The Stoopid Unikorn
Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sooga: "Impressive. When the time comes to slay you, our battle shall be as glorious."-It manages to sever the wire in half, freeing that Werewire as well-
(Can't disagree with that.)
-The Plantars return home later that night, and Anne, seeing as how she and the Plantars have been through a lot together by now, decides she's comfortable enough to tell them how she got to Amphibia, and tells them as much before showing them the device that transported her. the music box she took from the thrift shop-
-Sprig and Polly are in awe of it's design, while Anne asks if any of them recognize it at all. Hop Pop asks to see it, and after examining the music box for a few seconds, promptly says "Nope! Never seen anything like it"-
Wolf: "Maybe focus on escaping first? Wait... how did you even get here?"
-"Sheik" shows herself, does Star show herself as well?
Weiss: -snickered-
Palu: -smugtena--Groaning Fou-
Sakura: "But how are you back?"
Tomoe: "I'm confused as well..."
-which allows Springtron a free hit-
-she tried dodging-
Camilla: "Perhaps it is fate?"
-If it's even possible...-
Monika: "Oh the Gem? Could look into that"
da Vinci: -Already a step a head, knocked the bird a bit-
Navi: "WAAAAAH!"
Sothis: "Okay, I may be fast, but I'm not that fast..." -chooses to land on the ground--She could certainly try, but it's obvious the searchlights are scanning the sky too quickly to be easily avoided-
Steven: "She already knows Mash, so I'm sure she'll be happy to be friends with you, too."
-Amethyst and Garnet at least tried to save her in time, either by throwing Yang out of the way or by attacking Zs'Skayr-
N-Navi! Are you alright?
Probably not now that she's been startled awake, Alphys.![]()
Deadpool: "You're more likely to find piano enthusiasts than self-aware people..."
-Ghostfreak (I'm not spelling that ****ing name lmao) was too quick for Yang to act-
Arlon: "I would offer some tea but... being a robotic avian makes it awkward."