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Someone give me advice (good advice) against DK now...before I kill myself.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Okay...not myself, but I might hurt someone or something. It was one of those nights...where i just couldn't win for my life. Now, thing is...i was playing my doubles partner, who I'm evenly skilled with.

I main Falcon.
He mains DK.

I beat him plenty, I'd even say every other match we switch off victories.

Tonight I lost at least 20 matches in a row to his donkey kong. At least. At. Least. 20.
In a row.

Now, let me list the things that didn't, and won't work against DK:
-Falcon Kick: He knows it's falcon's best approach, so he just sits there, spamming his Dtilt until i use falcon kick. It usually clanks, but since his Dtilt is much fast and quicker than falcon kick, i tend to get hit. From there he goes for DK's Dtilt>>>causes you to trip>>>Forward Smash bull**** combo. So i stopped approaching with Falcon kick.

-Dash attack: He knows i love this move. It becomes predictable...he shield grabs me. So i stopped doing that.

-Tilts: Falcon's little baby legs absolutely won't reach past DK's Huge, ridiculous tree arms. I landed a few Utilts and Dtilts, but that's it...and they were rare hits.

-The Knee: Although big characters are easy to Knee, with DK's stupid Back Air Spam it was nearly impossible. I got a few, but i tried to not to use it too much since it just ended with me getting abused.

-Hyphen up smash: As soon as he saw my sliding with my up smash he'd just use a quick Ftilt. Frustrating.

-Dash grabbing/Tech chase grabbing: Once again, he knows falcon's best bet is to grab with his terrible grab range. I dash at him, attempt to grab, but ONCE again...he spams his stupid Dtilt. Annoying but effective. For the remainder of the matches i could only really grab him when he whiffed on his forward smash or messed up.

-Going for the Spike: Apparently DK is one of the easily spiked characters in this game? I know that this one is just me and I must just not be good at spiking DK, but i rarely get the chance to approach from directly above to spike, so if i come at even a small angle, DK's recovery connects and does stupid damage. stupid...dumb damage (around 25 percent). For the remainder of the matches i didn't go for a spike unless i knew i had it for sure.

Here's what DID work:

-Short Hop air dodging over him, and then raptor boosting back towards him once i landed: This only worked for a short period of time, eventually he caught on. But it still worked every once in a while throughout the night.

-Stage Spiking: I swear my friend is a moron sometimes....he'll cling to the edge and just ask for it. Still wasn't enough to give me a win against him tonight though.

-Short hopping over his head and Bairing the back of him: This was by far and away my most effective approach...if he shielded, i was hitting the back of him so he couldn't shield grab me, and if he held his shield too long the bair would land anyway. Thing is, this move got stale REAL quick, so any KO potential was left to my other moves that were extremely hard to land on him.

-Connecting Nairs: Since DK's so big this worked pretty well, but even just one power shield and I'd get grabbed, which...against DK....leads to some punishment.

So there's basically what I know works and doesn't work. Someone help me out, give me advice, tell me something....before i eat myself to death, or im forced to fill out a zoloft prescription.

I hate Donkey Kong. Someone help lol :p.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
You can out-prioritize his upB with raptor boost, there should be no way he can recover.

as for approach, just wait REALLY far away if he stays there just taunt or something, you have to bait him. But Baiting doesn't need to be that boring dash dancing a raptor boost is excellent.

For DK just go for little hits, the nBair him off the stage and raptor his furry *** back to hell


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
knowing raptor boost out prioritizes DK's recovery is useful. thaaaanks Ayaz. Good **** as always buddy.

Union of Darkness

Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2008
Sounds like your friend plays defensively. Try doing that yourself. DK doesn't have projectiles either so he'll have to come to you eventually.

