The Mano Games VII
Smash Journeyman
Basically, it's a show that I've seen only a few episodes of before Nicktoons bailed on me and started telling me that I hadn't purchased the channel, even though I've had it for like, years. Well, I finally am now able to get around that, so, I figured that now that I'm able to watch a show I've been dieing to watch for a long time now, I'd write up little segments about what I think of it so far, and maybe ask questions for fans of it to answer.
I dunno whether or not that actually sounds interesting to anybody but me, but I'm going to do it, simply because I want to. If you are interested though, feel free to make suggestions where you feel them appropriate. I want it to be very detailed and indepth, but, I also want it to be enjoyable, so I want to know your suggestions.
I'll start watching them, in chronological order (I've been told that that's a very important thing to do when watching the series, otherwise, you'll be rather confused at times, and it'll lessen the impact of certain things that happen), in a few days. See you guys later, even if nobody responds. If there's anything I've learned from writing my Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu log, it's that even though people don't respond for 50 posts, they still become interested over time. In the worst of scenarios, it's all about patience.
By the way, one other very important thing I've forgotten to cover. NO SPOILERS, I REPEAT, NO SPOILERS, ok? If I ask any questions about any future plot that can't be answered without spoilers, then either ignore them, or be very, very vague
I've watched the first two episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender, after a few days of putting it off. Mainly, whenever I get hyped to watch something, or play it, I'll put it off for a few days because I'm nervous to actually see it. But, that's just an oddity of mine.
Saying that, I looked at the episode count, 61, and instantly, I thought back to Dragon Ball Z, and found it really funny that I could've watched almost this entire series in the time that it took the Z Warriors just to beat Frieza. Upon that revelation, I've decided something. I'm only going to watch 2-3 Episodes per day, and that's what my posts are going to summarize. What I think and feel based on those 2-3 episodes. I don't want to blow through this too quickly. Also, if the way I write this differs from log to log, that's because I'm still not quite sure what I'm trying to do, or how I'm writing for this log yet. I want it to be entertaining, but I haven't figured out in what way I want it to be entertaining. I'm just going to do what I feel like for now, and see how you like it. So, lets get this show on the road.
First off, I found the intro pretty neat. It just told us the basic plot, introduced two main characters, then just went straight to the show. I just thought that was really neat, to not have to sit through a long montage before the actual show starts.
I liked how the show just introduced the concept of Water Bending just through Sokka and Katara bickering, and Sokka freaking out every time Katara doesn't manipulate the water quite right or anything like that (not that he doesn't deserve it. Based on his attitude towards the ladies, he's going to be having a rather painful journey if the women on this show are as awesome and tough as the ones I've seen in the few episodes I've already seen).
My first question comes up shortly after this however, when Katara and Sokka get swept up in some dangerous currents and end up getting their raft destroyed. It made me wonder why they bothered fishing in such a dangerous area to begin with. But then, I guess that would be like asking how Katara and Sokka manage to hop across platforms of ice without any difficulty on their way to Aang's iceberg. Speaking of dangerous...
Look's like Zucco's in the house, and he now realizes what this means! But, just when his search is about to come to an end, he's immediately shot down by what seems like a rather...patronizing fashion by his uncle. Zucco immediately shows a rather ugly side to his nature with his raging temper, but then, I think I'd be pretty insulted to if my own uncle responded to me accomplishing my lifelong dream by basically telling me to shut up and drink some tea.
Aang gets defrosted, and it's here that I think the dialouge might've gotten a little hokey, just for a brief instance. For one thing, Aang seems surprisingly chipper and ready to have fun despite that it's shown through flashback that he almost drowned right before freezing himself in that iceberg, just 5 minutes later. I dunno, it just seems like the show was a little too quick to show his goofy and eccentric side, when it seemed like he should've had at least some kind of short, normal conversation before sneezing himself 25 feet in the air and introducing us all to his flying animal.
But that's all water under the bridge. It's only for an instance anyways, and it helps that Sokka's delightful commentary makes for some entertaining scenes.
