread out instead of bunched into a big blob of people. Vane and Alura had no trouble getting to the entrance of the station since there was enough space to move around.

When they arrived at the entrance, Vane moved ahead and held the glass door open for Alura.

“Thank you, Vane. I didn’t know you were such a gentleman.” She said smiling.

“U-Um, your welcome. Haha.” Vane chuckled shyly.

As their eyes adjusted the brightness of the sun, they were astounded of how the city looked. From where they were standing, they could see buildings of all sizes, and had one main street, which started at the entrance to the station, that seemed to divide the city into two halves. As they followed the main street with their eyes, they saw that it lead to an elegant mansion atop a hill. At the sides of the mansion stood two buildings that were about the same size as the mansion. The mansion was very wide and looked like it would take a while to walk from one end to the other. The buildings at its sides weren’t as wide, but still looked big from a distance. They both stood in awe at the sight, and it seemed the people around them were also amazed at the sight.

As they looked in front of them, they saw that limousines were filling into the parking lot of the train station.

A man stood in front of them, carrying a megaphone. He soon shouted at all of them.

“All participants of the tournament, the Duel of Souls, please step inside these limousines. They will take you to the Super Smash Bros. Coliseum. Please make a line here and wait for your turn to enter a limousine. Thank you.”

“Wow! Limousines!” Alura said ecstatically. “I guess contestants are treated pretty well, huh?”

“I guess so. Do you think they’re going to take us to that mansion on that hill?”

“They probably will. I’m so excited!” She started to run towards the limousines. “Hurry Vane, or we’re going to be last in line!” She shouted as she waved for him to come over.

“Oh! Right, coming!”

Thankfully, they were near the front of the line, and it didn’t take long for them to get into a limo.

“This Kingdom must have a lot of money. I have never been to a tournament that treated its contestants THIS well.”

The limousine was very long in length, and had at least 30 chairs per limo. Windows lined the sides of the limo, and were behind every seat. The inside had a black color scheme, which was the same for the outside, and was quite relaxing.

As the limousine rode through the main street of the city, Alura once again took to looking outside the window, marveling at the sites she saw.

“Vane, look at all the shopping malls and stores they have!” She tapped Vane, who sat next to her, and beckoned for him to look. As he adjusted himself to look behind him and out the window, he saw that they had a ridiculous amount of stores, as Alura said.

“I wonder if we’ll even have time to look at them all!” She said, smiling at all the stores and shops that lined the streets and intersections.

“Well, I guess the tournament will take a while to finish, so I guess we’ll be able to. But you’re right, they do have a lot of stores.”

“Can you imagine how this place looks like at night? It must look amazing, if you can imagine all these buildings lit up at night.”

“Maybe we’ll be able to see it from that hill.” Vane suggested.

“Do you think so? Will you see it with me?”

“Sure, I’d like to see it too.”

“Thank you, Vane. I can’t wait!” She said with a tinge of excitement in her eyes.
She never took her eyes off of the changing view the whole ride, telling Vane to look at something every now and then.

Vane couldn’t help but smile at her. “She looks like an excited school girl on her first field trip” He thought happily.

As they neared their destination, a few miles of country side separated the City from the mansion on the hill. The limousine stopped, and they saw that their destination was in fact the mansion. As they exited the limousine, they saw that a banner was hung above the enormous gates that lead to the front yard. It read “Welcome to the Super Smash Bros. Coliseum!”.

“How could someone name something so terribly?” Vane thought. “It’s more like a mansion than a coliseum…”

“Wow… Isn’t it amazing Vane?” Alura said, stunned at its grandeur.

The mansion was at least five stories high, and it was so wide that you could not see the sides of the mansion, only the front. It had a 17th Century style to it, with stone walls and old fashioned window panes. The yard behind the gates was a beautiful sight to behold. It had a stone walkway that had stone stairs at the end which lead straight to the elevated doorway. The doorway had a small, square roof over it, which was held up by four Greek-like columns at each corner. At the sides of the stone pathway was a lawn that had the purest color of green, and at the edges of the pathway stood many hedges that were decorated with red and white flowers.

The steel gates suddenly opened of their own accord, welcoming the multitude of people standing before it, which grew due to more and more people getting out of limousines. The crowd started walking through the gate and to the doorway of the mansion. When the first few people came close to the doorway, the double doors of the mansion were opened by two well-dressed servants. From what Vane could see from outside, the inside was just as extravagant as the exterior of the mansion.

As Vane and Alura neared the doors of the mansion, they both stopped for a moment.

After taking a deep breath, Alura placidly said “Well, let’s go in, Vane.”

After one last pause, they both stepped inside the ornate mansion.

Well, thank you for reading ^__^. Please read and review. There's more to come, so keep watching! Hope you all enjoyed it ^__^!

Pit created by Nintendo.
The name, and I do stress the NAME, Vane created by me.
Alura created by me.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
Well, hope you've been enjoying this so far. Here's the 4th chapter. Hope you enjoy ^__^. Oh, and sorry for the wait for this chapter.


They stepped inside, and their breath was immediately taken away by the sight of everything. The entrance led into a long hallway with its marble floor covered with a red carpet. Red velvet ropes were hung between two short golden poles that were placed at each intersection in the hallway in order to keep people from taking any detours deeper into the mansion, which left their only destination to be the two open doors at the end of the hallway. As Vane and Alura approached the doors, they both could see that it lead to an enormous room of some sort.

They soon stepped through the doors, and saw that it was a large dining room. A chandelier holding many electric candles hung from the ceiling surrounded by normal ceiling lights. There were many medium-sized tables covered with white table cloths, and each had a few lit candles at the center. Each table had about five to six chairs around it, and there were small appetizers of fruit in front of each one. At the end of the dining room was a stage that spanned its width, which had a microphone and stand at the top of it.

“Well, let’s go find a table before too many get taken.” Alura said.

“Where do you want to sit?” Vane asked.

“Well, how about that one?” She pointed at a table near the middle of the room. “I’d like to be close to the stage without having to look up to see who ever will be on it.”

“Okay then.”

They had started to move toward the table when a man with a Spanish accent suddenly shouted “Hola Alura!”

“Hmm?” Alura said, as she and Vane turned their heads to see who was calling them to find a tanned man, who looked to be in his early 20’s. He wore a casual white T-shirt and tanned cargo shorts.

“Oh! Hola Fernando!” Alura called back as the man came toward them, smiling.

“Como estas, Alura? No puedes hablar conmigo un poquito? Porque no llamaste?”

“Lo siento, Fernando. Pero…”

“I didn’t know she spoke Spanish. She speaks pretty fluently.” Vane could not keep up with the conversation, having no knowledge of the Spanish language. After talking a while with the man, Alura made what looked like introductions.

“Fernando, este es Vane.” She said, gesturing towards Vane. “Vane, this is Fernando.” She repeated the gesture towards Fernando.

“Hola, mucho gusto.” Fernando extended his hand towards Vane.

“U-Um… Hola?” Vane shook the Fernando’s hand, smiling nervously.

“Oh! El no habla Español.” Alura said, saving Vane from saying anything embarrassing.

Fernando chuckled a little. Then, after saying a little more to Alura, he left them while waving goodbye.

“I didn’t know you could speak Spanish.” Vane said.

“Well, my father did teach me more than just Martial Arts.” Alura said with a smile.

“What did you two talk about?” Vane asked curiously.

“Well, he said that it was his first tournament, and he was excited. He told me that he was pretty confident and wished me luck. I wished him luck too.”

“You two seem like good friends.”

“More like acquaintances, we like to talk with each other every now and then, but that’s about it.” She looked at the table they had picked, and gasped when she realized that it was filling up.

“Hurry, Vane, or all the seats will be taken!” She grabbed Vane’s hand and started running towards the table.

“Slow down, Alura!” Vane said as he tried to keep himself from tripping as Alura tugged him toward the table. Thankfully they made it to the table before the last two seats were taken.

Their table had five seats, which were now all taken. The table was filled with young men wearing armor and swords strapped to their waists. The youngest one, who kept looking at Vane and Alura, had to be a teenager as well and had his sword strapped to his back. After a few more seconds of staring at them, he suddenly asked “Are you two a couple?”

“W-What!?” they said at the same time.

“W-What would make you get that idea?” Alura asked the curious youth.

“Well, for one you two did hold hands when you came here. And you’re still holding hands.”

Vane and Alura both blushed at this statement, and quickly pulled their hands back.

“I-I just didn’t want to lose our seats and I had to drag him over here! That’s all.” Alura said quickly.

“I was just curious because you two would have been the first couple I’ve seen that entered a tournament together. Sorry if I’ve made things a bit uncomfortable.” he apologized.

“I-It’s alright.” Vane said, trying to get rid of the hint of red that lingered on his cheeks.

“By the way, I’m Emerald.” The teenager said finally introducing himself.

“I’m Alura, and the one next to me is Vane. Nice to meet you, Emerald.” Alura said with a smile.

“Nice to meet you.” Vane said.

Now that they looked at Emerald more closely, they saw that he had short, brown hair, emerald eyes, and a nice smile. He had slightly muscular arms; and the sword on his back was quite long. He wore a green tunic, greyish pants; and red shoes that were colored white at the bottom.

“Is this your first tournament?” Vane asked Emerald.

“Nope. I won the last one I was in though, so hopefully I’ll win this one too.”

“How long have you been fighting in tournaments, Emerald?” Alura asked.

“Well, for a while. I could tell you a bunch of stories about some I’ve been to. Like this one time, I was…”

And the three started recounting the experiences they had in tournaments. Laughing at the odd occurrences, and holding their breath in anticipation during an exciting telling of a match. The others at the table soon joined in on the conversation as well, and told of their experiences and what not.

“May I have your attention, please.”

The whole room looked towards the stage, to see that a man now stood at the microphone. He had reddish hair, and a red beard; and golden eyes. He had a gold jewel strapped to his forehead. He wore armor and leggings which were dark purple, which covered most of his body. And he wore a dark blue cape, with peculiar golden designs at the edges. The man radiated with a sense of dominance, and he quickly quieted the room with his sentence.

“Welcome to the Smash Kingdom. I’m sure you all know about this place, due to its reputation of hosting spectacular tournaments. I am Ganondorf, the ruler of the Smash Kingdom. I will also be hosting the ‘Duel of Souls’. Let me warn you, this tournament will be different than any other you have previously entered. I’ll have my assistant explain the rest.”

