"Today is a great day to be alive!" Our contestants wish they could say! Let's see how they work it out...
...And they're off! Much like that of a raving pack of dogs, they're already going at each other's throats! And this is only the beginning folks!
...Already we have first blood! (Which is good because oftentimes we have to provoke them and it's just too much work.)
Poor Xivii. He never stood a chance. And somehow Space Stranger already dies from a pre-existing infection. And he looked so healthy too...
Mother Nature apparently had it out for Radical Beam. For he's out of the game.
I see that Fal is out for more blood today. Can anyone stop this madman?!
And Fframran is out of the game. I guess you could say his luck turned
fowl am I right? ...Right?... Well, moving on then.
The sun sets, with the day ending for all us. Well that was a great day for us all, truly. But, I feel we haven't had enough tension. As such, we're bringing out the big guns, literally.
For those counting, here are our fallen warriors:
May we wish them luck in heaven, while laughing at them behind their backs.
Well we can't end without a little more tension, can't we?
And Fal's reign of terror is over. But soon a successor will rise up. Who? Why are you asking me?
The last bits of tonight is here:
Goodnight everyone.
(Editor's Note: Our idiot host decided to throw away half the script while recording, which is why there's unusual cuts without text.)