Are you guys seriously gonna decide to buy the game based on characters only? Remember the gameplay is what counts. Since they have Namco bandai maybe this time we'll get a worthy sucessor to melee. Lol, it would be borderline impossible to make a worse game than brawl.
obvious troll is obvious. don't feed him.
Pfft, to most around here, it's not. In fact we tend to play the game because we can duke it out with the fave Nintendo-characters. Gameplay can be functional as long as it works just fine. The ones who play Brawl aren't at least crazy nitpickers about it's engine.
Also vkrm, you have too high hopes for this becoming an worthy successor to Melee.
Also Opossum, it doesn't help speaking sense to these guys. They don't give a ****. They don't deserve our wisdom.
Opossum: This one's hard to determine. Very hard infact.
I mean, it has to be character that is pretty minor and seems "awesome" to be supported.
Maybe Unspecified Action Figure (or something from E3 2012)?
yes, these
tourneytards forget what Smash Bros. truly is about. so, thank you, sir, for reminding us what's the purpose of Smash Bros. firsthand.
those who expect a Melee 2.0 are putting high expectations, as always. Sakurai wants this to be a different experience from previous Smash games.
Non Specific Action Figure would be fun to have in SSB.
on the subject of the fandom as well...
we have these:
[COLLAPSE="Click to see"]
Iwata holding bananas before E3, NoA's Bill Trinen holding an orange and LEGO Iwata holding a LEGO carrot... what could be the meaning of these? Viral marketing? a teaser for something...
I have found a site that related bananas to DK (obviously), the orange to the Metroid series (as in Samus's Morph Ball is well... orange) and the carrot to either the Carrot from Super Mario Land 2 that transforms Mario into Rabbit Mario or Epona's carrot indicators from Zelda: Ocarina of Time. could this be related to Smash? I mean, it would be more obvious seeing Iwata (or another Nintendo employee) holding a mushroom or an eggplant.