Pit: "I don't know. I can't cook."

-Veyle did say Suzune reminds her of her big sister... maybe Alear could tell by experience?-
-she'd be so jealous lmao-
-but anyway, how Jalter after Celica said that?-
Byleth: "Oh, I just need to talk to those in charge about it. Speaking of, we need to get you registered so they don't think you're an enemy."
Elizabeth: "Oh... But then I can cook for you always~"
-Perhaps, it's so striking to Suzune even so-
Jalter: "...I mean, they're just overstating how good it is"
Homura: "A-An enemy? They would do that?"
Squirtle: "(But that doesn't explain your hair and eye colors, or your armor, or...us turning into Shiny Pokemon?!)"
-Squirtle and Girafarig now both look like the Shiny versions of their species, while the Vulpix has become an Alolan one-
-Auto-correct strikes again- :V
What brings you here, though?
-A few of them still have sympathy for other beings, even organic ones...-
-And there are a
lot of Pokemon here that qualify or can be seen as such-
Both from my own collection and stuff we've bought more recently! We were inspired by Chaldea's own library of games!
Hayate: "It's how this place works. We don't understand it too much either"
Kazumi: "I wanted to ask you something, Undyne-san!"
-Yeah, but it's clear only a few of them, so he's careful-
I don't which I could pick! Wait, I can't just pick one like that! It's not like they're pets!
Jack: "Oooh, we do have a lot of toys..."
I have a bunch downloaded. Why don't I play some right now?
-Allowing Stan to try and strike the Doppel with Cursed Arm's abilities, and while Ford's attack was blocked, he still has his laser pistol, and tried to fire energy bullets at Corbeau while she was distracted as well-
Dipper: "Why am I not surprised this time...?"

Mabel: "Are all of you total psychos here right now?!"
Soos: "This is bad, Stan's not picking up!"
Wendy: "That old codger's not the best with cellphones, but considering everything that's going on right now, that's probably not the reason he's not picking up right now!"
Melody: "Didn't they say they were going to McGucket's mansion? That might be were we need to look, but we obviously don't have much time..."
-All three of them are taking great care to avoid being seen by Minou and the others, as well as any brainwashed minions of theirs-
-Will Tart try to go there to provide backup?-
-I honestly wasn't sure if either of them still had a Sheikah Slate or not, and if it was mentioned previously, I forgot...-
Lapis: "I can guess who tried to kill her..."

Sparky: "(Oh, I like that plan!)"
-Unlike most here, Ralsei is usually grateful or not bothered by being called cute rather than embarrassed or annoyed-
-Medea would find that the dial phone emits the same bizarre and eerie "garbage noise" that the others heard through it-
-she'd wrap both :V-
-and get some guitar strings for Aoko-
Alear: "Oh, that sounds-"
Soren: -interrupting- "Dreadful."
Alear: "Fun~!"
-and that's what Wolf does, using his second Clawshot to grab Corbeau's Doppel and then get on its back for more slashes-
Kanna: "No... I never thought I'd say this but give back Ruby!"
Zelda: "Your guess would be correct, but the way he tried it was by using a Phantom impersonating
Palutena: "I don't!"

-but who was phone-
-Good for both of them- :V
Quetzalcoatl: "Sure, it would be so fun~"
Suzuka: "Unless you're like, a retail worker"

-Lapin's Doppel attempted to to attack his elongated arm while deflecting thrown knives-
-And Corbeau didn't see the laser gun coming so she's hit, while her Doppel tries to slam its own back against the ground to harm Wolf-
Kazumi: "Uuuuh, this is bad, the other girls are in trouble!"
Alina: "Oh if only you knew~" -she has the cube come to her- "Well, well, you'll be quite of use~"
M. Ruby: "...Can I go now?"

Kagari: "Noooooooo~"
Iroha: "Where are Touka-chan and Nemu-chan?!"
Alina: "...Oh, you could tell we caught them?" -chuckle- "It's not like it matters right now, since we have hidden them well~"
Iroha: "Let them go, you, you... You bad exuse of an artist!"
Alina: "Geez, such a goody two-shoes you can't even come with a good insult, quanto ingenuo e stupido from you"
Minou: "Shall we go now? My sisters could require the assistance"
Kanna: "Just a little bit"
Oriko: "Will you kill us...?"
Kagari: "Oh I wish so much to snuff Suzune-chan's life out..." -smugly patted the head of an infuriated Suzune- "But some extra suffering shall happen first~"
Sasa: "Just some of that, and it will make feeding you to monsters all the more rich"
-Fortunately they seem to be so smugly rubbing their advantage at their rivals faces to see they're there-
Tart: "I need to go, our enemies have caught most of the others in a trap!"
Kiyohime: "So that scoundrel also wanted to incriminate you..."
-Medea loves cute things- :V
Medea: "Hmmm..." -listening more-