Flash back to Zucco, a rather shocking sequence as Zucco's mentor outright tells him that his whole mission is pointless and stupid, not something that's going to sit well with Zucco considering that his honor now hinges on being able to capture the Avatar. But surprisingly enough, he actually keeps his cool this time. Maybe he just appreciates his mentor's honesty, or maybe he's so desperate that it's cooled his anger. Makes sense, considering that his honor now hinges on him capturing the most powerful figure in the world...or maybe he's just being the typical meathead who thinks all of life revolves around looking good to your fellow warriors.
Still, you have to wonder why his mentor even bothered to come if he thought this whole thing was pointless. It just makes him look bad, the way he's practically insulting Zucco for trying hard to accomplish something big.
The next few minutes go by, without really much to commentate on. Except for one line of dialouge I found rather...interesting.
"Katara: I can sense that he is full of much wisdom!"
I probably wouldn't have found this line worth mentioning, except that it reminded me of one particular episode of Avatar that I really didn't like too much at all. I'm not going to spoil anything, but both Sokka and Aang just looked like complete douches in that episode, to the point
where I actually started to wonder if the writers were knowingly making them act out of character in order to advance the plot. I won't say much more than that though. Heck, I don't even remember it that well, so I could be remembering wrong. Who knows?
Another scene with Zucco and his mentor, and by now, I'm kind of confused by the dynamics of their relationship. Who exactly is wearing the pants here? Zucco tries to force his uncle to "teach him the advanced set", and at first, it seems like his mentor is the one who has to submit. But then his mentor fires back by forcing Zucco to wait as he finishes his lunch, almost like he's daring Zucco to make him, and Zucco's only response is to get this shocked expression on his face. It's like Zucco relied so much on bullying to get him somewhere, that he doesn't have any clue on how to respond when it doesn't work. One thing's for sure, they make for interesting interactions.
By the way, I find it interesting to note that, according to his mentor, Zucco hasn't even mastered the basics yet, because in the next episode, Zucco's going to say something that's going to make him look incredibly stupid when you remember was his mentor said about his performance here.
Again, the rest of the episode passes by without much to comment on (except that I'm starting to suspect that Aang might have a slight case of ADD). However, I really loved the ending to this episode, where we see Aang and Katara escaping the ship from the perspective of a telescope, and we get a close up of Zucco's eyes.
Episode 2 starts off, and it's actually really good here. The parting of Aang and Katara was pretty sad, especially with Katara's frustration here, and we even revealed that Sokka's actions are driven by a promise he made to his Dad. Good stuff.
However, once Zucco's band arrives, I find it immediately offputting that Sokka is the only one who did anything to prepare for their arrival. I know that the women and children probably didn't have any combat training, but is it really too much to ask that they at least gather slings, or spears, or at least do SOMETHING other than stand there helplessly, and watch Sokka be completely useless against Zucco? It's not a plothole, as some people really are that helpless, but it's a darn shame is what it is, especially considering that even Katara didn't do anything to help Sokka.
Their complete helplesness comes to a fever pitch though, when Aang zooms in, kicks butt, and is doing really well until he ends up almost hurting some of the villagers by redirecting Zucco's fire at them (I'm surprised Aang's able to do that at all actually). One would think that the villagers would, I dunno, actually back off a bit and give Aang room to fight Zucco without hurting them, but instead, they stand their frozen with fear, to the point where Aang is literally forced to let himself be captured so that the villager's don't burn to death because of their fight.
Boy, if I have to rely on anyone in a fight, I'm certainly not relying on anyone from this village, besides Sokka and Katara. Speaking of counting on capable warriors, it is here that Zucco says that line that makes him sound so incredibly stupid...
"Zucco: I've spent years preparing for this encounter. Training, meditating, and you're just a child!"
I'm sorry, I just find it really funny that he's apparently spent years training for this very moment, and yet, according to his mentor, he still hasn't even mastered the basics of firebending yet, despite all of this training he's done. It makes him sound like he had some sort of learning disability or something. Either way, the show isn't exactly painting a very intimidating image of him so far. Even more interesting to note, if this is really supposed to be some kind of Avatar conquering team, why does Zucco only seem to have 7 other men with him?
