Smash Ace
I heard this on the Krystal thread saying that Miyamoto refuses to add story elements in games. The RPG series tend to have infinitely written characters than in the main series. Peach in SMRPG and Bowser in Paper Mario are the best games those two been in and haven't been beaten since.Rosalina isn't the most deep written character, but at least Nintendo tried to make a Mario character more interesting by giving her a backstory and whatnot. Some spin-off series, noticeably the RPGs, have some more interesting and fun characterizations imo.
I guess I'm one who believes good story and gameplay is not mutually exclusive, especially in this day and age. The Mario series in particular is iffy, as there's going to be people who would rather have story elements kept out of the games (at least the mainline games) or don't play the games for the story, which is fine. At least, I would like to see a good platformer (maybe spin-off) in which they attempt to create an interesting story with decent characters or something (could just be an abstract game with interesting themes even). I say this because my last Mario platformer was the first Galaxy. I like gameplay, but I want to also be emotionally invested in my games as well (depending on the series. I mean, I'm not going to expect Mario Kart to suddenly have a deep, epic story like the MGS series or something. I don't buy every MK game, only the ones that interest me). It's just how I am -- good gameplay alone just doesn't cut it for me anymore. Unfortunately with Miyamoto around, I'm not sure if I'll get my dream game.
I didn't even think about caring for Rosalina until she was in Smash. Then @Rosalina's alright. I only started caring more about her when she was revealed for Smash. Did kind of get annoyed when someone in the strongest character canonically thread kept trying to prove that she is supposedly the most powerful character and that no one can touch it's transitioned to annoyed by Sonic being OP and no one can touch him because apparently he can freeze time before anyone can do anything.

The main problem is that the government rates every single game. Yes. All of them. From mobile to Computer. They rate all by hand. If consoles weren't so expensive and pirated, everyone but Sega will pay attention. The MENA market has better potential when it comes to TV games since the main thing you have to censer is nudity and not much else. I'm not certain about computer games in Brazil but it might be like Russia, were Sony can't make a living but Steam can.I laugh everytime someone uses the argument " Brazil is the fourth gaming market on the world."