A young girl took the stage. She had short, red hair, and red eyes that seemed to focus on something far away. She wore a black, maids dress, which made her look very proper.

“Welcome.” She said in a monotone voice. A hologram like screen appeared in front of her, and the lights dimmed a little.

“In this tournament, all damage you receive will be calculated as damage percentage.” The hologram screen showed a large 0%.

“As you receive damage, your damage percentile will increase.” The 0% suddenly changed to 50%.

“As your damage percent increases, each time you are hit, you will be knocked farther.” The hologram screen now showed two people. The second had a 50% sign above him, he was then hit by the first. He was launched in the air a few feet. The two reappeared again, this time the second had a 100% sign above him. He was hit again, but this time he was launched much further into the air.

“You will each be given a Shield Generator; and using it will create a spherical shield around you.” A person appeared, with a bubble-like shield surrounding him.

“Each time you are hit with the shield around you, the shield will decrease bit by bit. If the shield breaks, you will be stunned for a few seconds.” The person with the shield was hit again and again. His shield soon ran out, and it launched him into the air a few feet. He got back up, but was too dazed to do anything.

“If you keep the shield up for too long, the shield will also break.” The person kept his shield up for a considerable amount of time, each second it grew smaller. Once it broke, he was too dazed to do anything once again.

“The goal is to knock your opponent far enough off the stage for your opponent to go Out Of Bounds. Once your opponent is Out Of Bounds, they will explode, causing them to lose a stock. Please note: This does not kill your opponent.” The hologram showed a person knocked far off stage. He soon exploded, but was teleported back via a glowing platform.

“If you are knocked Out Of Bounds, the Revival Platform will bring you back to the stage.” The glowing platform was shown on screen.

“In this tournament, you will be given a special device that will allow you to jump twice.” A person was shown; jumping off the ground and then jumping again in mid-air.

The hologram soon disappeared, and the lights returned to their original brightness.

“Thank you for traveling here, and please enjoy the tournament. Matches for preliminaries will be announced soon. Please be patient.” She soon walked off the stage. During the whole speech, she spoke in monotone, and seemed to stare at nothing in particular. Vane found it a bit odd, but assumed it was just her personality.

“Well, the time has come for the preliminaries.” Alura said. “I hope we all make it.”

“I’m sure we will, Alura.” Vane said, reassuringly.

“I hope I’ll be able to go in the first round!” Emerald said excitedly.

They talked for a while, but their chatter soon died down due to anticipation. Their table was getting increasingly anxious to know who would be in the first round.

Soon, three hologram screens appeared. Spanning the whole stage, showing the names of the participants for the first round. Vane looked through them; until he saw his.

Arena 27: MetaKnight Vs. Jolanda Vs. Eric Vs. Setsukan.
Arena 28: Vane Vs. Gale Vs. Fran Vs. Lag.
Arena 29: Yuka Vs. Kyle Vs. Shyla Vs. Xalgas.

“Aw, I’m not in the first round!” Emerald complained.

“Good luck, Vane.” Alura said.

“Thank you, are you in the first round too, Alura?”

“No, but I’m looking forward to see how you fight.” She said with a smile.

“T-Thanks, Alura.”

A man soon took the stage and spoke into the microphone.

“All contestants who have a match today please follow the designated assistant to your designated arena.”

“Well, I’ve have to go now.” Vane said.

“Me and Emerald will be rooting for you, okay?”

“Thanks, Alura. See you later!”

He left to find the assistant that would guide him to the arena. Several men were standing near the walls of the dining room, holding signs with numbers on them. Vane looked for number 28, but while scanning the room, he saw that a woman was beckoning for someone in his direction. Vane pointed to himself questioningly, which the woman confirmed that it was him she was calling. He started to move toward her, and she started to move towards the hallway. Vane followed her, out of the dining room. She turned at one of the intersections, and Vane followed, he didn’t know why, but for some reason, the woman looked familiar to him. He turned at the intersection, and saw that she had stopped.

“Who are you?” Vane asked.

She mumbled a few words and waved her hand. She pointed behind Vane, and when he turned he saw something he hadn’t seen in five years.

“My wings… So, it’s you.”

“Thank you for listening to me all those years ago.” The woman said.

“You never answered me when I asked for your name.”

“My name is Zelda.”

He turned away from his wings to look at her. She had long brunette hair, with strands that hung over her shoulders. She also wore an ornate headband made of jewels, and an ornamental necklace. She had blue eyes, and a knowing look. She wore a beautiful dress which had a skirt with a mystical design at the center. Her dress was purple at the top, and white at the bottom. She also wore golden ornamental-like shoulder armor, and long, white gloves that went over her elbows.

“Does my name mean anything to you?” Zelda asked.

He searched the few memories he had, but the name Zelda didn’t trigger anything in his memory.

“No, it doesn’t.”

“I see…”

“Why bring me here?”

“I told you the answer to that five years ago. It’s because I know you can help us.”

“But, there’s nothing wrong, there is no danger anywhere.”

“That’s because you can’t see it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I need you to win each match. Don’t lose.”


“Because that is the way you will find the truth.”


“Hey you!”

Vane turned around to see that a man was calling him.

“Are you named Vane?”


“Come with me, or you’re going to be late for your match.”

“Oh, uh, just a second.”

Vane turned around, only to find that Zelda had disappeared.

“Not again…” Vane thought.

“Are you coming or not?” The man asked, sounding irritated.


He left with the man. As he followed him through the many twists and turns they made, he pondered his conversation with Zelda. “At least she kept her promise.” Vane thought. The man soon opened the door, which lead to a dark room with a single light that illuminated a platform. He saw that his opponents were already there, standing on the platform.

The assistant walked Vane to the platform. He then started to explain a few rules.
“The arenas you will be fighting in are Virtual. So don’t be surprised when your surroundings change. Also, those of you with swords; if you cut through your opponent, they will not be cut in two, nor will they bleed. The only thing that will happen to them is that their battle percentage will increase. You will each have two stocks. This means that once you are knocked Out Of Bounds twice, you lose. Also, take these.” He handed each of them headsets. “These will tell you your damage percentage while you fight. Good luck to all of you.”

The assistant then stepped off the platform and went to a terminal near the doorway. After tapping a few buttons, the sound of a machine running soon filled their ears. Zelda’s words soon started to echo in Vane’s mind.

I need you to win each match.

Everything around him started to fluctuate and change shape, as colors were mixing together. Their surroundings were changing.

Because that is the way you will find the truth.

Their surroundings became clear. This was to be their arena.

At the dining room, each person was handed a personal mini-TV set, which would display any match the user chose. Alura and Emerald both set their TV’s to broadcast Vane’s match. They both saw something peculiar.

“Hey, Alura, since when did your friend get wings?”

“That’s what I want to know…”

Well, that was chapter 4. Again, sorry to keep you waiting. Hope you all enjoyed ^__^. Please read and review. Thank you for taking the time to read this ^__^. Chapter 5 will come shortly.

Pit created by Nintendo
Zelda created by Nintendo
Ganondorf created by Nintendo
The name, and I do stress the NAME, Vane created by me
Alura created by me
Emerald created by Ragnell4000
This chapter was revised by SpiredMoth.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
Sorry for the EXTREMELY long wait for this Chapter. Anyways, here's Chapter 5. I hope you enjoy. Please read and review. Thank you and I hope you enjoy ^__^!

Disclaimer: I do not own Super Smash Bros. Brawl or its Characters in any way shape or form. Please don't sue me.


Their arena was a floating, brownish platform, with another smaller one slowly drifting back and forth above it. There were cartoon-like people in the sidelines of the platform, and below them was a small town.

Vane stood at one end of the platform, which allowed him to see all his opponents. The one nearest him, whom was the only one with his back to him, appeared to be a man in his thirties. He had no weapons, and only wore a sleeveless training suit, and long beige pants. The man ahead of the first appeared to be in his early twenties, and he carried a rapier. He had a breast plate, and wore shoulder armor. His short-sleeved shirt and pants had a red color-scheme. The third opponent looked to be more of a young teenager, and he seemed to be very nervous because he was fidgeting with his short-sword. He had a white shirt, and tanned pants.

From nowhere, a booming voice sounded.


“A countdown?” Vane thought.

“2!” Vane tightened the grip on his bow.

“1!” He took one final breath.


Immediately, the opponent right in front of Vane turned around to deliver a hard punch. Out of instinct, Vane jumped out of the way, but couldn’t go very far because he was near the edge of the stage.

The man approached him slowly, as Vane was cornered between him and the edge. Vane then took out an ethereal arrow and fired, hitting his opponent squarely in the chest. The man flinched, and Vane took that time to rush towards him. The man quickly recovered, though, and he prepared to punch Vane as soon as he came in range. But, as soon as the man threw his punch, Vane dodged it by gliding behind him. Vane then gave a hard, downwards sword strike to the man. Then, while one sword was near the ground, he connected it with the second and brought them up again with another vertical strike. Both strikes hit the man’s back, and he was sent flying off of the stage.

The man soon recovered, and started to move back towards the stage.

“There’s no way I can prevent him from coming back… Or is there?” He suddenly remembered that he no longer had to hide the fact that he had wings. “I’ve never tried this… well, here goes.”

He ran to the edge and jumped off the stage. He spread out his wings and let air fill under them, and he felt himself being lifted up. The man used his second jump to propel himself towards the ledge so he could grab it, but Vane stood between them. As soon as the man came in range, Vane used both of his swords to strike, swinging them outwards from each other. Vane hit his target, causing the man to go into free fall. He started falling as well, and frantically tried to flap his wings.

“Come on, fly!”

He started rising higher and higher, the ledge coming closer and closer. He soon heard an explosion from below, he had knocked the man Out Of Bounds.

He soon grabbed the ledge, and raised himself up just in time to see the man with the rapier deal the finishing blow to the youth at the other end of the stage. The man swung the rapier horizontally very quickly and his target was knocked so far off the stage that the explosion happened while he was still in the air.

The man with the rapier turned to face Vane, and they both rushed at each other. Suddenly, Vane was kicked in the face from above him, and he was launched to the edge of the stage. He grunted as he got up, and saw it was the man he had knocked Out Of Bounds. Vane was prepared for the man to rush at him, but his opponent was suddenly launched into the air by an upwards attack by the man with the rapier.