It's like the Emperor had an incompetent bunch of ninnies, and didn't know how else to get them out of his hair than send them off somehwere, on the small chance that the Avatar might still be alive despite him doing nothing for 100 years. It would certainly explain the Mentor's attitude. He'd be old and experienced enough to recognize what the Emperor ordered them to do as an insult after all.
Then, just to complete this image, Aang goes on to school everyone on the boat with his hands tied behind his back...literally. No, seriously, he takes them all out with only his feet availble to him.
Then he gets to Zucco to get his staff back, and it's here that I'm starting to think that Aang's kind of new at this whole "fighting for you life thing". There were a lot of little things Aang did that made the fight so much harder than it should've been. For one thing, there are multiple instances where after dodging an attack, he'd just freeze in place and breath really, not even attempting to do anything but wait until Zucco went on the offensive again. Rather than actually attacking, he just spent almost the entire fight just running and flying around, trying to dodge Zucco's attacks and getting hurt because of it.
There was even one moment where he was right behind Zucco, in the perfect position to lay the hurting on him, and he still did nothing but defend. Listen, I know that Aang's 12 and probably hasn't packed on the muscle to be as physically strong as Zucco, but he still at least knows martial arts. You could tell that by how he moved. And in all that time he was behind him, he could've grabbed his head or his ponytail and kneed him in the back, he could've gotten him in some kind of choke, he could've kicked him in the balls, he could've tackled him to the ground, anything but just continuing to dance around like he did.
Then, the fight finally comes to a head when Aang finally gets his staff, the two face off...and Aang immediately smacks him into a wall and launches him into the ceiling.
After that, I couldn't help but think "Wow, that was quick".
But, after that, as Aang tries to escape, Zucco actually manages to impress me here. Apparently, he's immediately recovered from his smackdown, and catches Aang right as he tries to fly away.
Well, if nothing else, Zucco can definetly take a hit pretty well. I don't think I would've recovered that quickly had I been launched into the ceiling.
His friends arrive, Aang takes his eyes off Zucco to look at his friends, and immediately learns the hard way that you should NEVER take your eyes off of your opponents, as he is immediately blasted with so much fire, that his staff is eventually spun out of his hand, and he gets sent into the ocean by a one two punch of fire.
But then, Aang's eyes glow blue, he starts going Super Saiyan (I'm calling that because I'm not supposed to know that it's called the "Avatar State" yet), and from there, I don't think there's much point in commentating on anything else, other than that the bad guys make themselves look even WORSE than they already did by getting owned by Katara.
When you're supposed to be an experienced adult warrior, you've got two other guys backing you up, and yet, you still get owned by a 14 year old girl who doesn't even have full control over her powers yet, I think it's time to consider getting a different career. But that's just me.
Oh, and I found it pretty cool when Aang deflects the combined blasts of both Zucco and his Mentor (yes, he finally gets off his butt at some point in this episode). The three ride off into the sunset, and despite a rather depressing conversation about how Aang never wanted to be the Avatar, he still manages to make me smile by showing his goofiness again. Apparently, he's not quite done with riding animals yet.
And that's the first two episodes. What did I think? I liked it a lot. I thought Sokka, Zucco, and Katara were all characterized well, and I thought the episodes did a good job of explaining why the character's are all doing what they're doing, without getting bogged down in explanations like some other shows do. However, my favorite parts of both of these episodes was how entertaining the interactions were between the characters, especially Sokka and Katara, and Zucco and his Mentor. I like Zucco as a villain as well, because even though he and his gang aren't really that great in terms of actual competence (no, I'm still not letting the fact that he hasn't even mastered the basics despite all his training), his drive and tenacity still make him seem threatening all the same. I just find him interesting I guess.
I loved the artwork and the fights to. The fights were stunning and flowed very quickly. Speaking of fights, don't be fooled by the way I nitpicked at Aang's actions during his fights with Zucco. I don't expect him to be any Bruce Lee or anything, the guy IS only 12 after all, and new to all of this. I like that he's got a few rough edges actually. Makes it seem more realistic.
