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Some Ike vids...rate plz

Heart Break Kid

Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2006
yea so i know im pretty bad at this game but whatever. I'd appreciate it if anyone would give me feedback on some vids i recorded a few days ago....

Reno ( Sheik ) vs HBK ( Ike )


So ya its okay if you tell me how much i suck...jus wanna get bettr. lolz:chuckle:


Smash Cadet
Sep 4, 2006
Irvine, California
Nice vids HBK. Your fair spacing and empty Short hop mind game are pretty **** good. :) The times when sheik did get in on you were primarily just due to him knowing the way you play it seemed. Just one major thing that I did notice though.

Your spacing with fairs way too much and after about 2-3 the sheik player learned the timing and would just run in underneath or roll to ikes backside. While your spacing with this move is incredibly good, I think relying on it a little bit less would help mix up your game a lot and confuse that sheik player a bit more. Now, I'm not the biggest fan of approaching with QD but I use it maybe anywhere between 1-5 times a game. Simply for mixup. On a player that is good at judging distances like yourself, I would think spacing your QD's to whiff would be very easy for you and keep the sheik player on their toes for it. It fits into those empty short hops you occasionaly did very well for example. Also worth mentioning, neutral air. The auto recovery on this is incredible and allows you to be really aggresive with jabs and jab fakes. This will allow you to switch up between pressuring heavily and your natural fair spacing already. It will force a reaction out of your friend that in most cases is evasive. :) The more time spent being afraid of ike, is more time for you to abuse that fair, nair, and jabs to push them to an edge.

I think you have an incredible ike but just need to work on utilizing more mindgame and use a bit more of his moveset. It will only serve to evolve your ike incredibly at this point. ^_^ Good games. I laughed when the sheik got destroyed from the right side of FD, all the way to the left by continuing to run into the jab combos after a whiffed Fair. Good stuff. :chuckle:

Heart Break Kid

Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2006
Thx....most of the stuff u said makes sense as the only thing i use to approach is like the fair and occasional dash attacks here and there. But yea again thx

Lol. more advice people, i need the help.

The Mediator

Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2007
Where I feel like...
You should do more matches on Battlefield... In my opinion, platform stages like that require a much greater degree of skill to play on, and are a lot more interesting. Also, that Sheik wouldn't be able to needle you as easy with the less ground space =).

Ya, you should use Neutral Air more often, it's really good for fending off attacks, and... ya. Your control over Ike is awesome, keep up the good work.
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