Vane then saw the youth standing at the other edge of the stage. He soon rushed toward Vane, while Vane stood at the other end. He prepared for the attack, and as soon as the youth swung his sword, Vane dodged the attack. As he dodged, he spun in the opposite direction, and thrust his backwards-held sword into the youth’s stomach. The youth was then sent flying all the way over the other edge of the stage.

Vane heard an explosion from behind him, and saw that the man with no weapons had knocked his opponent Out Of Bounds. He heard another explosion, and then heard the booming voice announce that player four had been defeated.

“Only two left… I’ll have to be careful not to lose my lead too early.”

The man with no weapons charged at him again and threw a hard punch. Vane guarded against the attack with the spherical shield, but was soon grabbed out of it. He squirmed trying to get out of the man’s powerful grip. The man then punched Vane hard in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him and launching him off the stage.

“D-mn it!” He soon started to flap his wings to get on stage, but as he looked up, he saw the weaponless man had been knocked off as well, and was falling towards him. Vane paid him no heed, and concentrated on getting back on stage, but the man put his foot on Vane’s head, and used him as a footstool to get back on stage, which sent Vane helplessly falling downwards.

“What a dirty-!” He never got to finish his thought, as he felt searing pain shoot throughout his body. His vision was clouded with white, and he felt as if he was floating. It took a second or two to regain his senses, and he noticed he was standing on the glowing platform.

He jumped off it, to see that his two last opponents were in a heated duel. The man with the rapier soon gave a quick jab to the other man’s gut, making him stagger back in pain. He quickly followed up with the finishing blow by thrusting his sword into the other man, launching him so fast that he was knocked Out Of Bounds the next second. The faceless announcer soon proclaimed that player two had been defeated.

“Last one…”

Vane rushed at the man, swinging his sword at the man’s feet when he got close. In response, the man jumped above Vane, moved behind him, and gave a sword strike to Vane’s back. Vane was soon knocked off the stage, but was able to grab on to the edge before he went any farther. Vane pulled himself up, and rolled back onto the stage, but to his surprise, the man was waiting with a violent horizontal strike. It sent Vane reeling straight back off the stage.

“He’s good… But I’m not planning on losing yet!”

He grabbed onto the ledge, and saw that the man was not standing over the ledge.

“He must be waiting for me to roll back on again.”

Vane made sure to quickly get up, to not go too far into the stage. He angered the man by doing this, which caused him to rush at Vane. As soon as the man swung his sword, Vane quickly put his shield up. As his opponent began to prepare for another strike, he quickly grabbed him to prevent it. He quickly threw his opponent in the opposite direction before he could break free of Vane’s hold, causing the man to go off the stage. He quickly jumped off the stage to go after the man. The man used his second jump, but Vane was waiting for him, and he did the same to his opponent as he did to the man with no weapon. But his opponent was more persistent, as he was still moving towards the stage. After seeing that the man would reach his destination, Vane flapped his wings to match the elevation of his opponent, and again he swung both of his swords horizontally to launch the man further away.

After seeing that he had done enough, Vane started to fly back to the stage. But he soon grew tired, and his wings wouldn’t flap for him.

“Come on! Fly! D-mn. I used too much of my strength.”

He accepted that he was going into free fall. He took a look at his falling opponent, who was at a slightly lower height than him.

“Now it’s whoever goes Out Of Bounds first loses. I have to do something, but what…?”

Vane started to move towards his opponent, an idea forming in his head. His opponent then started to swing his sword at Vane, trying to bring him down further. Vane dodged, and was directly above his opponent. He then placed his foot on his opponents head, and used his opponent as a foot-stool.

“I didn’t think I would ever use that. But, oh well…”
The height he gained wasn’t enough to get back to the stage, but at least now he knew that he would win. He soon heard the explosion that he had wanted to hear, and he felt at peace knowing that he won. But he was still falling.

He wondered why nothing was happening, but he soon saw that his surroundings were starting to fluctuate. Bit by bit, the dark room was coming back, until it was clear again. As Vane was still falling, he hit the floor of the platform hard on his back.

“Ow… They should do something to fix that.” He complained as he slowly got up.

He saw that his three other opponents were already there. They all walked towards him. As the man with no weapons came to stand in front of Vane, he held out his hand.

“It was a pleasure fighting you.” The man said.

“Likewise.” Vane said while shaking the man’s hand.

The man with the rapier then came.

“It was a good fight.” And the man also held out his hand.

“It was.” Vane then shook his hand.

The youth came next, but seemed hesitant in doing so.

“T-Thanks f-for fighting.” The youth said nervously.

“You’re welcome.” Vane said and shook the youth’s hand.

The assistant then came onto the platform.

“Congratulations. You have passed the preliminaries.”

His opponents all started to clap for him.

“T-Thank you very much, all of you.” He said nervously.

“Now, then, all of you come with me. I’ll escort you back to the dining room. Those of you who have lost are welcome to stay, but we will no longer provide commodities for you. You will have to find your own place to stay.”

“That’s… Pretty harsh.” Vane thought.

They were soon escorted back to the dining room. He looked for his table, and saw that only Alura was there. She seemed to be contemplating something. He walked over to the table and sat down.

“Hey Alura. Where’s Emerald?”

“He went out to explore a little.”

He saw that something was troubling her.

“It must be my wings…” He looked around the room, and like déjà vu, most people were staring at him. “Not this again…”

“Vane, why didn’t you tell me you had wings? Why were you hiding it?”

“I-It’s a long story, Alura.”

“We have five minutes before they announce the next few matches, so we have time.”

“B-But…” He wondered if he should tell her. He feared she might start to hunt him as well.

“You can trust me, Vane. Whatever it is you can tell me.”

For some reason, Vane felt as if he could trust her. He felt happy that someone had said that to him, and he had no reason not to trust her. She had been a good friend on their journey here, and she’s still being a considerate friend, even when they might be opponents. So he decided to tell her, to repay her kindness to him.

“Alright… I’ll tell you… It all happened five years ago. I… I woke up in a coffin, with no idea how I got there.”

“A coffin!?”

“Yeah… It still bugs me. What’s even worst, I lost my memory and I couldn’t remember anything about myself, or about my past… I can’t even remember my own name.”

“But Vane is your name, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know if it is… I most likely made it up, but it’s what popped into my head the day I woke up from that coffin… I then went to stay at a tavern, and I went to have some water at the bar. Then suddenly two people come in, shouting that I have a bounty on my head, I don’t know for what, though. And soon enough, people are trying to kill me… And it was all because of my wings… Then this cloaked woman comes out of nowhere, and helps me get out of that mess. She then hands me this.” He showed her the embroidered handkerchief he received from Zelda.

“It’s the same sign that this tournament uses…” Alura said.

“She then tells me that I can help her and her friends, and to follow my instincts. After that, she cloaks my wings, which is why you couldn’t see them. Then she left… That’s basically what happened to me five years ago. Now I meet her here, and she uncloaks my wings after I left for my match. That’s why you can see them now… Alura?”

Vane waited for some kind of response, but none came. He looked at Alura, and saw that she was partly in shock, and partly in wonder.

“Alura?” She gave no response.

“What if she’s like those people from five years ago?” He thought sadly.

“A-Alura, are you-“ The intercom interrupted him.

“The roster for round two of the preliminaries are now on display.”

“I-I’m sorry, I have to go now, my match is up.”

“Wait, Alura!” But she had already left.

He hung his head in sadness. He started to wonder if she would even come back to find him. He started to regret telling her what had happened to him.

“What if I just ended our friendship? She was one of the first people to actually want to be friends with me… I hope she comes back… Please come back…”

He looked at the three holograms, and soon found that she was in Arena 25. He took the personal TV in front of him, and after toying with it a little, found out how to make it broadcast the Arena he wanted it too. When he switched to the Arena Alura was in, the screen read: Please be patient, the match will start shortly.

He patiently waited for the screen to change. He soon realized that if Alura lost, she might leave. He wanted her to stay, so he could explain himself more, and to save his friendship with her. He soon found himself praying.

“Please win. Please win.”

The screen changed, and Alura’s match started.

Super Smash Bros. (C) Nintendo
Pit (C) Nintendo
Zelda (C) Nintendo
The name, and I do stress the NAME, Vane (C) Me
Alura (C) Me
Emerald (C) Ragnell4000
This chapter was revised by Spired Moth

Well, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. Chapter 6 will come soon, so be patient. Sorry for the delay on this one, though. I promise Chapter 6 will not take as long as this one did. As I said before, please Read and Review. Thank you very much ^__^!


Smash Cadet
Mar 23, 2010
I like this story. It will take me time to read it all, but I like it. Tips to notice:

Be sure you keep from repeating words constantly:

He looked at the three holograms, and soon found that she was in Arena 25. He took the personal TV in front of him, and after toying with it a little, found out how to make it broadcast the Arena he wanted it too. When he switched to the Arena Alura was in, the screen read: Please be patient, the match will start shortly.

He patiently waited for the screen to change. He soon realized that if Alura lost, she might leave. He wanted her to stay, so he could explain himself more, and to save his friendship with her. He soon found himself praying.
Repetition will ruin your flow and the reader will become bored. You want the reader to become engaged in your use of ever-changing and expansive words.

Also try and use more descriptive words allow for the reader to really envision what you are placing before them. Let it flow naturally so that the reader follows your words and the picture you are trying to create is not lost in short words.

Keep it up.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
I like this story. It will take me time to read it all, but I like it. Tips to notice:

Be sure you keep from repeating words constantly:

Repetition will ruin your flow and the reader will become bored. You want the reader to become engaged in your use of ever-changing and expansive words.

Also try and use more descriptive words allow for the reader to really envision what you are placing before them. Let it flow naturally so that the reader follows your words and the picture you are trying to create is not lost in short words.

Keep it up.
You replied to this? Thank you very much ^__^! Thanks for actually listening to the "Read and Review" part too ^__^.

Thank you for the advice. I'll cut down on the repitition in later chapters. Thank you for your advice ^__^!! I also have Spired Moth helping me with the story, so quality should improve. Again, thank you so much for at least providing your opinion on this story. I'll be sure to take your advice on this.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
I would've replied as well, I just didn't know we were allowed to XD
Why would you think that? I did say "Read and Review". What made you think you weren't allowed to comment? Was it something I said?