So, yeah, I actually liked them quite a bit, despite my nitpicking here and there. There are also some other things I could nitpick at if I REALLY wanted to, but, it's nothing that I actually care about much anyways.
Oh, one more thing, I've decided to keep track of just how many times Sokka gets owned in some way or another by a girl, just to see just how much pain he goes through because of his sexism.
Those were my thoughts so far anyways. Any questions...comments...complaints?
I dunno whether or not that actually sounds interesting to anybody but me, but I'm going to do it, simply because I want to. If you are interested though, feel free to make suggestions where you feel them appropriate. I want it to be very detailed and indepth, but, I also want it to be enjoyable, so I want to know your suggestions.
I'll start watching them, in chronological order (I've been told that that's a very important thing to do when watching the series, otherwise, you'll be rather confused at times, and it'll lessen the impact of certain things that happen), in a few days. See you guys later, even if nobody responds. If there's anything I've learned from writing my Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu log, it's that even though people don't respond for 50 posts, they still become interested over time. In the worst of scenarios, it's all about patience.
By the way, one other very important thing I've forgotten to cover. NO SPOILERS, I REPEAT, NO SPOILERS, ok? If I ask any questions about any future plot that can't be answered without spoilers, then either ignore them, or be very, very vague
I've watched the first two episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender, after a few days of putting it off. Mainly, whenever I get hyped to watch something, or play it, I'll put it off for a few days because I'm nervous to actually see it. But, that's just an oddity of mine.
Saying that, I looked at the episode count, 61, and instantly, I thought back to Dragon Ball Z, and found it really funny that I could've watched almost this entire series in the time that it took the Z Warriors just to beat Frieza. Upon that revelation, I've decided something. I'm only going to watch 2-3 Episodes per day, and that's what my posts are going to summarize. What I think and feel based on those 2-3 episodes. I don't want to blow through this too quickly. Also, if the way I write this differs from log to log, that's because I'm still not quite sure what I'm trying to do, or how I'm writing for this log yet. I want it to be entertaining, but I haven't figured out in what way I want it to be entertaining. I'm just going to do what I feel like for now, and see how you like it. So, lets get this show on the road.
First off, I found the intro pretty neat. It just told us the basic plot, introduced two main characters, then just went straight to the show. I just thought that was really neat, to not have to sit through a long montage before the actual show starts.
I liked how the show just introduced the concept of Water Bending just through Sokka and Katara bickering, and Sokka freaking out every time Katara doesn't manipulate the water quite right or anything like that (not that he doesn't deserve it. Based on his attitude towards the ladies, he's going to be having a rather painful journey if the women on this show are as awesome and tough as the ones I've seen in the few episodes I've already seen).
My first question comes up shortly after this however, when Katara and Sokka get swept up in some dangerous currents and end up getting their raft destroyed. It made me wonder why they bothered fishing in such a dangerous area to begin with. But then, I guess that would be like asking how Katara and Sokka manage to hop across platforms of ice without any difficulty on their way to Aang's iceberg. Speaking of dangerous...
Look's like Zucco's in the house, and he now realizes what this means! But, just when his search is about to come to an end, he's immediately shot down by what seems like a rather...patronizing fashion by his uncle. Zucco immediately shows a rather ugly side to his nature with his raging temper, but then, I think I'd be pretty insulted to if my own uncle responded to me accomplishing my lifelong dream by basically telling me to shut up and drink some tea.
Aang gets defrosted, and it's here that I think the dialouge might've gotten a little hokey, just for a brief instance. For one thing, Aang seems surprisingly chipper and ready to have fun despite that it's shown through flashback that he almost drowned right before freezing himself in that iceberg, just 5 minutes later. I dunno, it just seems like the show was a little too quick to show his goofy and eccentric side, when it seemed like he should've had at least some kind of short, normal conversation before sneezing himself 25 feet in the air and introducing us all to his flying animal.
But that's all water under the bridge. It's only for an instance anyways, and it helps that Sokka's delightful commentary makes for some entertaining scenes.