See which one of you can last the longest.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
Ah well you appear to like grabbing. Falcon's grab combos are notoriously simple on DK. It's getting the grab that's tricking you right? Try out this. since he knows you love that dash attack approach so much, let him think that is what you are doing. Dash right up to his stupid ***....and shield slide into grab. Alternatively you can dash up, roll behind and deliver the move of your choice, probably a grab >Fthrow >Nair >Fair


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
I'd try empty SH to shield or dashing shield (stop outside of his grab range) and see what he does. You can probably get away with Falcon Dive if you block a baited move.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008

This could seriously help. DK is such an enormous character that once you get him in the jab combo, he'll be in there for a while. 25+ damage easy. And since many of his forward attacks are so slow, you don't have to worry much about being punished at the end of your combo (just roll out of it).


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Akorn(Akron) OH
great list... im trying to make a well gone through guide so im going to use your list you dont mind do you?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2008
Use CF's Jab to play keep away.

Also stay way form the edge keep to the center.(spin the along in to break out quickly.)


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2008
May or may not help. Use jabs because DK's sorta slow. What to do next? Because Falcon moves quickly, you can afford to do attack predictions, or just roll around him. In the event that you do attack predictions, if you think he'll try to Ftilt, short hop and Dair him (if you mastered this, you might hit, if you suck at it like I do, you'll miss and he'll try to shield it as a reflex), after the reflex, Ftilt, Dtilt, Dsmash, dash forward, then Fair him.

In the event you roll around him, dashgrab him, Uthrow him, jump, Uair him, make sure you're still in front of him while he falls and Fair him. (If you're behind him while he's falling, Bair him and go from there. Note that if he's at high %, the Uair might knock him a good distance away from you, just be careful if that happens.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Suicide is the answer.
Naw it sounds like youre being too predictable, but if thats not the case then the link below can help you:

careful posting links like that though man, you never know who's looking around the boards....some depressed kid could stumble into this thread and bam.

on the news tomorrow.

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
Since DK has such a huge hitbox, I'd recommend the knee every now and then. My favorite tactic on large opponents, albeit a little predictable.

Red Alloy

Smash Apprentice
May 1, 2008
I played a DK today (kinda, it was a FFA and we were the last 2 left with one stock at high damage). I ran circles around him, baited, and punished. It seemed to work until I messed up and he got a smash on me. His tilts ****, though. :ohwell:

And I'm beginning to think that while platforms might help Falcon, they help other people better. Or maybe that's just me.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
I main DK, and make sure you beware the down-B (assuming your friend knows its power). It has an absurd hitbox (longer than Snakes tilts) and pops you up. On top of that, it comes out quick.

Also watch out for getting grabbed at around 50% or so by the ledge. If he gets you, he can cargo stage spike you.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2008
Yeah, that does work. My favorite tactic is mixing it up between sweetspots and near misses, the opponent never expects you to fly behind them while you air dodge and that leads to a Bair before they can do anything else.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
I played a DK today (kinda, it was a FFA and we were the last 2 left with one stock at high damage). I ran circles around him, baited, and punished. It seemed to work until I messed up and he got a smash on me. His tilts ****, though. :ohwell:

And I'm beginning to think that while platforms might help Falcon, they help other people better. Or maybe that's just me.
Yep baiting is good. When he's charging his punch, I like to approach facing forward but with BAir, because he usually tries to roll behind me and run across the stage and charge it some more. Throwing an NAir out short can also work because when they hear the move they like to roll, so then you can DSmash them since NAir's landing lag is super low. If you keep good spacing, you can stay out of his grab range, and block his tilts.

For platforms helping other people better, I'd have to agree, especially on Battlefield; I'm not sure why some people like it so much, because it pretty much kills aerial approaches. It's been said that the platforms help you avoid campers, but in my experience they just protect the campers, since most of them have pretty good USmashes and they'll just jump to shoot you if you are further away.

When someone is on a platform above you, UAir and Falcon Dive tend to miss because of blocks/dodges/rolls, USmash hits such a small space above the platform and usually gets blocked, and UTilt is slow enough that they usually aren't still on the platform when I use it, since you can't do it from a dash. None of Falcon's moves have enough priority/range to stop someone from going over the edge of the platform and falling down to the stage, except UTilt can be spaced to beat many characters' aerials. What I've found myself doing the most against people on a platform above me is NAir, since with the low landing lag I can do something else pretty fast if the rolled away or something.