For future reference: I would LOVE some feedback on my story. I've had some feedback from friends, but I would also like to see what other people think about this story. PLEASE do NOT be afraid to comment on this. I am open to criticism and won't bash you for anything you say. So feel free to post ANYTHING you would like, because I would really like some feedback on this.


Smash Cadet
Mar 23, 2010
See, I wasn't scared. I feel no peer pressure. I'm glad you plan on using my advice. I wish you the best of luck with your story. The better you get and the more stories you write; you will soon find a vibe going when you write.

Soon, you'll begin to experiment with new ways to write. Like my story, I'm doing things that are slightly unorthodox for a special effect. I will curse more than I normally would and I use the first-person view to really envelope a dark atmosphere. There is more to storytelling than many think!


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
Here's chapter 6! I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long. I hope you all enjoy this chapter ^__^! And please, as I have said before: DON'T BE AFRAID TO COMMENT! I would love some feedback, and would gladly listen to anything you have to say.

Disclaimer: I do not own Super Smash Bros. Brawl or its characters in any way shape or form. Please don't sue me.

As the screen flickered to show Alura’s match, Vane saw that they were fighting on the same stage he fought on. The Angel felt a bit uneasy knowing that Alura wouldn’t be able to recover as easily because she didn’t have wings.

Vane saw that Alura had changed outfits before her match. She now wore a red sleeveless T-shirt which showed all the curves of her body, and revealed her slender arms. And in place of her skirt were very short red gym shorts with white lines on the sides. Her black heels were now red running shoes with white stripes, and to accompany them she wore white stockings that traveled to just below her knee. Alura stared ahead with a fierce determined look.

Her opponents were all men. The one closest to her was quite young, and didn’t look as if he fought often. The next person, who was carrying a sword, looked a bit older, and appeared as if he could hold his own in a brawl. However, the opponent on the opposite side of the stage as Alura looked menacing. The brute man had arms as large as tree trunks, and had well developed muscles that made him twice as big as most of the fighters there. Vane started to fear that Alura might not win the match with a juggernaut like that in the fray.

Vane stared at the screen, unblinkingly, waiting for the countdown to begin.

“Dude, ease up on the grip will ya? You’re gonna break the thing.”

Vane jumped and broke his stare on the screen to see who had spoken. It was Emerald. The Angel noticed that he was gripping the miniature TV quite strongly, and he placed the TV on the table.

“Oh, it’s you, Emerald.”

“What’s gotten you so jumpy?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Fine, fine.” Emerald put his hands up in surrender. “Hey, you never told me where you got those wings.” He pointed to Vane’s wings, “Where’d they come from anyways?”

“I’d rather not talk about it now.”

Emerald sighed in disappointment and sat down “Alright. Hey, which Arena is Alura fighting in?”

“Um, Arena 25.”

“Thanks.” Emerald turned the TV on. He widened his eyes when he saw the juggernaut. “Dang! That guy’s ripped! Sheesh, I didn’t think anyone would want humungous muscles like that.”

The countdown started, signaling the beginning of the match.

“Finally.” Vane thought.

All the fighters sprang into motion the moment “Go!” was spoken.

The man in front of Alura went in to attack with a quick punch. But Alura countered her opponents attack, and punished with quick strikes from her fists. Alura kept striking and striking, never letting up her attack. Just as her opponent thought he was free from her barrage of fists, she spun around counterclockwise and thrust her right elbow at the young man’s stomach. As soon as it connected, the man’s face contorted into a painful frown, and he was sent flying towards the other two fighters.

The young man hit the older man, knocking him off balance. The juggernaut, however, grabbed the young man as soon as he came in vicinity. The tall menacing man grimaced at his victim, watching him squirm to get free. Just before he could, the juggernaut spun around multiple times to build momentum, before finally throwing his opponent off the stage. The youth flew off the stage like a cannon ball, and a second later, he was knocked Out Of Bounds.

“D-mn. He’s strong.” Emerald commented.

The older man struggled to get up. The muscular menace soon stepped in front of the older man, smiling evilly. As soon his opponent got up, the juggernaut threw a violent punch at the man, knocking all the air out of his victim and launching straight towards Alura. She quickly dodged the human bullet and went straight for the brute without a single hint of hesitation.

The juggernaut threw another violent punch, but she ducked under it and used an uppercut punch to violently hit the man’s stomach. The intimidating man staggered back in pain, trying to recover his breath after it was knocked out of him. Alura rushed in for another attack with lithe quickness, but her opponent unexpectedly threw out another punch, knocking Alura straight back to the other side of the stage.

Emerald winced once Alura was hit. “Ouch. That’s gotta hurt.”

Emerald looked over at Vane; and saw that a look of fear was painted across the Angel’s face.

“What? Are you worried Alura’s gonna lose? Don’t sweat it.”


“Alura’s fighting with all she’s got. If that brute thinks he can win with his muscles alone, then he’ll definitely lose. Don’t worry man, Alura’s gonna win this for sure.”

“Y-Yeah, I guess you’re right. Thanks, Emerald.”

“No problem.”

Vane looked back at the TV monitor, and gasped when he saw that the man with the sword was waiting to thrust his sword at Alura as she was flying towards him. Alura noticed and prepared to react to his strike. As soon as the man thrust his blade, she curved her body to avoid it. Alura then brought up her right leg and shot her foot at the man’s head to counter attack. A loud “thump” could be heard as her foot made contact with her target, and the warrior was sent rocketing away from the stage, causing him to be knocked Out Of Bounds. Vane heaved a sigh of relief that Alura wasn’t harmed further, and relaxed a little knowing that she could handle herself.

The brute then started to move towards Alura. She, in turn, dashed towards him, moving as quick as a lioness. She easily avoided the giant’s attack, and started to pummel him with a series of punches and kicks. The way she fought; looked like a graceful dance. Spinning and spinning to keep her attack going, pausing only to gracefully avoid the brute’s strikes, then immediately continuing her assault. Her attacks were too quick for her opponent, and she overwhelmed the man. She then ducked to avoid another attack by the brute, and she continued her attack by bringing her left leg out, and spinning counterclockwise. Her legs connected with juggernaut’s large legs, making him trip. Before she completed her turn, she brought her right leg up and shot her foot at the man’s chest. Alura’s leg moved so quickly; that it seemed to cut the very wind in two. The man’s face twisted in agony when Alura’s foot made contact. He yelled in pain as he was sent flying off the stage, and was soon knocked Out Of Bounds.

Vane was comforted by the fact that Alura had never been knocked Out Of Bounds the entire match. He then started to believe in Alura, and knew that she could win. He vowed to never doubt her skills again.

The swordsman rushed at her as he got off of the revival platform, Alura quickly reacted by rolling behind her opponent. Her opponent put up his shield to guard against a possible attack, but Alura grabbed the man instead of attacking. She kneed the man’s stomach, and then punched the man’s chest, letting go of him before her punch connected so he would be launched away from her. The swordsman hit the youth while he was flying through the air, and they both hit the floor hard.

The brute then came and dealt a lethal punch from behind Alura before she could react, which knocked her Out Of Bounds a second later. The swordsman quickly got up from his fall, and rushed at the giant man. He guarded against the brute’s first attack, and proceeded to deal violent strikes to the juggernaut. The swordsman seemed to have the edge, but the muscled giant then grabbed his opponent, and repeatedly bashed his head against the man’s before throwing him towards the youth. The youth was knocked off balance and fell to the floor, but the man who was thrown was knocked Out Of Bounds seconds later.

The youth got back up, but was paralyzed with fear. He was clueless as to what action to take, and was rooted to the ground as the muscled brute walked towards him. The brute gave a menacing laugh before slamming his fist against the youths body, sending his victim Out Of Bounds.

“Hey you!”

The juggernaut turned to see Alura standing a few feet away; a sense of determination radiating from her stance.

“Why don’t you pick on someone who actually knows how to fight?”

The brute growled in anger, and rushed towards Alura. Her opponent thrust his leg towards her, but Alura caught his leg with her hands. The brute struggled to get his leg free from Alura’s iron grip, but before he could, she twisted his leg which in turn, made her victim spin in the air multiple times. While she had an opportunity, Alura performed a back flip, and violently struck the brute with her legs. The massive man was sent rocketing skywards, and soon was knocked Out Of Bounds. The massive man could be seen falling in the background, as his screams echoed throughout the stage.

The last thing Vane saw; was Alura sitting at the edge of the stage, smiling serenely at the Earth below. The Angel thought she looked beautiful; and wished he could take a picture.

“Oh boy! Was that an exciting match or what!? Man, we’ve gotta celebrate as soon as Alura comes back! That was awesome!”

Emerald’s exclamation wrenched the Angel back to reality. “Oh, uh, yeah! That was great!” It was true; though, Vane thoroughly enjoyed the match.

“But… She might not even come back…” Vane thought sadly, remembering her reaction to his story.

With each passing minute, Vane became increasingly sure that she wasn’t going to come back.

“Well, I’m gonna go get us some food so we can celebrate.” Emerald declared. He then left in search of food.

“Why bother? She’s not going to come back… I shouldn’t have told her anything…”

Vane sighed in sadness, thinking she would never speak to him again. He looked up and couldn’t believe his eyes. He shot up from his chair, and stood in disbelief.

Alura walked towards him, smiling, wearing the same outfit he met her in. She stopped in front of him, looking as if she had come to peace with something.

“Alura… I didn’t think you’d come back. I’m sorry if-“

“Vane, it’s okay. I’m sorry for the way I acted. When you told me you had lost your memory, I couldn’t believe it. And when you said people had begun to hunt you, I was scared. I was scared of your past, and I thought you might’ve done something horrible.”

Vane had never thought of what his past could hold. The Angel started to wonder if his past hid something evil inside.

“What if I had done something terrible? Should I leave my past untouched? Is it a good thing that I lost my memory?”

“But, that’s okay.” Alura said. “Because even if you’ve done something horrible, I know I can trust you. And; I know you can change for the better. You deserve to know about who you are. That’s why,” she took Vanes hands and held them “I want to stay by your side and help you find your past.”

Vane felt an immense happiness well up from inside him. He couldn’t find words to express his gratitude to Alura.

“T-Thank you so much Alura. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

They both smiled at each other. The Angel was elated, knowing that he still held his friendship with Alura.

“Awww. Don’t you two look cute. Holding hands again, I see.”

