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Deleted member

Honestly, I think the only series I feel truly NEEDS another rep is WarioWare considering we don’t have any fighters original to that series yet
As my freshman pals would say:


No but seriously I agree with ya here, I mean Wario does kinda count...


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
Remember Porky's spirit is still inexplicably missing atm.

I'd personally be confused as to why the most prevalent force and antagonist of a series with playable characters in Smash at least don't have their shared antagonist represented as a Spirit. If he never gets one or appears in any way I'd feel like that'd be the biggest slap to the face of Mother fans.

So either he's playable, is gonna be a boss, or they'll release a Spirit Event for Mother 3 when they finally localise it as celebration of the fact.

Or they could just disrespect Mother by not giving him a Spirit.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
It's silly to get upset or petty about a character's inclusion, and people should absolutely not be made to feel any guilt whatsoever about enjoying a character that's been released for the game. To be fair though, it's all a matter of perspective.

If it was still just Marth, Roy and Ike, and Kirby was getting his 8th character today, I'm sure not all Fire Emblem fans would be singing the same tune about "numbers not mattering." It's easy to feel like everything is fair when you're the one winning.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
Anyways, guess Jon was wrong. I mean, he never said it in confidence, but "reckoning" there'd be a Jan Direct was his choice of words, not really an adamant stance.

Hopefully it'll be the first week of February. Having nothing for the majority of two months either means the rest of the year is looking bleak, or it'll be jam-packed with releases throughout the months.

Deleted member

Me fighting against Byleth be like
A sword...that's also a literal blaster. Take that, Swordies, there's a new boy in town! /s
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sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
If it was still just Marth, Roy and Ike, and Kirby was getting his 8th character today, I'm sure not all Fire Emblem fans would be singing the same tune about "numbers not mattering." It's easy to feel like everything is fair when you're the one winning.
FE fan here, I wouldn't care. :drshrug:

Getting caught up in the numbers game is a silly and IMO, bad way to look at the roster.
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Deleted member

FE fan here, I wouldn't care. :drshrug:

Getting caught up in the numbers game is a silly and IMO, bad way to look at the roster.
Ditto, at this point I'll be happy with ALMOST anyone
No Frisk, I have a personal vendetta against him


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
just completed the TH spirit board

Sothis was probably the easiest legend class I've ever encountered. Beat her on the first try.

all it really took was a couple Failnaught shots and a swing of Aymr, and badabing badaboom
I had a hard time with the Sothis spirit...mainly because I was using Byleth. I always use the dlc characters to complete their dlc spirit boards
Saw one person on Twitter post the whole FE roster in Smash and then compare it to the Kirby, Kid Icarus, and Mother franchises. They then said "This makes me so *censored* angry".

This fanbase's obsession with ratios for franchises has gotten downright comedic. :p
people were literally pissed at the Kid Icarus series for getting a lot of treatment in 4 (Pittoo as a fighter, having the most enemies in Smash Run, Guidances replacing the codecs, Palutena having a special trailer, Pit having one of the best final smash in the game, etc.)

Deleted member

If it was still just Marth, Roy and Ike, and Kirby was getting his 8th character today, I'm sure not all Fire Emblem fans would be singing the same tune about "numbers not mattering." It's easy to feel like everything is fair when you're the one winning.
there are literally 9 pokemon in the game and nobody gives a ****

Deleted member

Turns out it says "Not available due to not owning the Kombat Pack".

Is this their way to trying to get folks to give them more money?
Wait, which Joker we talking about? What's the Kombat Pack?

Are we talking about this joker?
Or this one?
Or even this one(the one I'm guessing you're talking about)
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Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
FE fan here, I wouldn't care. :drshrug:

Getting caught up in the numbers game is a silly and IMO, bad way to look at the roster.
Like I said, not all. I'm sure most people around here would be cool about it either way.

Personally I feel like the numbers game does matter a bit in a crossover. Having a huge amount of one thing makes a game feel less like a "crossover" and more like "X series with guests."

We're not nearly at that point though. And I would gladly take an "unreasonable" amount of characters from one of the franchises that I love, so again, perspective :p


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
We may even get one more 'mon to top it all off.

Though people are expressing their dissatisfaction with that particular outcome. Not too many but still a good amount.

Slime Master

Smash Ace
Jun 16, 2019
Boingburg, SL
Byleth's more fun than I was expecting. Still not my favorite by any means, but I would rank them around third for DLC (behind Hero and Terry). They feel really simple to understand though, took me almost no time to figure out some tricks I could pull off and start implementing them into my gameplan. I think it's because all their moves have really exaggerated strengths and weaknesses so it's easy to see when to use them and when not to.

