Smash Grimer
No, because tourney-day logistics aren't the only issue with this. I have a fundamental problem with standardizing custom moves at nationals because they represent too much of a disconnect between the tourneygoers and the spectators. If I'm playing Smash 4 with my neighbor's kid, I want to be able to say "this is exactly the same as it is on the streams you watch" and not "well, if you had spent hundreds of hours unlocking custom moves until you got this one you see on stream"...Have you looked into Ampharos's custom move project at all? Not as difficult as you make it out to be.
The huge barrier to a casual accessing the same tools doesn't sit well with me. Spectatorship is a part of our national scene whether you like it or not, and ruleset changes ought to reflect what we deem to be in the best interests of not only game balance, but the health of the community. Custom moves won't catch on in the grand scheme of things because of this barrier that I've described, no matter how easy it is to implement at tourneys. Its format will be relegated to side event status at best.