Vane and Alura both blushed and immediately pulled their hands back at Emerald’s statement.

“You two would make such a good couple.” Emerald smirked.

“For the last time we’re not a couple!” Alura protested, her cheeks still painted bright red.

“Haha! Alright alright. If you say so.” Emerald said laughing. “Hey Alura, do you know where Vane got his wings?”

“Oh. You haven’t told him, Vane?”

“She knows?”

“Well… Um…” Vane was unsure if he should tell Emerald. He looked at Alura, unsure of what to do.

“Go ahead Vane. I’m sure it’ll be fine if you tell him.” Alura said, reassuringly.

“Come on Vane! Don’t leave me out of this!” Emerald pleaded.

“Alright… I’ll tell you then. Five years ago…” Vane told Emerald of what had happened to him. Emerald listened intently and seemed awestruck by the Angels story.

“And that’s what happened.” Vane finished.

“Woah…” Emerald stood with his mouth open. After a few moments of silence, Vane started to wonder if it was a mistake to tell Emerald.

“Emerald? Are you Okay?” Vane inquired.

“THAT WAS AWESOME!” Emerald shouted.

The Angel was shocked at his reaction. He never expected anyone to react like that.

“I-It was?” Vane said.

“H-ll yeah! Let me in your group! I wanna find out what your past is too!”

“Um… Okay. Sure, thanks for joining us!”

Alura giggled at them. Vane was happy that she was nothing like the people five years ago, and cherished the fact that they were still friends.

“Well, Vane, what next?” Alura asked.

“Huh? What next?”

“Well, we need to start looking into your past. What do you want to do now?”


“Where should I start? I don’t know anyone here, and no one I’ve met has seemed to know me… Except one person.”

“We should look for Zelda.” Vane said strongly.

“Okay then, let’s go.” Alura said cheerfully.

“Sweet!” Emerald chimed.

The trio got up from their table, determination painted across their faces. Vane was felt confident that he would find his past. And with Alura and Emerald helping him, he felt even more confident that he would succeed in his goal.

They walked forward without hesitation, and set out to find the person who may hold the key to Vane’s past.

Super Smash Bros. (C) Nintendo
Pit (C) Nintendo
Zelda (C) Nintendo
The name, and I do stress the NAME, Vane (C) me
Alura (C) me
Emerald (C) Ragnell4000
This chapter was Revised by Spired Moth.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter ^__^! Please Read and Review/Comment. I would LOVE some feedback on this story, so PLEASE DON'T be afraid to tell me what you think. I am open to criticism and would gladly open my ears to anything you would like to tell me. Thank you so much for reading ^__^. Chapter 7 will come soon!


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
Here's chapter 7. I hope you all enjoy this chapter ^__^. Please don't be afraid to leave comments or criticism. I would love to hear what you think about this story. So don't be afraid to post! You won't be bashed or anything ^__^.

Disclaimer: I do not own Super Smash Bros. or its Characters in any way shape or form, please do not sue me.

“Well, where should we start looking?” Emerald inquired.

“This dining room would be a good place to start,” Vane answered.

They started walking. It was difficult to get around the elegant dining room, as it was filled with warriors from all over. A faint buzz of conversation hovered in the air which set a crowded atmosphere in place. The trio perpetually said “Excuse me” to numerous people, as space was tight in some places.

“Gosh, so many people. I knew this tournament was going to be popular, but I never expected to see so many people in one place,” Alura commented.

“It would be nice if we could at least have a bit more room to move around in,” Vane complained. “I don’t know how we’re going to find Zelda in this crowd, though.”

“We could try asking around. Maybe someone here is an acquaintance of hers,” Alura suggested.

“You’re right. Let’s try asking around… Hey Emerald. Didn’t you say you were going to get food to celebrate? Did you get some?”

“Huh? Oh yeah! Food here is expensive, though. I was only able to get three boxes of chocolate.” He produced a small sized package from his left pocket. It was painted red, and had gold stripes at its corners. “Here you go Alura. Congrats on your match!” He handed her the package.

“Thank you so much, Emerald!” She opened the box to peruse its contents. “Wow. There’s three different petit chocolates!”

“Yeah. There’s one dark chocolate, one milk chocolate, and one with caramel inside,” Emerald said.

“Where are the other two?” Vane asked.

“Oh right.” The swordsman then produced two more boxes from his right pocket. “Here you go, catch.”

Emerald threw the box which Vane instinctively caught with his right hand.


The Angel looked at the pleasantly decorated box as he walked. He was about to open it when he suddenly tripped on something.

“Whoa!” Vane landed on his face with a thud. “Owww… What the heck did I trip on?”

He looked back to see what had caused his accident. The Angel saw that he had tripped on a round pink ball. It had peculiar red shapes at the bottom.

“Whose ball is this? What is that on the bottom? Are those… feet?”

“Aww. Isn’t this cute? I wonder who it belongs too.” Alura wondered.

The ball suddenly let out a short grunt. Then immediately bounced up and stood on its two red feet.

Alura gasped at the fact that it appeared to have a face; its vertical-like eyes looking up at Alura with child-like innocence.

The ball then smiled, and loudly greeted Alura with a “HIIIIIIIIIIII!” while standing on its tiptoes and waving its short, pink hands.

“Awww! Aren’t you the cutest thing on the face of the earth?” Alura crouched down and took the animated ball in her arms. The creature seemed to be happy that Alura was carrying it. “Can we keep him Vane? Can we?”


“Please! He’s just too cute to leave all by himself!”

“Hey! Put it on the ground, I wanna see if it can walk!” Emerald requested.

“No way! Someone might step on the poor little thing,” Alura argued, caressing the ball as she talked. “It’s a miracle that you aren’t hurt with all these people walking around. Do you have a name sweety?” She asked soothingly.

The pink ball seemed to not understand what Alura was asking. After a few moments of silence, it suddenly shouted out “K-Kirby!”.

“Aww! That’s the cutest name ever!” Alura exclaimed, rubbing her head against Kirby and squeezing him a little harder.

“Poyo poyo!” Kirby shouted in joy. Kirby sat comfortably in Alura’s arms, and seemed as if he didn’t care about a thing in the world.

Vane got finally got up from the floor, stupefied that the pink ball could move.

“Are you sure that he doesn’t have another owner, Alura? Someone might be looking for him.”

“Well, let’s just ask Kirby,” She turned to face the pink bundle in her arms. “Do you have someone you belong to?”

“Poyo?” Kirby showed no signs of understanding what Alura was asking.

“I don’t think the ball can speak English, guys,” Emerald declared.

“Un!” Kirby suddenly turned towards Emerald and started nodding.

“Well, it’s clear that he can understand English,” Vane said.

“Why don’t we worry about who he belongs to when the time comes, okay? Let’s just try and find Zelda,” Alura quickly suggested.

“Fine. Alright then,” Vane sighed.
“Hey Vane. You’ve never told us how this Zelda person looks. What’s she wearin’?” Emerald questioned.

“Oh right. Uh, let me remember… She’s a brunette with blue eyes. And she has a purplish dress.”

“Got it.”

“Well, let’s go.” Vane gestured to follow him, and they started walking.

Alura was completely enamored with the bundle of cuteness that was cradled in her arms. Kirby repositioned himself to face forward, so he could see where they were headed. Alura tickled him every now and then, making both of them laugh with joy. The cute pink ball also caught the attention of the people around them. Vane was surprised that he wasn’t the reason people were constantly looking in their direction.

“It feels weird not being the center of attention. Yet, I’m kind of happy about it. It feels nice not to be stared at.”

“Oh. My. Gosh. That is, like, the CUTEST thing I have EVER seen!” Two girls rushed over to Alura. It was clear they had fallen under the cute creature’s spell.

“Can we pet him?” the first girl asked.

“Sure thing! He’s cute isn’t he?” Alura replied cheerfully.

“Like, totally!” the second girl replied. The two girls started petting Kirby, saying soothing words to the adorable ball. Kirby was enjoying all the attention he was getting, and had a smile pasted to his face the whole time.

“Heh. The pink ball is like a chick magnet, huh?” Emerald commented.

“Huh? Um… I guess so,” Vane answered

“I should try taking it out to town! Just imagine how many girls would line up just to see him!”

“Does it really matter?”

“Well, he could help out if you’re looking for a girl to hang out with. And the proof is right over there.” He pointed to the two girls petting Kirby repeatedly.

“Well come on, Mina, we’ve gotta get to our Arena soon,” The first girl reminded her friend.

“Oh right! Well, we, like, gotta go. Buh-bye! Maybe we’ll, like, see each other again?” The second girl replied. The duo walked off, disappearing into the crowd of people.

“Sorry for the hold up, Vane!” Alura apologized. “Let’s keep going. Who do you think we should ask about Zelda?”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Vane said.

Vane looked around only to find a sea of people everywhere he looked. The Angel scanned the crowd, eventually finding a group of people that stood out from the rest. There were three people standing together. One was a tall man with blue spiky hair, who wore a green bandana. His eyes were the same color as his hair. He also wore a royal blue tunic with gold out linings and a brown chest plate. The man had beige pants, and wore brown boots with toes of metal. His most notable feature was his large, tattered red cape with yellowish lining. The man looked as if he had survived many hardships.

The second was a woman in a pink Victorian style dress, with a blue gem emblazoned on the chest. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a gold crown that sat atop her head. A cheerful aura surrounded her and made all who were near her happy.

The third was a young boy with a red and yellow striped shirt and short cut jeans. He also wore red shoes with a yellow bottom. The boy had blonde hair and blue eyes; just like the girl. He seemed timid and shy.

“Let’s ask those three,” Vane said; pointing to the odd trio.

They moved towards the group of people, squeezing through tight spaces in the crowd here and there. The girl in pink noticed them coming and delivered a cheerful greeting. The others with her turned their gaze to see who she was greeting.

“Hello! How are you all today?”

“Um. Fine, thank you,” Vane said.

The polite woman introduced herself “I’m Peach. This is Ike.” she gestured over to the caped man.

“Nice to meet you,” Ike said in greeting.

“And this is Lucas.” Peach then gestured towards the small boy.

“Hi!” Lucas said, raising his hand to greet them.

“Nice to meet you all. I’m Vane, this is Alura,” The Angel gestured towards Alura.

“Hello,” Alura greeted.

“And this is Emerald.” Vane gestured towards Emerald.

