The Spook Factor
Pichu: "(A sore loser?)"Nanoha: "...The rivalry seemes heated"
Hayate: "Yeah, like whenever you lose a game"
Nanoha: "...Eh? I'm not like that!"
Fate: "You are what is known as a 'sore loser'"
Nanoha: "Awww, Fate-chan too?" -pouty for once-
-Or at least she knew a Miyu...-
Luvia: "Of course, Illyasviel and others will still get high class education, don't worry about such matters"
Nickel: "...where are you now?"
Shockwave: "Earth, or at least, the Earth where the War came to a halt"
-And all magical girls that reside in it...-
Semiramis: "And to make deals with those that were right enough..."
Squirtle: "(I doubt I'd be that upset if I lost a battle...)"

-Even if it's not the same one as the one who managed to survive along with Shirou and Kiritisugu...-
Alright, sweet! If you need any help setting it up, let me know. I've trained my fair share of royal guards recruits and one apprentice before.

We've been dealing with several rogue Cybertronians and former Decepticons, ourselves, including the now captured Jhiaxus..
-And who knows how many of them there still are there, even with the Incubators extinct...-
(Including Drakkon...)
(With the threat Drakkon posed to the universe, I'm certain we were bound to cross paths with him eventually, and it's perhaps for the best that we did...But him and his army teaming up with Toffee only made things worse...)
-So with that idea in mind, they decide to finish up their research at the library for the day, rent a few books on wildlife conservation efforts and nature sanctuaries, and head back to Lilith's domain for now--GOOD IDEA, CONNIE!-
Weiss: "The box!"
-she's trying to wrap her mind around it-
-Sakura and Elise would see them walking to the library's front desk a few minutes later-
(But how are they going to get out of the pit?!)
-With Anne, Sprig and Polly essentially forming a human chain, Hop Pop tells the kids to hang on, before using all of his strength to swing them around in a circular pattern, similar to when Mario's about to throw Bowser, but in this case, for the sake of trying to save them-
-Current thoughts?-
Byleth: "And that we shall. Thank you, Moon."
Edelgard: "Some of us were assigned to natives of Elyos but otherwise, chances are the rest of us are on your side."
Link: "It wasn't glowing green before either..."
Wolf: "So they're not working for the Calamity..."
Azura: "Can any of the brainwashers control machines?"
-oh noooo-
Zelda: "Well... this princess more than understands your hardships."
Palutena: "Being a mother of four makes it difficult... but I would not trade them for anything. Raising them has made me happier."
-snickering Pandora-
-she probably doesn't even know most of Sothis's powers and will learn them as she watches-
-With that, Moon goes to inform Martha and Shez that they can take a break from cooking as well, before taking her seat at the dining hall--And that is what they'll end doing!-
Jeanne Lily: "Like Ms. Celica is with my older sister!"
Monika: "Thanks! I hope so!"
Kazumi: "W-Well, Kanna-chan is very good with tech..."
Tart: "So she might be behind it..."
Oriko: "How dangerous are these machines?"
Lapin: -Giggles- "I'm glad you know your place~"
Kagari: "By the way, your gems will darken up the more negative emotions you feel, and when it's pitch-black, you'll become a Witch! So try to relax just a little bit, okay~?"
Iroha: "I see... You do? Ah, wait, you don't have to say anything if it hurts you"
Ophanimon: "So you think you'd be a cranky lady without them?"
Ishtar: "So she can get embarrassed too! Cute"
-And she will be like "OOOOOH!" whenevr she does one-
-She's about to raise a toast as well as make a speech in honor of everyone who helped defeat Toffee, the Alliance, Phazon, and dispel the fritz, as well as honor those who fell and couldn't live to see this moment-
I guess I wouldn't be surprised. I don't know how many Emblems there are, but Chaldea badly needed the backup when Koyanskaya, Rita and Zedd were still around...
Star: "Link's right, I remember seeing a few of them the last time I visited it. They usually just glowed blue and pink, and purple when the Calamity was controlling them..."
-It doesn't seem to be just the work of the Guardian itself being reprogrammed by Kanna, either, as notably, the Master Sword is still glowing very brightly when near the Guardian, meaning that, while Calamity Ganon/Ganondorf isn't possessing it, someone or something still is...-
-The majority of the students either nod and/or vocally acknowledge that, all nervously or begrudgingly-
-The toughest of the students are still pissed, but don't make any effort to attack anyone since they don't understand how their own new powers work yet. They can tell it'd likely just get them killed-
Star: "And while I don't know think I understand the exact things you've gone through, I've also lost a lot of people I cared about...And I can least understand how much it hurts to lose people you care about, and ones who cared about you, too...T ry not to blame yourself too much. That's just going to make things worse, and I doubt your little sister and friends would want you to live the rest of your life thinking you failed them..."
-That sounds like Artemis?-