Flash back to Zucco, a rather shocking sequence as Zucco's mentor outright tells him that his whole mission is pointless and stupid, not something that's going to sit well with Zucco considering that his honor now hinges on being able to capture the Avatar. But surprisingly enough, he actually keeps his cool this time. Maybe he just appreciates his mentor's honesty, or maybe he's so desperate that it's cooled his anger. Makes sense, considering that his honor now hinges on him capturing the most powerful figure in the world...or maybe he's just being the typical meathead who thinks all of life revolves around looking good to your fellow warriors.
Still, you have to wonder why his mentor even bothered to come if he thought this whole thing was pointless. It just makes him look bad, the way he's practically insulting Zucco for trying hard to accomplish something big.
The next few minutes go by, without really much to commentate on. Except for one line of dialouge I found rather...interesting.
"Katara: I can sense that he is full of much wisdom!"
I probably wouldn't have found this line worth mentioning, except that it reminded me of one particular episode of Avatar that I really didn't like too much at all. I'm not going to spoil anything, but both Sokka and Aang just looked like complete douches in that episode, to the point
where I actually started to wonder if the writers were knowingly making them act out of character in order to advance the plot. I won't say much more than that though. Heck, I don't even remember it that well, so I could be remembering wrong. Who knows?
Another scene with Zucco and his mentor, and by now, I'm kind of confused by the dynamics of their relationship. Who exactly is wearing the pants here? Zucco tries to force his uncle to "teach him the advanced set", and at first, it seems like his mentor is the one who has to submit. But then his mentor fires back by forcing Zucco to wait as he finishes his lunch, almost like he's daring Zucco to make him, and Zucco's only response is to get this shocked expression on his face. It's like Zucco relied so much on bullying to get him somewhere, that he doesn't have any clue on how to respond when it doesn't work. One thing's for sure, they make for interesting interactions.
By the way, I find it interesting to note that, according to his mentor, Zucco hasn't even mastered the basics yet, because in the next episode, Zucco's going to say something that's going to make him look incredibly stupid when you remember was his mentor said about his performance here.
Again, the rest of the episode passes by without much to comment on (except that I'm starting to suspect that Aang might have a slight case of ADD). However, I really loved the ending to this episode, where we see Aang and Katara escaping the ship from the perspective of a telescope, and we get a close up of Zucco's eyes.
Episode 2 starts off, and it's actually really good here. The parting of Aang and Katara was pretty sad, especially with Katara's frustration here, and we even revealed that Sokka's actions are driven by a promise he made to his Dad. Good stuff.
However, once Zucco's band arrives, I find it immediately offputting that Sokka is the only one who did anything to prepare for their arrival. I know that the women and children probably didn't have any combat training, but is it really too much to ask that they at least gather slings, or spears, or at least do SOMETHING other than stand there helplessly, and watch Sokka be completely useless against Zucco? It's not a plothole, as some people really are that helpless, but it's a darn shame is what it is, especially considering that even Katara didn't do anything to help Sokka.
Their complete helplesness comes to a fever pitch though, when Aang zooms in, kicks butt, and is doing really well until he ends up almost hurting some of the villagers by redirecting Zucco's fire at them (I'm surprised Aang's able to do that at all actually). One would think that the villagers would, I dunno, actually back off a bit and give Aang room to fight Zucco without hurting them, but instead, they stand their frozen with fear, to the point where Aang is literally forced to let himself be captured so that the villager's don't burn to death because of their fight.
Boy, if I have to rely on anyone in a fight, I'm certainly not relying on anyone from this village, besides Sokka and Katara. Speaking of counting on capable warriors, it is here that Zucco says that line that makes him sound so incredibly stupid...
"Zucco: I've spent years preparing for this encounter. Training, meditating, and you're just a child!"
I'm sorry, I just find it really funny that he's apparently spent years training for this very moment, and yet, according to his mentor, he still hasn't even mastered the basics of firebending yet, despite all of this training he's done. It makes him sound like he had some sort of learning disability or something. Either way, the show isn't exactly painting a very intimidating image of him so far. Even more interesting to note, if this is really supposed to be some kind of Avatar conquering team, why does Zucco only seem to have 7 other men with him?