“What’s up?” Emerald said.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Peach said happily. “So, is there anything we can help you with?”

“Well, do you know anyone named Zelda?” Vane asked.

“Why do you ask?” said Ike.

“Um… Well…” The Angel feared what might happen if he told them his story.

“I don’t want to risk being hunted again. I’ve got to think of a reason…”

“W-We met on the train and she said she would help us find our way. But we got separated and we can’t seem to find her,” he said, quickly finishing his sentence.

“Oh! Where did you find Kirby?” asked the crowned blonde.

“You know him?” Alura responded.

“Oh yes. In fact, Zelda was looking for him a little while ago.” Peach moved to pet Kirby. As always, Kirby responded by happily giggling.

“Do you know where she went?” Vane said.

“Hmm…” she stopped petting Kirby to ponder “I can’t seem to remember. Do you remember, Ike?”

“Hmmm…” Ike put his palm to his forehead and went into deep thought. After waiting a few seconds, Vane felt someone tug at his toga. He looked down to find the young boy Lucas.

“Um, mister,” Lucas said timidly “she went that way.” He pointed to the west. It didn’t help much, though, since all there was to see were people shuffling here and there.

“Well, at least it’s a start.” Vane thought optimistically.

“Thank you so much for your time,” Vane said.

“You’re very welcome,” Peach said cheerfully. “I hope to meet you all again.” She smiled serenely at the group.

“Likewise. Good-bye,” Vane said.

They all exchanged good-bye’s with each other while walking off. Vane and his friends then turned their backs to their new friends.

They walked in the direction Lucas pointed in, looking every which way in hopes of spotting Zelda. But like déjà vu, all they saw were more and more people. As they moved through the waves of people, it appeared useless to keep looking for her. After finally moving out of the cluster of moving bodies, they went to rest near the wall of the huge dining room.

“Man, there are so many PEOPLE. I don’t think we’re gonna find her anytime soon, Vane,” Emerald said, putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

“It feels like we’ve been all over this room twice now and we still haven’t found her,” Alura complained.

Vane sighed in exhaustion. “I don’t know what else to do. She must be moving around looking for Kirby.” The Angel looked the pink balloon-like creature. “Maybe we’ve just been passing by her without even knowing.”

“Hey! Are you three the ones looking for Zelda?”

The trio turned their heads to see who was calling them. A woman in a tight blue jumpsuit appeared from the sea of bobbing heads. She also had blonde hair and blue eyes, like Peach and Lucas, although, her hair was tied in a pony-tail. She was very slender, and the blue jumpsuit she wore complemented her curvaceous body. The woman looked quite agile, and capable of holding her own in a fight.

“How do you know?” asked the Angel.

“Peach told me about you three. You’re Vane, Alura, and Emerald, correct?” she looked at each of them as she said their names.

“And might I ask your name?” Vane said.

“I’m Samus Aran. Nice to meet you.”

“How can you help us with finding Zelda?” Emerald asked speculatively.

“Well, she asked me where to find Kirby. After telling her I didn’t know where he was, she went outside to look for him. She hasn’t come back yet, so if you wait by the entrance you should be able to find her when she comes back.”

“How come so many people know about Kirby?” Alura asked. “Is he some kind of celebrity or something?”

“Oh no, nothing like that,” Samus replied. “Most of us know each other from previous tournaments this kingdom has held. I know Kirby, Peach, and Zelda from the last tournament that was held.”

Kirby smiled and said “HIIIIIIIIII!” to Samus.

“Hi Kirby,” Samus said sweetly. “Well, I hope you’ll be able to find her.”

“Thank you, Samus. I’m sure we will,” The Angel said confidently.

“Alright. See you later, then.” Samus waved good-bye as she walked out of sight.
The trio waved good-bye to Samus as she walked away. They then proceeded toward the entrance of the grand dining room. They soon made it after shuffling through the blobs of strangers that filled the room. They rested at a table near the entrance, all of them were tired from the long periods of walking they had to go through.

Alura took out the box of chocolates that Emerald had given her. She took out the milk chocolate one and placed it in her mouth. Alura moaned as she let it melt in her mouth, the taste was heavenly. The fifteen year-old sighed as she swallowed it, her chocolate bliss gone. Alura was about to take another one when she saw Kirby looking up at the box pleadingly. His mouth was agape while he stared intently at the small bits of chocolate bliss.

“Oh. Do you want one Kirby?” Alura cooed.

“Un!” Kirby replied while nodding his head. Kirby held out his hands hoping to receive one.

“Alright,” Alura took out the caramel chocolate, “Here you go.” She then put the chocolate in Kirby’s eager hands. He then took the whole thing in his mouth and swallowed.

“Poyo!” Kirby said happily, smiling with pure enjoyment.

“Aww. Doesn’t he make you want to melt?” Alura said admiringly. She smiled at Kirby, feeling pure joy.

“Hey, let me feed him!” Emerald said as he took out his chocolate box. He handed a milk chocolate to Kirby and watched as he ate it joyfully. He swallowed the chocolate and laughed joyfully while smiling a heartwarming smile.

“Hey Vane, give him one of your chocolates!” Alura said.

“Alright.” The Angel took out the dark chocolate and gave it to Kirby. Kirby repeated his actions, making everyone smile with happiness.

“The little guy sure likes his sweets,” Emerald commented.

“He sure does,” chimed Alura.

“There you are, Kirby!”

The group turned around to see who had spoken. Vane heaved a sigh of relief once he saw who it was.

“I finally found you, Zelda.” Vane thought.

Kirby hopped out of Alura’s arms.

“Wait! Kirby!” She reached out for Kirby as he floated gently into Zelda’s waiting hands.

“I’ve been looking all over for you!” Zelda said to Kirby.

“A-Are you his owner?” Alura asked timidly.

“His owner? Kirby has no owner. Kirby isn’t a pet or anything like that.”

“Oh? Really? That’s good,” Alura said, smiling.

“Thank you for holding on to him, though. I can’t thank you three enough.”

“Zelda, I need to ask you some questions,” said the Angel

“Hmm? How do you know my name?”

“What are you talking about? We met before. Remember?”

“I’ve never met you before now.”

“What? Don’t you remember me? I’m Vane, the one you saved five years ago. You’re the one who told me to come here. You even gave me this.” The Angel pulled out the handkerchief that he received from Zelda.

“I told you, I don’t remember meeting you. I don’t even remember giving you that handkerchief. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to take Kirby to his match.”

“That puffball can fight!?” Emerald exclaimed.

Zelda started to walk away.

“Wait!” Vane started to move towards her. “Don’t you remember me? Zelda-!”

“Could you please stop following me?” Zelda cut him off firmly, clearly irritated. “I need to take Kirby to his match.”

“BYYYE!” Kirby shouted, waving good-bye as Zelda carried him away.

“Vane… Are you sure that was Zelda?” Alura asked.

“I’m positive that was her. Why would she play dumb?”


“What is it Emerald?” Vane said, alarmed at his friends sudden exclamation.

“I’m gonna miss my preliminary match!” Emerald panicked. He quickly rushed off to find the assistant that was to escort him.

“WISH ME LUCK!” He shouted as he ran off.

“We will!” Alura yelled back. She looked back at Vane, and saw that he was troubled. “Vane? Are you okay?” The fifteen year-old asked, worried about him.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” The Angel looked back at Alura. “Don’t worry, Alura,” Vane added quickly; seeing a look of worry strewn upon her face. “Let’s go watch Emerald’s match.”

They walked towards an empty table and sat down. As they began to search for Emerald’s arena number on the holograms, Vane pondered on Zelda’s actions.

“Why would she play dumb? Is she playing games with me…? Why…? Well, one thing’s for sure, she knows something about my past. And I’m not going to give up until I find out what it is.”

“I found Emerald’s arena, Vane. It’s arena number 40.”

“Alright, thanks.”

He switched the miniature TV on, and patiently waited for Emerald’s match to start.

Pit (C) Nintendo
Peach (C) Nintendo
Ike (C) Nintendo
Kirby (C) Nintendo
Lucas (C) Nintendo
Samus (C) Nintendo
Zelda (C) Nintendo
The name, and I do stress the NAME, Vane (C) me
Alura (C) me
Emerald (C) Ragnell4000
This chapter has been revised by Spired Moth

I hoped you all enjoyed. Please feel free to comment or post anything you'd like. I'm open to criticism, so please, don't be afraid to give your opinion ^__^. Stay tuned, though! Chapter 8 will come soon!


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
Sorry it's taken so long to post this. But it's finally done ^__^. I hope you all enjoy.

I do not own Super Smash Bros. or any of it's characters in any way shape or form, please don't sue me.

Alura impatiently tapped her finger on the table. “Emerald’s match should’ve started by now. What’s taking it so long?”

“I don’t know,” Vane sighed. “I wish there were some way to pass the time, though.”

They sat at their table waiting and waiting for the match to start yet the TV screen still had the same message pasted on it. After a few moments of silence, Alura smiled and looked at Vane.

“Well, we could talk like we did last time,” Alura suggested.

“That could work. Remember the conversation we had when we met? That lasted about four hours.” Vane remembered his first encounter with Alura fondly. She was the first person that opened up to him, and it felt so comfortable talking with her.

“Yeah. I still can’t believe we talked for that long,” Alura said, giggling. “When I got to my room, I drank about three cups of water because I was so thirsty from talking.”

“I did the same thing!” Vane exclaimed.

They soon began talking about more and more things. To Vane, it just felt natural talking with Alura. He felt like he didn’t have to hide anything, or be careful about what he said. The Angel would be content with just talking with Alura her for a whole day. They both agreed on many things and were interested in similar subjects; it seemed as if every conversation created a bridge to start another one. They both smiled at each other, enjoying the warmth and sincerity in their conversation.

“… yeah, I agree,” said Alura, finishing up their latest conversation. She looked at the TV, hoping the screen would be different, but it still had the same message plastered on it. The blonde sighed with disappointment, “Looks like it still hasn’t started yet.”

“I wonder why. Do you think someone hasn’t gotten to their arena yet?”

“That’s possible. Or something went wrong,” replied Alura. She glanced around the dining room, checking to see if any assistants were still holding signs up. The blonde saw only a few remaining signs left; she guessed Vane was right.

Alura started to turn her head towards Vane, but something peculiar caught her eye. The fifteen year-old couldn’t believe her eyes.

