That one seems OK at first- but show it to a scrub who wants to get better, and I guarantee they'll be spamming neutral B to approach and wondering what they're doing wrong within the week. Note the other small errors too: "Without proper DI, this [the jab] can break a shield against a wall." Scrubs never understand DI at first anyways- show them this, and they'll be trying to DI every time someone hits their shield. There are a couple more as well- and this is one of their better articles.
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"Fox can have trouble KOing because his attacks have low knockback and priority (excluding his Uair, which is powerful), but this also means Fox has amazing combo potential (he can zero-to-death combo). "
No mention of an Up-smash there. They don't mention how fox usually kills; no shine-spikes or what have you. They seem to think that only a couple of characters can 02D. Talk to some scrubs who've been on smashwiki but not smashboards- they'll constantly say stuff in this faux-knowledgeable tone like "Oh, fox destroys falcon on Dreamland because he's such a fast character and DL is so small that he doesn't have as much trouble killing." Then during the match they'll give their all to land that crucial Uair when (if ever) you're at high %'s.