Jeanne Lily: Yes, Christmas cheer needs to still be spread!"
Slug: "We Dinobots too big, shame, me Slug would love a good fight"
-tbh I don't remember if they did either-
-Iroha was very much tryng to shoot arrows at Alina, struggling to evade her beams, while Illya raised a protective barrier-
Corbeau: "What a regal-looking armor~"
Bumblebee: "Not much" -then entering town they would see destruction caused by Airi beforehand- "...Oh fried circuits..."
Irisviel: "Then probably the few guys with us will have to remain out of town"
Ophanimon: "Just a little curiosity. And not bad, I've seen fights like this back home"
You might not be. We don't know where this thief has run off to, or what else they're capable of...
-Should we roll with the idea that there is a Shielder card or that there isn't one?-
Dipper/Mabel: "THE MANSION!"
Pacifica: "Even after we moved out, something crazy is always going on in that place!"
Stan: "Ugh, fine..." -Annoyed that the one town full of human women around his and Ford’s age is one they can't visit- :V
W-Wait, seriously?
Sothis: "And a giant automaton would be a good way to scare them, don't you think?"

"You've seen how effective your size has been at scaring my teal-haired friends in the past, after all."
Byleth: "..." -doesn't like that it was brought up but can't deny she's right-
-iirc, it was every class except for Moon Cancer (BB was the only one and no one wanted two of her), Beast (too dangerous), Shielder (to keep the bit of Mash being one-of-a-kind), Foreigner and Pretender (the Cards predate those two classes)... but a Galahad Card to make a second Mash could be cool-
-personally, I moreso forgot who the Spirits in the cards are because I never thought of keeping track of them myself-
-Wolf then shot an arrow at Corbeau-
-if it hits, Wolf would not be hurt but he
would lose Rupees, showing that he's found a workaround to her curse-
Kanna: "Thanks, Illya-chan..."
Urbosa: -looks at Gaster- "You're nothing but bones. As long as no one confuses you for a Stalfos, you might be able to go inside since we let genderless people such as Gorons inside, even if they have clear masculine features." -then looks at Link- "You should probably change into that silly outfit as well."
Link: "Don't need it anymore."
Urbosa: "Huh?"
Link: "I've done so many favors for them over the years that they can't deny I've been nothing but a crucial ally, so Riju has made me the only male who can enter without issue... or a need to disguise myself to fool the people. And not one of them opposed that. I'm more or less their hero now."
Urbosa: "...Hm, I suppose if anyone could get away with it, it makes sense for it to be you."
Wolf: "Well, time for
my disguise then." -wolf form; pets are allowed too :V-
-Stanley is probably very upset that three of the masculine members have their ways inside? :V-
Shez: "I wonder how strong the people in your world are... and if they could handle me or my Servant."
-Susie grumbles in mild annoyance again-
(She finally found out about a possible way home, but now she's not even ready to sat goodbye to the Plantars...)
-In reality, Specter Knight doesn't want it to fail. He wants Abigail to at least recover from her trauma whether or not she can heal her physical injuries-
-He's just really, really concerned that this might not be a good idea, for a number of reasons...-
-Ruby giggles a bit-
Weiss: "At least not until it's certain she can get back home."
-but also can't deny that Abby facing Kama
is a way things could be fixed-
-a risky one but if it works...-
Given Mermaimon is the more powerful stage and with the others it's consistent, yeah :V
-She doesn't knows, but clings- :V
Oriko: "Divine Dragon?"
Iroha: "Monarch?"
Jalter: It just makes no sense with how they tend to be!
Homura: "I thank you all for your hospitality" -bowed-
Well, don't worry. You know
I got little sleep from Discord :V
-how very Kama-core of her- :V
-meanwhile, Merlin sees Pit, the two dumb girls who hang out with him and Oriko?-
Alear: -nods- "Indeed. I may not look the part, but I
am royalty. I try to look more modest because I don't want to be seen as special for my status alone.
If I must get praised by others, I want it to be earned through my own skills and efforts."
-but most are friends with people who sometimes do things for their own selfish sakes in spite of usually being very kind and selfless (mostly Kamui for Jeanne and the glutton kids for Jeanne Lily) so perhaps they rubbed off on them?-
Byleth: "Isn't she sweet?"
Azura: "She's very polite, yes. Whoever raised her did a fine job."