“Alura? What’s wrong?” asked Vane, worried about her sudden silence.

“Vane… d-do you see what I see?” Alura pointed at the strange creatures she was looking at. Vane followed her hand and mimicked her reaction.

They beheld two strange, animal-like creatures that actually stood on two feet. They both were engaged in a conversation.

The first looked to be like a fox. It had orange fur coupled with patches of white here and there. The vulpine had emerald eyes, and an actual muzzle. An odd gray headset was strapped on the fox’s head and it extended a peculiar green visor over the vulpine’s right eye. The fox had a red scarf hung over its neck, and it was wearing a white flight jacket with a green shirt underneath; his pants were the same color. The vulpine had a brown holster for a pistol attached to his belt, which had a strange insignia depicted on the buckle, the fox also had a strange hexagonal device attached to his belt; it also wore reddish boots made of metal on its feet. The fox’s attire seemed modern, but had an otherworldly quality to it. Its tail seemed completely natural as it moved on its own.

The other was just as odd as the first. It appeared to be some sort of bird with blue feathers and red feathers surrounding its blue eyes. This one also had an actual beak for a mouth. It also carried the same gray headset that the vulpine wore. The bird wore mostly the same clothes as the fox, but in different colors. The flight jacket was the same, but the shirt underneath and his pants were red. The avian also carried a firearm which was safely holstered away.

Both of the animals had the same features as the species they derived from. Vane and Alura found it peculiar that they were having a conversation. Vane wondered if the animals were able to speak their language.

“Look out!” shouted Alura.

The vulpine’s ear twitched and he looked in her direction. Alura pointed just behind the fox to reveal that it had an assailant: a woman hunched low in a position to strike with the syringe in her right hand. She leaped forward, attempting to stab the syringe into the vulpine, but he luckily dodged thanks to Alura’s warning. The avian quickly dodged out of instinct, barely missing the woman’s syringe. The fox then ran out of sight, looking a bit terrified.

“Hey! Why’d you do that!?” asked the woman. Seeing that her prey was getting away, she shouted, “COME BACK! I MUST STUDY YOU!!” She then ran out of sight in pursuit of the human-like fox.

Alura quickly got up and went towards the stunned bird. Vane promptly followed her.

“Sir? Are you alright?” Alura asked, a bit worried.

“Y-Yeah. Thanks for warning us,” said the bird.

“So, they can actually speak our language,” Vane thought, surprised they had such an ability.

“Wow, you can actually speak!” Alura exclaimed.

“Well, yeah, what did you expect?” the bird said acidly.

“Sorry, it’s just that you are a bit… different,” Alura said carefully, not wanting to offend the Avian.

“Oh. Yeah, It’s weird that there are so many furless people here.”

“You mean it’s common where you are from?” Vane asked. The Angel was intrigued that there might be more of his kind.

“Yeah it is. Corneria’s full of ‘em,” the bird replied blatantly.

“Corneria? I’ve never heard of it. Where is it?” Vane asked, growing more curious.

“It’s somewhere REALLY far away from here. You guys wouldn’t know where,” the bird replied smugly, as if he was smarter than them.

“The world I live in is sure a strange place. It’s too bad I don’t know too much about this planet either. Maybe I’ve visited that place before…”

“Well, we should do introductions now. I’m Alura Greenstone. And this is Vane,” she gestured over to Vane.

“I’m Falco Lombardi.” Alura and Vane held out their hands in invitation. Falco seemed reluctant in shaking, though.

“Looks like my fox got away,” said a melodic voice. The woman that was chasing the fox appeared from the crowd of people. She was given stares of judgment from all around her. Falco instinctively backed away from her, fearing that he would be the next one to be assaulted.

The woman gave him a knowing look.

“Don’t worry,” the woman said scornfully, “I don’t want to study you.”

“Oh yeah? And why’s that, huh?” Falco challenged.

“Because you’d be more annoying and give me a headache.” Falco contorted in annoyance, but he stepped back as the woman approached them. The woman flaunted her sentences as if they were nothing, and an air of knowledge hung around her. “By the way, I’m Nina. Pleasure to meet you,” the woman said cheerfully as she extended her hand out to Vane.

“Nice to meet you, Nina. I’m Vane,” The Angel shook her hand. “And this is Alura Greenstone,” Vane gestured towards Alura.

“A pleasure to meet you!” Alura said cheerfully. The blonde shook Nina’s hand, smiling. Vane had to admit, this woman had a charming personality.

As they were finally were able to look at her more closely, it was clear she had a slender body. She had long brunette hair and dark brown eyes. The brunette wore a lab coat with a number of pockets sown into it, and she only wore a small green shirt beneath that left part of her stomach exposed; her brown skirt was also pretty short, and the only thing covering the bottom part of her legs were white stockings, and she wore peculiar shaped brownish shoes on her feet.

“Oh! Right, I forgot to ask,” Nina turned to look at Falco, who took another step back. “You. Bird thing. Did that fox boy come back here?”

“My name is Falco… and no he hasn’t,” said Falco, obviously perturbed. “And Fox isn’t a kid, you know.”

“He’s not?” Nina replied. “Well, he acts much too childish for his own good.”

“Is Fox his name? Wow, he’s got the same name as his species!” said Alura, a bit surprised at his unoriginal name. “Oh!” Alura suddenly went over to the table to retrieve the television. She hurried back to Vane to show him. To their disappointment, Emerald’s match had already started. “Looks like we missed the start of the match.”

“Yeah,” Vane said solemnly, “that’s too bad, huh?”

Falco went to grab his own TV so he could watch another match, while Nina moved closer to Vane and Alura.

“Oh! Is that your friend?” Nina asked, smiling.

“Yeah,” replied Vane. “Looks like he’s ahead in the match.”

Emerald had both of his stocks left, but he was at a high percentage of damage. He kept fooling his enemies with the weight and length of his sword. Emerald made them think he was going to strike later, and then he quickly sped up his attack. He landed a few well planned combos on his opponents, predicting their moves and even controlling the match by grouping his enemies together, then punishing them all at once. Nina smiled interestedly, as Emerald’s tactics intrigued her and glued her to the screen.

After a while, Emerald had lost his first stock, but by the time that happened, one of his opponents was already eliminated and the last two were at dangerous percentages. Emerald quickly prepared for the opponent that was charging at him. He began to spin clockwise, and brought his sword up to build momentum. As soon as Emerald was facing his opponent, he swung his sword at the enemy’s feet. Once it connected his opponent tripped from the impact, but Emerald made one more revolution. The swordsman brought up his weapon and as soon as Emerald was facing his grounded opponent, he brought his sword down quickly and fiercely. It made a resounding clank as it hit the ground and his opponent was sent flying away. Seconds later, Emerald’s enemy was Out Of Bounds.

Emerald’s last opponent made an all or nothing charge at Emerald. He shielded as soon as the attack hit and immediately grabbed his opponent. The swordsman’s opponent was at such a high percentage that it took only a mere throw to knock his enemy Out Of Bounds. Emerald raised his sword triumphantly before the screen went blank.

“Wow! Your friend is really something isn’t he?” Nina said in admiration.

“Yeah, I guess he wasn’t bluffing when he said that he’s won a few tournaments before,” said the Angel.

“I agree. He would be a tough opponent,” Alura commented.

Nina shifted her gaze in Falco’s direction. A sadistic smile slowly formed on her face as she slowly pulled out her syringe. Falco looked over and soon became mortified. He took a few steps back as Nina slowly approached.

“H-Hey. S-Stay back!” Falco feebly commanded fearful of what was in the syringe.

Nina took a few more slow steps, her face still painted with a knowing smile. She suddenly sprung into a sprint heading in Falco’s direction.

“PLEASE DON’T!” Falco pleaded.

Nina suddenly pushed Falco out of the way, revealing her true target: Fox. Falco was dumbfounded, but glad that he wasn’t her target. A few people from the crowd looked in her direction, clearly thinking that she was crazy.

“GET OVER HERE, YOU FOX!” Nina yelled.

“GET THIS WOMAN OFF MY TAIL!!” Fox shouted, hoping someone would help him.

As they disappeared from sight, Fox’s screams for help could be heard throughout the dining room, scaring most of the crowd. After a few moments the crowd recovered from their scare, and went back to their own business. Vane, Alura, and Falco were still paralyzed, a bit shaken from what just happened.

“D-Do you think Fox will be alright Vane?” said Alura as she looked up at Vane in worry.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure he will… at least I think he will.”

Falco started to get up, grunting as he did, but he was quickly knocked down again by someone who was rushing towards Vane and Alura.

“Hey guys! Did you see me? I did great!” Emerald rushed over to them, ecstatic about his recent victory.

“Yeah, we did! You fought really well!” Alura replied happily.

“Congratulations, Emerald!” Vane said.

“So, did you guys see that awesome move that I made in the beginning? I totally took ‘em by surprise with that move!”

“Umm… well, he-he.” Alura chuckled nervously as she scratched her head.

“Sorry, Emerald, we missed the beginning a little.” Vane said in apology while shrugging.

“What? You didn’t see it? Aww man…” Emerald slouched as he sighed in disappointment.

“Hey buddy.” They all turned around to see Falco slowly getting up. “Would you mind being a bit more careful about where you’re going?” said the Avian as he dusted himself off.

“Whups. Sorry about that, man,” Emerald apologized.

The preliminary matches still went on for a couple of more hours. Vane and friends watched a few matches and talked with each other every now and then. Vane told Emerald of what had happened while he was gone. Emerald got a pretty good laugh out of the story, and wished he could’ve been there to meet Nina.

After a few more hours, the preliminaries were finally over. The 64 contestants left were divided in half and sent to one of the two hotel buildings that flanked the Mansion. Luckily, Vane, Alura, and Emerald were all sent to the west building.

After the short trek through the pristine front yard of the Mansion, the mob of people arrived at the west hotel. The lobby of the hotel had a brownish color scheme. The front desk was made out of wood, the floor was covered with a red velvet carpet, and the walls were all painted light brown. Two female receptionists dressed in black uniforms were handing out room keys to the participants. The contestants made two lines, one in front of each receptionist. Vane and Alura were near the front than Emerald, and coincidentally were right next to each other; Vane in the left line and Alura in the right. Vane finally reached the front desk, where the receptionist happily handed him his room key. The key had a label attached to it, which read “C-33."

“Hey Alura,” Vane called out, “what room did you get?”

