-And with help from Illya, Miyu or Star, they easily return to the Dark World-
Oh, hey, Kazumi! -Waves-
Oh, y-you're one of the new Magical Girls!
-Yeah, it's still a dog, so it can't understand what he's saying- :V
-Tons of people would probably love to be able to have all sorts of Pokemon...-
-Lancer has a crush on a Jack, and the Card Prince himself is still oblivious to it- :V
-Indeed, and thus the Ace trio regain their appearances from their previous visit-
Nanoha: "Woah, I didn't even need to activate Raising Heart"
Hayate: "I don'r know why, but I feel grand"
Fate: "Though fortunately we'll face less hostility"
Kazumi: "Hiiiii~!" -waves- "And that's right! I remember you too, Alphys-sensei!" :D
-So he sighs and resigns to the fact the canine is too curious about him to leave-
Kazumi-chan sure would...
And she is also unaware... Adorable~
-he's also well aware of the fact that both Liz and Viridi crush on Pit and the sheer chaos it would cause if all three were in the same room...-
Veyle: "Big Sister!" -runs to hug she-
Alear: -picked her up as Veyle did and spun around, making her little sister giggle- "What brings you here?"
Veyle: "I want you to meet my newest friend Suzune~"
Celica: "Wonderful."
-Jannus also happeh?-
-but the shield is gone because of her death, right? wouldn't that mean she's just a gun girl?-
-or is there a way the shield can return?-
-He's lucky Minervamon only has platonic feelings for him because that would be even worse-
Suzune: "...We only just met, it's too soon to call me that" -clearly lying-
-Very happy so they go eat some tarts-
-Tart didn't mind how on the nose it was-
-She still has the shield as that's the weapon she gained from her wish-
-She just can't time travel anymore-
Wait, can Emblems normally not change their default clothes?
-Stanley then tries to slash Coreabu's arm, while Ford guns after the Plague Doctor-esque Doppel-
Dipper: (...Please distract them long enough trying to steal their Soul Gems so that we can get out of here...)
-...They might need to get into contact with more members of the Pines' interidmensional friends, somehow...-
-And that's still not the worst of it. Now some shapeshifter has impersonated most of them attacking the town...-
Lapis: "Yeah, Peridot's even mentioned a phrase like that from some of the books and TV show she's seen...."
Sparky: "(SERIOUSLY?! HOW?!)" -Angry Pikachu-
-Yeah, why did they call her here again?-
Alear: "You could say it's a winter miracle."
Emblem Soren: -bluntly- "Sommie did it."
Wolf: "It's made to rid the world of evils like you." -another stab-
Wonderful news~ -then Luka-
Seems this one was too smart for her own good.
Zelda: "On that we can agree on."
Phosphora: "Calm down, Sparky..."
Palutena: "Follow us then."
Martha: "...Very well, even if just for a day"
-However, as Stan would try that, something, or better said someone, jumped at him-
Corbeau: "Ow~! So that's how you like to play~" -Corbeau tries to dive down at Ford and to crush Wolf with him-
Don't worry, we're putting her in-line now
Kagari: "Now what are you tryibg to do?"
Luka: "Oh, I just want your Soul Gems, that's it~"
Kanna: "Sorry, but we'll have to say no"
Luka: "In that case..." -blades in hand- "I'm gonna have t-"
Sasa/Kanna/Kagari: "Shut it" -at that time, the three of them all used their mind altering magic on the crazed jewel hunrer, whose smile changed to a neutral expression with her jaw hanging down as her knees gave in and she fell on them-
Kagari: "Good, good~ This one will still be of use~"
Suzune: "Kagari...!"
Kanna: "Now, Luka Ayase... How are you?"
Luka: "...Ah...Ah, my bosses! Sorry, I was too distracted thinking about the Soul Gems of those girls~"
-True, but how?-
Her last name is Souju, correct...
This is bad! She tried to kill all my friends for their Soul Gems!
Iroha: ...
And I think they just fully brainwashed her into submission...
Um... Is it a bad time to talk about thw shapeshifter?
Kiyohime: "Only to maybe repair a few things"
Spadamon: -Lost a stock- "Hey! How could you do that so quick?!"
Medea: "Alright..." -hovered around, as embarassed as she is over thw outfit-