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Spindash Head Jump

Dark Crimson

Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2008
Hanson, Massachusetts
Well, the head jump thingy works when you spin charge too. I spin charged in the air by accident, looking to do a homing attack instead but was too lazy to let go of right on the analog, and the Wolf computer made the head jumping animation and I raised in the air. I thought I had somehow spiked him with the homing attack, but realized that it was a spin charge when I died shortly afterwards due to the fact that it didn't end.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
So you did a FSJ (footstool jump) during the initial hop of side-B, kinda spiked Wolf and sent you suiciding..?

Did you already use your double jump before you did side-B?
If you did, then maybe doing the FSJ doesn't take away your double jump. If you didn't, then this might not be so useful since it pretty much sends you flying to your death :[

Or maybe it leaves the option of using FSJ from sideB when you've already used your double jump lol


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
St. Louis, Missouri
i remember a few weeks ago someone posted about accidently somehow spiking someone in the air with the forward B, mabye this is the same thing. Mabye Sonic's forward B hop can act as a spike if you footstool in the hop. I can't test this cuz i don't got my wii at college, can someone else test this and post about what results? This could be a really big discovery for Sonic. A quick way to get a kill. Cross you fingers!!


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
I was thinking about it and maybe this FSJ from side-B only works if you've already used your double jumps.

I saw a video of Boxob playing and he kills a pit(?) with something that looked like a FSJ out of a side-B. Before the FSJ, I saw him do a double jump, essentially cancelling the spin first, so it wasn't truly a FSJ from side-B, but FSJ from double jump. (sorry, that was repetitive)

Anyway, if you don't have a double jump left, you can spam jump as much as you want during your side-B and it won't cancel your actual spin, so it should make a true "FSJ out of side-B" possible.

Other than coming from high off-stage, that sounds really suicidal so I wouldn't bank on it as too much of a useful move :[


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
i think this has some mad potential with edgeguarding.

sonics a good edgeguarder but thats of course provided the enemy doesnt simply attack you out of it. his side b has pretty much infinite priority (i havent found a single attack that goes through it, it can even reflect ice climbers projectiles...) during the hop. so i the enemy is knocked off and you charge a spin dash right on the edge of the stage and hop off to FSJ the enemy it would be very effective. does anyone know if being footstooled (as in the enemy) resets thier recoveries? im thinking if you manage to FSJ someone like DK during his recovery (easily possible) would he regain his jumps after he is spiked downwards? i think they regain thier recoviers, as demonstrated by the double srpring jump videos, but not sure.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
St. Louis, Missouri
They regain their third jump only, except I'm not sure about cases like Pit. I haven't used Sonic's footstool jump on anyone off the side of the stage. Does it always spike or is this a property of doing it from the forward b?
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