In that case, anyone else here still hungry? 
Tetra: "They sound
way more friendly than the main tribe in the Great Sea..."
TLink: "If they're anything like Daruk, I can believe that."

-She just thinks it'd be a sweet way for her to express her feelings towards him, even if they both already know-
Byleth: "I can always go for more, especially if it's Shez's cooking."
Zelda: "They're a wonderful tribe... the only downside is that their town is near an active volcano, so you need to find a way to protect yourself from the intense heat."
-adorable Vulpix~-
Fate: "Mayhaps later?"
-Good, how creative~-
Scáthach: Did she not know of her Mystic Eye?
-Musashi is proving herself nimble enough to dodge!-
Kiara: "I'm so sorry I worried you..."
Phosphora: "Alright, fine by me."

-and insightful~-
Shez: "You're kinda forcing my hand here, girl. Now try to dodge this!" -Dark Spikes completely surround Musashi-
Harley: "Don't need to be so harsh on yourself, girl. I get ya. It's a really hard thing to move on from, I should know..."
Martha: "Then it's my place to put you back in order!" -cracking knuckles-
Kiara: "To betray after we were willing to give you a chance... You won't get away with this!" -changed to her horned form-
Kama: "Oh I'll shut your mouth now..."
Rita: "Okay, what's going on out there?"
Koyanskaya: "It would cause more good in the end. They are highly destructive, so disgusting they're willing to kill their own for their selfish goals!"
Luka: "It's cute, good luck" -ruffles the hair of both-
Medusa: "I mean, it's just you like always but with different eye and hair color..."
-All in the team has come together well-
Monika: "They better had"
(Everything's off to a good start so far...)
Some Of Those Chaldea People Showed Up In Town. And There Seems To Be Some Sort Of Internal Conflict Going On Amongst Their Ranks. Or Several Numerically Speaking
-That's either video game logic or ARMS just being that strong- :V
-Sardonyx thus responds by punching Springtron with two of her four fists, which itself would also be enough to send him flying-
-Penny is still aware that the Hedlok she was chasing isn't far, so turns around anticipating a surprise attack, but couldn't prepare a counterattack on time-
Ninetales: "(And how is that any different from what you're doing?)"
Zangoose: "(Sounds to me like you're no better than they are...)
Magmar: "(I don't know, wasn't the whole point of us living in that hidden forest to stay away from creatures like humans to begin with?)"
Midday Lycannroc: "(You're not helping...)"
-Toon Link chuckled at having his hair ruffled-
-Tetra was annoyed as it ruined her hairdo- :V
...It's been such a long night th-that I almost forgot it was still Halloween...
Well, it makes sense, but the changes seem oddly...specific, I guess?
-How much longer will the project take?-
-On the surface, Moana ends up asking Maui what Tamatoa was talking about when he referred to the "ones who abandoned" him, as well as the tattoo among his many others on his back that displays an adult literally throwing an infant away-
-Harley also stood among the defeated in the Kama and Kiara clash, giving the latter a "personal reason" too... but she still took a peek and was proud to see Kiara in control of herself-
Juri: "By all means, don't hold back~" <- will actually hold back
-what a silly bunch of people~-
-and now, an excuse for me to take Link away until I'm done with TotK :V-
Zelda: -comes in- "Oh, there you are, Link!"
Link: "You seem distraught..."
Zelda: "Well, of course I would be! Purah just gave me a call. An underground cave has been discovered beneath Hyrule Castle, and what comes out of it has been making people sick!" -and that's as much as I will spoil of TotK because it's literally explained in the first minute of the game :V-
Link: "No way..."
Zelda: "Yes! We'll need to meet her in her lab in Hateno Village at once for preparations. You can come as well if you want, Wolf."
Wolf: "I wouldn't want to take too many resources away from this group... Just bring your knight. I'll be fine."
Zelda: "If you say so. Now come, Link!" -grabs his good arm and drags him along-
Link: "W-Whoa!"
Pandora: "I felt like trying a new look and I'm so divinely beautiful that I knew I'd make it look good~"
-with this much help, the first one might be done by the time Monika finishes the movie-