Attention citizens of smashboards, your master, Kero the Great, has an announcement.
I hereby declare myself the god of Tuna.
Allow me to explain. I am not telling you all that I am the god of all the tuna in the sea. I don't care about the live tuna, they can go **** themselves. I am telling you all that I am the god of making tuna sandwiches. My recipe is unrivaled. My sandwiches will bring you to your knees begging for seconds. I'm the best of the best. No one can touch me.
If anyone has any problems with my declaration, just let me know. I am confident in my abilities and would be more than happy to have a tuna-off at Apex.
That is all. You may return to your petty lives.
-KeroKeroppi the Conqueror
PS my leg's asleep and I'm really afraid that if i get up i'll fall.
Wish me luck, see you rascals in another life.
Wait, i moved my leg and now I got that painful needle thing going on.
This post has gone far enough.
DROP THESE *******! (black guy in the opening scene of The Other Guys voice)
Later gaters.