“Um… I got room C-33. What about you?”

“That’s funny, I got the same room number.”

“Really? Wow, what a coincidence!”

Vane was surprised at the occurrence, but wasn’t unhappy that it had happened either.

“You guys go on ahead! I’ll tell you guys what room I got later,” called Emerald from a few feet back in the line.

Luckily, Vane and Alura found an unoccupied elevator while going down the hall that was next to the main lobby. All the floors except the Ground floor were marked as letters instead of numbers. The first floor was “A” floor, then “B” floor, then “C” floor, and so on. The Angel assumed that the “C” in his room number meant that their room was on “C” floor.

After waiting a while, the elevator door finally opened. The hallways were decorated like the lobby room: brown walls with a red velvet carpet covering the floor. Doorways checkered the walls, and it was quiet in the hallways. The young couple had to shuffle through a few people wandering the hall, trying to find their rooms. After walking around and continually moving their heads left and right, Vane and Alura finally arrived at the entrance to their room. Vane hurriedly unlocked the door, eager to set down his heavy luggage.

Their room was elegantly organized, with a feeling of it being untouched hovering over everything. The room was medium-sized, with two beds against the east wall, and a TV opposite of the beds. A screen doorway to the balcony of their room was visible as soon as they opened the door, since it was opposite to where the entrance was. The entrance to the restroom was next to the TV. The walls were painted blue, and the floor was covered with a royal blue carpet.

“We finally made it,” Alura said while setting her luggage next to the bed nearest the door. She opened the door to the balcony to let some fresh air in, breathing in the fresh breeze that rushed into the room.

“We sure did.” Vane set his luggage next to the other bed, also enjoying the fresh breeze that rolled into the room.

By the time they had arrived at their room, it was nighttime, and there were still numerous people outside waiting to get their room keys. Vane and Alura spent a few minutes accommodating themselves with the room, and getting used to their surroundings. Alura went to the restroom to change into new clothes, and came out with a laundry basket with a few articles inside.

“Hey Vane, do you mind seeing if there’s a laundry room you can take this to?”

Vane blushed since there was mostly women’s clothing inside. “U-Um, why can’t you take them?”

“Because while you are doing that I’m going to unpack our things.”

“Um, alright then. I’ll go.”

The Angel left the room, laundry basket in tow, and made sure to take his room key with him. Vane walked down the hall, and waited for the elevator to open after he pressed the “down” button. He was surprised to see Emerald when it opened.

“Hey Vane. What’s up?”

“Hey. Nothing much. I’m trying to find the laundry room.”

“I’m sure those receptionists should know.”

Vane and Emerald stood in silence. A question suddenly popped up in the Angel’s mind.

“Hey,Emerald, why did you decide to come with us? It doesn’t really affect you whether I find out my past or not. So why?”

“Why did I? Well… I guess it’s because there’s something interesting about you. Like there’s something that makes people want to follow you, you know? And besides, you seem like a really good fighter too. There may be a chance that we can fight each other later on, right? Other people usually don’t fight with the spirit you do, and that’s what’s cool about you. You fight with heart, and you don’t come by those kind of people very often. Going tournament after tournament seeing people fighting without spirit bored me. Then you come along, and you’re so inspiring to watch. I just wanted to get to know you better, and at least get to know someone who fights with such spirit. Plus, I want to help you find your past too. So, that’s why I tagged along."

“Really? I fight with spirit?” A serene smile came across Vane’s face.

“Yeah, you do. And that’s why I know you’re going to go really far in this tournament. Because a lot of people nowadays don’t have the spirit you do. I’m just glad I came across someone who fights so well, because I’ve always wanted to fight someone who fights with all his heart, like you do. Well, hopefully I’ll be able to fight you. I do have to go through other people, after all.”

Vane was touched by Emerald's response. It was clear that he loved fighting, and fought with all his heart. Vane never knew that Emerald was so insightful on how people fight.

“He must have gone through many hardships to tell whether or not someone is fighting for a reason. No wonder he fights so well,” Vane thought.

The elevator chimed as it reached its destination: the “A” floor.

“Well, I’m getting off here,” Emerald said as he hopped off the elevator, “gonna go see a friend of mine.”

“Alright then. See you, Emerald.”

And with that, the door closed. It took only a few seconds for the elevator to reach the Ground floor. Vane asked the receptionists as to where he could find the laundry room. They said that it could be found after going down the stairs in the room past the rec room to their left. The Angel hadn’t noticed that there was a door to the left of the front desk.

The rec room was full of game tables, and had many sofas and TV’s. It was a large room with a wooden floor, and the same brown wall as most of the building. Many ceiling fans hung about the room, and the ceiling was checkered with small lights. Not many people were there, as most had already gone to sleep.

After opening a door and proceeding down a short staircase, he arrived at a brightly lit white room, filled with white washing and drying machines. The Angel was surprised to see a familiar looking woman, bending over a washing machine. It looked as if she was having trouble with it.

“Is that you Nina?” Vane wondered.

“Hmmm?” Nina looked up and smiled when she saw the Angel. “Oh! You’re Vane right? Nice to see you again.”

“Likewise,” Vane replied. “Are you having trouble with that?”

“Yes, I am. I can’t seem to figure out how to make this thing work. I’m not good with housekeeping chores, you see.”

Vane looked around eventually spotting a guide on how to use the laundry machines on the wall.

“You know, the instructions are right over there.” Vane pointed towards the guide.

“Oh… I didn’t notice that. Thank you!” Nina thanked him, smiling.

Vane started to load his laundry into the washing machine. He wanted to ask Nina a question, though.

“Nina do you mind telling me why you want to study Fox?”

“Well, I am a scientist, you know.”

“And yet, you can’t even figure out how to work a washing machine,” Vane mentally commented.

“That Fox boy interests me a lot,” she continued, “who wouldn’t be interested in an animal who can stand on two feet and can speak our language?”

“Well, I suppose. But what if you get disqualified because of your curiosity, though? The methods you’re using aren’t exactly… safe.” Vane finished loading and closed the washing machine. He continued to set the machine while listening to Nina.

“I’m willing to take that risk.”


“Because we might be able to make a huge breakthrough in scientific biology! We might be able to advance our understanding of genetics and evolution even further!”

“Is it really worth all the trouble, though?”

“Let me put it this way: If you knew something that could potentially help you and your friends understand something much better, and would help with many other things you do, wouldn’t you do anything you could to find out more about it?”

“Well yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“I want to help science advance further. With those childish creatures we may be able to make new discoveries and get a better grasp on things. I want to help as much as I can so science can advance a little further. I’m also interested to see how similar they are to humans too! I’m willing to do what’s necessary to study them.”

“But why don’t you go after Falco? I think he’d be a bit easier to catch.”

“That bird thing is really annoying and to overconfident. I don’t want to waste my time with him.”

The Angel decided he was done with things here, and started on his way back.

“Well, good night, Nina. See you later,” Vane said, raising his hand in farewell.

“Bye Vane!” She waved goodbye, hunching over the washing machine and tinkering with it. “Let’s see… this button does that. And this one does this… what does this one do again? So complicated…”

Vane sighed with exhaustion as he left the confused Nina. After a few minutes, when he reached the door to his room, he heard something melodic coming from the other side. The Angel took out his key, unlocked and opened the door, and the sound immediately became clear: Alura was singing.

♪“Fly me to the moon,
And let me play among the stars,”♪

Vane stopped dead in his tracks, he was mesmerized by the beauty in her voice.

♪“Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars,
In other words, hold my hand,
In other words, darling, kiss me,”♪

As Vane walked further in, he could see that Alura was on the balcony, looking up at the moon.

♪“Fill my heart with song, and let me sing forever more,
You are all I long for, all I worship and adore,”♪

Vane stood in awe, anxiously waiting for the next verse, and wishing the song would last forever.

♪“In other words, please be true!
In other words, I love you.”♪

The Angel stood in silence, completely mesmerized by her song. When he realized Alura was done singing, Vane felt a bit sad. She continued to look at the moon, not noticing Vane had come in.

“That was amazing.” The words came out of Vane’s mouth before he could stop them. Alura immediately spun around and gasped, her face colored bright red.

“D-Did you hear all of it?” Alura asked shyly.

“Yeah, I did… but it was beautiful. I had no idea you could sing so well.”

“U-Um, thank you.”

Vane went outside to join Alura. They both looked at the full moon peacefully.

“You know, I wouldn’t mind taking you there,” Vane said. He didn’t know why he spoke those words, though.

“Take me where?”

“To the moon.” The Angel blushed slightly when he said this.

“Thanks Vane. That means a lot.” Alura started blushing as well.

“Alura, why did you decide to stay with me? You were pretty shocked when I told you my story. I know you want to help find my past, but why?"

“Well… I was shocked. But, other than the reason that I believe you’re a good person, I just wanted to keep being with you. It just feels nice when I’m with you, and I like the feeling. It’s like something keeps pulling me towards you, but I can’t really say why. But what I do know is that I still want to be with you, Vane.”

Vane was both touched and happy to hear this. The Angel felt at peace knowing that Alura still wanted to be with him, even after hearing his story.

“You know, Alura, that’s kind of the same way I feel,” confessed Vane.

“Really? Thanks, Vane,” Alura said with a smile.

They both felt happy being with each other. They smiled at one another, enjoying the moment and the simple pleasure of being with the other.

“Well, you kept your promise, Vane,” Alura said happily.

“What do you mean?”

“You said you would see how the city looks at night with me. And here we are, looking at it… isn’t it amazing? All those lights flashing and sparkling. It looks beautiful.”

“Yeah, it does.”

If Vane were looking at the city by himself, he wouldn’t spend too much time looking at it. But with Alura, viewing the spectacular city lights seemed special for some reason. He was happy to be seeing the city with Alura, and felt comforted by that familiar feeling he felt whenever he was with her.

Soon after, they both went to sleep. Vane wished that being with Alura would always be special before drifting off to unconsciousness.
Pit (C) Nintendo
Fox (C) Nintendo
Falco (C) Nintendo
The name, and I do stress the NAME, Vane (C) Me
Alura (C) Me
Nina (C) Me
Emerald (C) Ragnell4000
This chapter has been editted by Spired Moth

Well, I hope you all enjoyed ^__^. Please, as I said, leave any comments if you have any ^__^.

And Happy 10th Anniversary Smash World Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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