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Solo main, Dual main or Main/Secondary?


Smash Rookie
Aug 23, 2017
Wappingers Falls, New York
Switch FC
SW 2453-5332-2823
Good evening Smashboards! This is my first ever post, so I'll start with a question I'm sure people hear often. Should one solo main, dual main or main and have a secondary/back up character? So here's my situation:
I decided to main :4lucina: since this game came out and still play her to this day. Then :4corrinf::4corrin: came out and I started playing him/her as well. I dedicate an equal amount of time practicing with these two.

I find Lucina's constant damage to compliment my playstyle vs Marth's tipper and Roy's sweetspot. She's a perfect medium so to speak. As for Corrin, I feel he/she has a lot of hidden potential and I am a big fan of their moveset.

My tournament experience is a bit limited due to money/transportation, however to the few locals I've been to these two have net me top 10 and a few top 5 finishes against match ups both favorable and unfavorable.

I aim to constantly improve myself in anyway possible; so would it be best to focus on one of these characters, continue playing with these two, main one and secondary another or maybe something completely different. Feel free to leave your thoughts down below.


Smash Cadet
Sep 7, 2015
Garden Grove, California
Hello! I had Lucina as my main too until Corrin came out, and I've decided to main him/her since then, because I am a big fan of Corrin's movesets as well like Dragon Fang Shot and Dragon Lunge. The best advice I could give to you is that choose either Lucina or Corrin as a main, and have the other as a secondary, because having two mains at the same time takes way longer to improve than to have one main, at least until you've become the master in Sm4sh as far as I have heard. I personally get to main Corrin right now, because he/she gets to fit my playstyle, like having a melee & projectile hybrid neutral special, as well as great spacing, but if Lucina gets to compliment your playstyle really well, then it's not a bad idea to main her either. Pick one who you would like to main.
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Smash Rookie
Aug 23, 2017
Wappingers Falls, New York
Switch FC
SW 2453-5332-2823
Hello! I had Lucina as my main too until Corrin came out, and I've decided to main him/her since then, because I am a big fan of Corrin's movesets as well like Dragon Fang Shot and Dragon Lunge. The best advice I could give to you is that choose either Lucina or Corrin as a main, and have the other as a secondary, because having two mains at the same time takes way longer to improve than to have one main, at least until you've become the master in Sm4sh as far as I have heard. I personally get to main Corrin right now, because he/she gets to fit my playstyle, like having a melee & projectile hybrid neutral special, as well as great spacing, but if Lucina gets to compliment your playstyle really well, then it's not a bad idea to main her either. Pick one who you would like to main.
To quote one of male Corrin's taunts: "I've made my choice"

Thank you for your suggestions. Out of the two, I'm most likely going to solo main Corrin. Not many people main them outside of Ryuga and Cosmos. I personally feel that they are an under appreciated character mostly due to the fact that they came out at the same time as Bayonetta as well as negative opinions coming from both the Smash and Fire Emblem fan bases (ex. "nobody wanted another FE character" "Fates is trash" etc). Using the green male Corrin over the female one probably doesn't help my situation either lol.

From a Smash perspective, sure you have another sword fighter, but there are aspects that makes that character different. Corrin is a great example of that; from the various setups with Dragon Fang Shot and Lunge to the smaller traits like a multi-hit dash attack, dair, active hit box on fsmash and roll reads with tipper down smash. Finally, there's a strong sense of satisfaction
upon going to a tournament, picking Corrin, hearing your opponent say "Corrin?" out of shock or indifference and regardless of if I win or lose get commended for it. It's all the more reason to be a Corrin main.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
Whether or not one should solo main or roll with two (or more) characters depends on the person.

For some, dividing their time between more than one character may not be worth the benefits that an additional character provides and they'll be stronger using just the one. For others, that problem doesn't occur and the power of two makes them stronger than if they went at it solo (think Pair-Up). Probably also depends a bit on what characters the individual is playing. If you're playing a top tier, a second character is somewhat less necessary than if you're playing like Dedede or something. That and what characters one would be planning to use together. Using both DK and Bowser for example would be kind of redundant and outside of a few specific scenarios would not provide significant benefit to the player, I would think.

Could be other reasons why to do one or other too-depends on what one's goals are in competitive Smash.
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SN Kurse

Smash Rookie
Aug 23, 2017
I feel it really is player specific, but having a secondary or co-main is insanely helpful. I feel more comfortable locally playing Luigi over Rosa, or sometimes even specific other random character just based on knowing they have difficulty with it. Sometimes it's all specific to how I'm feeling, or match up related.


Smash Cadet
Dec 8, 2015
Woosta, MA
In terms of competitive play, If "dual-maining" is even a thing, it's a probably a bad idea because it means dispersing skill investment between two characters. It takes a lot of time to know how your main is able to respond to the infinitesimal situations brought by matchups, playstyles, hitboxes, stages, etc. Ideally, you want a character whom you have so much experience with, you're comfortable playing them in almost every match-up.

On the other hand, if you're like me and play a **** character, it definitely behooves you to have another character you're well versed in, especially one which is able to compensate for the short-comings of your main in certain match-ups; if they are similar in play-style all the better e.g. :4lucario::4mewtwo:, :4bowser::4dk:, :4marth::4lucina:,:4falcon::4ganondorf: Solid all-rounders are good for this purpose as well, but the advantage of "Similar-but-different" is that more of your invested skill carries over to the secondary.

I suppose it's possible to be equally proficient with two-characters, but personally I think it's better to invest most of your time into a single main especially.


Smash Ace
May 27, 2015
Buena Park, CA
I agree with your decision to main Corrin, or at least putting more time into him than Lucina for the time being.
As for solo/dual/secondaries & pockets, I'd go with having a secondary or a pocket for your main. It is almost unfeasible to solo main any character in this game with few exceptions, Lucina and Corrin not being one of them.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Good evening Smashboards! This is my first ever post, so I'll start with a question I'm sure people hear often. Should one solo main, dual main or main and have a secondary/back up character?
There's only one main. That's why it's the character of choice. People should probably have at least a secondary because a single character won't perform as well against another.

I personally feel that they are an under appreciated character mostly due to the fact that they came out at the same time as Bayonetta as well as negative opinions coming from both the Smash and Fire Emblem fan bases (ex. "nobody wanted another FE character" "Fates is trash" etc). Using the green male Corrin over the female one probably doesn't help my situation either lol.
Under-appreciated, yet 10th on the tier list for Marth, 13th for Corrin, and 18th for Lucina? I think this shows your personal opinion isn't informed.

Finally, there's a strong sense of satisfaction
upon going to a tournament, picking Corrin, hearing your opponent say "Corrin?" out of shock or indifference and regardless of if I win or lose get commended for it. It's all the more reason to be a Corrin main.
Then why not main Ganondorf aside from not having any interest in the character? Win or lose, you'd be commended for it like Ray Kalm.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2016
Cause Ganondorf is only useful to punish laggy connections and to make scrubs that spam rolls salty.


Smash Rookie
Sep 30, 2017
I see your dilemma. I play Link and Lucina, and I love them both to death. I'm fairly good with link, but it doesn't seem like I am due to link's frame data and overall weaknesses. I'm a bit less talented with my Lucina, but she nets me a lot of wins. The main the about smash 4 is that it doesn't matter how/what/who you play, because you can always win. keep playing what you want to play and when you want to play them, then from there, you can easily find out what character you like more, or if you like them both equally.
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