I'm just gonna clarify this, before people start thinking I'm some sort of ass who think Geno sucks, or something.
I think Geno is a cool character. I played Super Mario RPG, and I frankly love him in the game. I've always liked the game, so the idea of a playable Geno has always been something I thought would be cool.
This...idea, that I don't like the character is ridiculous. Like, we've got to realize something, and that something is this: It's one thing to like a character, and it's another thing entirely to assume that a character "is in" just because we like them. That sort of idea makes you biased, and in some cases, blind. Do I want Resident Evil in Smash? Absolutely. Would I be crazy to assume that it's 100%, positively going to happen? Uh, yeah. I would be.
Would I be hyped by Geno? Absolutely. Fans would be ecstatic, blown away because this character fans wanted for so long finally made it. I wouldn't even be mad to be wrong about Spirits not being disconfirmations.
The reason I'm sticking to it, however, is because the evidence thus far makes it seem like a generally safe bet. It has literally nothing to do with liking him or not. I've never suggested Sakurai hated the character either, just that he hadn't chosen him. As he said with Brawl, he would have added Geno, but it didn't work out that way. It could very well be that that's the exact same thing we could be seeing now.
It's speculation. We're piecing through the information in front of us together and trying to narrow down who's going to get in. At least, that's what I'm trying to do when I talk about Smash. I likely see things differently from the largely "Nintendo focused" side of the fanbase, of which I used to be a major part of before I spread out my gaming experiences and interests.
I guess my interests with Smash have shifted.