Airspeed is disgusting though, doesn't feel quite as bad as Banjo's, but still gross.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
I mean, it's all relative, as they said. I wouldn't mind a pokémon and I also have matured past my belief that Smash 4 had too many FE characters. I welcomed Byleth and I don't care about the hatred anymore because we already have so many beloved characters (also helps that Byleth is actually unique and brings the Weapons Triangle with them which IMO instantly makes them the best FE newcomer since Robin).

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Thought you meant Smash Joker but damn forgot The Joker is in MK today. He does look pretty fun.
Good to see another MK fan.
Been a fan since a child. I remember playing Mortal Kombat II on the SNES all the time I went to my grandma's. I was so obsessed with the game my mom had to get rid of it. Fun times. :laugh:

On the other hand being the media buff I am now would like to give other fighting games a try notably Street Fighter and Soulcalibur.
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Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
tbf there are arguments that can be made for FE but comparing it with Pokemon, where every newcomer sans Pichu is looks and plays completely, differently really isn't it, even if I wouldn't care if they stopped adding new mon altogether

it's a shame that Byleth is the one to reignite this debate about reps though, as they do play distinctively and address the longheld complaint about FE weaponry

also while I agree that 'x series shouldn't have more reps that y series' can get a lil tired, as they fixate too much on arbitrary numbers (I want another Zelda character but not like Toy Link or some **** just for the sake of it), being a fan of a series and getting tired of never seeing it get a new character is not an invalid sentiment

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
Been a fan since a child. I remember playing Mortal Kombat II on the SNES all the time I went to my grandma's. I was so obsessed with the game my mom had to get rid of it. Fun times. :laugh:
Been into it since MK9 on the Vita. Had a classmate (although to even describe him is a different story) who was a pretty big fan of MK in general. I remember in class me, him and three others were just sitting there in front of a TV playing MK vs DC. It was nice.

Then when MK X came out one of my friends put through near regimental training in MK to get good. I was doing pretty well but then MGS V and Tales of Zestiria came out and stopped playing. Still think MK X is at least five times more fun than MK11. Game feels missing stuff.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
there are literally 9 pokemon in the game and nobody gives a ****
Pokemon out here with 8-10 characters (9-11 counting Pikachu Libre) while Mario has 9 (14 counting sub series and 16-21 counting Koopalings), but Fire Emblem having 8 characters (12 counting alts)...now that’s just pushing things
Wait, which Joker we talking about? What's the Kombat Pack?

Are we talking about this joker?
View attachment 260157
Or this one?
View attachment 260158
Or even this one(the one I'm guessing you're talking about)
View attachment 260159
I don’t see a difference here


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Saw one person on Twitter post the whole FE roster in Smash and then compare it to the Kirby, Kid Icarus, and Mother franchises. They then said "This makes me so *censored* angry".

This fanbase's obsession with ratios for franchises has gotten downright comedic. :p
Look. I’m sorry I’m not as enlightened as you and think that some of the other non-Fire Emblem series in Smash need more love.

Deleted member

Look. I’m sorry I’m not as enlightened as you and think that some of the other non-Fire Emblem series in Smash need more love.
There's a difference between being mad that someone you didn't want got in and literally RAGING over it. You don't have to like or even be happy over Byleth's inclusion without going "hur dur too many Fire Emblem" and saying "that spot shoulda been (Insert Most Wanted here), I know it!"


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Didnt know it was this hard to tell all the FE Characters apart considering they look nothing alike
There is literally no way to explain to a Fire Emblem fan why they all feel similar. Best metaphor I can compare it to is the Shotos in street fighter, but even that’s not perfect.

There's a difference between being mad that someone you didn't want got in and literally RAGING over it. You don't have to like or even be happy over Byleth's inclusion without going "hur dur too many Fire Emblem" and saying "that spot shoulda been (Insert Most Wanted here), I know it!"
But if you don’t like the character then that’s gonna be your reaction. When you don’t like something your gonna be upset and wish you got something else. Do some people take it too far? Absolutely. But That’s not an unreasonable reaction. When you don’t like a certain food and you eat it you can’t just gulp it down like it’s nothing. You’re gonna gag a little.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
Broke - Byleth should've been Bandana Dee so we could have another Kirby character.
Woke - Byleth and Bandana Waddle Dee should both in so they can bro out as the only two spear users on the roster.
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