Welp, seems like the chat is dead. Let’s fix that with some conversation. What’s one change you all would make to your favorite fighter?
For fighters I can currently play as, Pokemon Trainer is my current main, and I wish it didn't switch Pokemon when I get KOed. I love being able to switch whenever I want, but that one case means depending on the situation I have to cycle back. Of course, there's an easy fix for that--git gud.
It's really hard to say since there's been so many improvements. I wish they did more with Sonic, his moves still feel very basic, and so I don't play with him as much as I would like. I can't tell what it is, though--it doesn't feel as good to play as compared to playing in Sonic games. I never liked playing as Mario in Smash, and Odyssey seemed like a good point to change up his moves, but he's still just not interesting to play as. Which is why I'm excited to finally play as Banjo & Kazooie--so much more variety.
EDIT: Actually, thinking it over, decided to do some training with Sonic. I think I'm just not playing him right--still not as intuitive as playing as Sonic in his games, but I think he's alright once I practice him more.