Platforms also make Falcon Punch almost useless, since you can't do full hopped, double hopped, or falling Falcon Punches on someone who is beneath a platform, and I've been getting like 1/4 of my kills from those lately.

Red Alloy

Smash Apprentice
May 1, 2008
Alright, I played him a little more (in real 1v1s) and I found that:

-When he's charging his punch, you can hyphen smash without fearing punishment easily if you time it right

-Don't chase him off the stage unless he's already Up-bing. He has 3 spikes and can use any of them to finish you. If he Up-bs onto the stage, paunch him.

-You can chain Dash attack-->Uair at low-mid %s thanks to his size.

-Dash-->Shield works well thanks to the momentum you keep when you shield. Also try Dash-->Sidestep or Dash-->Shieldgrab.

-If he groundpounds, just about any aerial will work.

-Don't try to Up-b onto the stage. He'll kill you.

-DO Up-b while on the stage and close to him. YEHS!

-Interesting gimp: He tried to edgeguard me with a punch but I power shielded it from behind. He fell off the stage helpless. If we can exploit this, it'll be an easier time for us.

Bad stages:

Delfino Plaza- Waterspikeing may be tempting but not only can he use it more efficiently, he can kill the understage approach with his Dsmash.
Halberd- See Delfino.

Let me be frank and say there is no way that this matchup can be considered good for Falcon. Granted, none of them are good, but this one is BAD. He 2 stocked me for most of the matches and I was able to beat him a few times, but barely. Also, Wogrim, consider this a submission to the guide, if you don't mind.


Jun 3, 2008
The Final Countdown is now playing in your head.
Looks like I'm not having the same problem, yay. ^_^ I've had plenty of run-ins with Donkey Kong, so I know a few ways how to get around him. The guys have most of the solutions for ya, but if there's anything, you have to make excellent use of the grabs. Apparently, the D-Throw gives the best opportunities, because you can easily U-Air or F-Air from there (lol rhymes). Also, make excellent use of his N-Air. It can quickly disrupt attacks, leading for a quick U-Air and then a dash attack if you have enough time.

Try to scare him a bit with the Up Smash and Down Smash (Down Smash is my favorite). Also, if he's recovering to the stage, note that it has terrible vertical recovery. If you can land a Raptor Boost in the air, bam. He just lost a stock. Otherwise, you can ready a Falcon Punch to intimidate him. If it hits, good on ya! If it doesn't, chances are, he'll probably grab the edge, he'll have pressed the opposite direction too much (thus leaving him incapable of reaching the stage again), or he somehow managed to fly over you (if this is the case, quickly follow up with another attack).

Don't be a daredevil and try to challenge Donkey Kong in the air. Capt. Falcon's aerials may be fast, but Donkey Kong's are strong and relentless. His F-Air and D-Air spike, so note of that. If he spams B-Air, distance yourself and shield properly. Occasionally, with proper spacing and timing, a Raptor Boost will stop it, and you can follow with an U-Air.

Capt. Falcon's AAA combo is VERY good. Once you're satisfied with jabbing him a couple of times, end it with a fast hit. Personally, I love using Side Smash for the power, and Down Smash for the awesome range.

Also, try to avoid Final Destination, Halberd, and Delfino Plaza. Final Destination's ceiling edges make it hard to recover if you hit the ceiling. Halberd has many hazards, and you spend most of the time on a little platform in the sky. Like Red Alloy mentioned, if you try to come in through the ground, you're prone to Donkey Kong's Down Smash, which just sucks. In Delfino Plaza, although you can spike him through the water (which I love doing), Donkey Kong's spikes are stronger, and he has two of them. And once again, you're prone to Donkey Kong's Down Smash if you come in through the ceiling. And the fact that the stage is walk-off in some parts doesn't help one bit. You can very easily be grabbed, carried over, and thrown for a quick kill.

I hope I helped. ^_^;


Smash Apprentice
Aug 5, 2007
he has one of the top speed in the game for a reason...approaching doesnt always involve attacking. use your speed, be creative, he isnt as 2 dimensional as you believe. grrrr
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