It's like the Emperor had an incompetent bunch of ninnies, and didn't know how else to get them out of his hair than send them off somehwere, on the small chance that the Avatar might still be alive despite him doing nothing for 100 years. It would certainly explain the Mentor's attitude. He'd be old and experienced enough to recognize what the Emperor ordered them to do as an insult after all.
Then, just to complete this image, Aang goes on to school everyone on the boat with his hands tied behind his back...literally. No, seriously, he takes them all out with only his feet availble to him.
Then he gets to Zucco to get his staff back, and it's here that I'm starting to think that Aang's kind of new at this whole "fighting for you life thing". There were a lot of little things Aang did that made the fight so much harder than it should've been. For one thing, there are multiple instances where after dodging an attack, he'd just freeze in place and breath really, not even attempting to do anything but wait until Zucco went on the offensive again. Rather than actually attacking, he just spent almost the entire fight just running and flying around, trying to dodge Zucco's attacks and getting hurt because of it.
There was even one moment where he was right behind Zucco, in the perfect position to lay the hurting on him, and he still did nothing but defend. Listen, I know that Aang's 12 and probably hasn't packed on the muscle to be as physically strong as Zucco, but he still at least knows martial arts. You could tell that by how he moved. And in all that time he was behind him, he could've grabbed his head or his ponytail and kneed him in the back, he could've gotten him in some kind of choke, he could've kicked him in the balls, he could've tackled him to the ground, anything but just continuing to dance around like he did.
Then, the fight finally comes to a head when Aang finally gets his staff, the two face off...and Aang immediately smacks him into a wall and launches him into the ceiling.
After that, I couldn't help but think "Wow, that was quick".
But, after that, as Aang tries to escape, Zucco actually manages to impress me here. Apparently, he's immediately recovered from his smackdown, and catches Aang right as he tries to fly away.
Well, if nothing else, Zucco can definetly take a hit pretty well. I don't think I would've recovered that quickly had I been launched into the ceiling.
His friends arrive, Aang takes his eyes off Zucco to look at his friends, and immediately learns the hard way that you should NEVER take your eyes off of your opponents, as he is immediately blasted with so much fire, that his staff is eventually spun out of his hand, and he gets sent into the ocean by a one two punch of fire.
But then, Aang's eyes glow blue, he starts going Super Saiyan (I'm calling that because I'm not supposed to know that it's called the "Avatar State" yet), and from there, I don't think there's much point in commentating on anything else, other than that the bad guys make themselves look even WORSE than they already did by getting owned by Katara.
When you're supposed to be an experienced adult warrior, you've got two other guys backing you up, and yet, you still get owned by a 14 year old girl who doesn't even have full control over her powers yet, I think it's time to consider getting a different career. But that's just me.
Oh, and I found it pretty cool when Aang deflects the combined blasts of both Zucco and his Mentor (yes, he finally gets off his butt at some point in this episode). The three ride off into the sunset, and despite a rather depressing conversation about how Aang never wanted to be the Avatar, he still manages to make me smile by showing his goofiness again. Apparently, he's not quite done with riding animals yet.
And that's the first two episodes. What did I think? I liked it a lot. I thought Sokka, Zucco, and Katara were all characterized well, and I thought the episodes did a good job of explaining why the character's are all doing what they're doing, without getting bogged down in explanations like some other shows do. However, my favorite parts of both of these episodes was how entertaining the interactions were between the characters, especially Sokka and Katara, and Zucco and his Mentor. I like Zucco as a villain as well, because even though he and his gang aren't really that great in terms of actual competence (no, I'm still not letting the fact that he hasn't even mastered the basics despite all his training), his drive and tenacity still make him seem threatening all the same. I just find him interesting I guess.
I loved the artwork and the fights to. The fights were stunning and flowed very quickly. Speaking of fights, don't be fooled by the way I nitpicked at Aang's actions during his fights with Zucco. I don't expect him to be any Bruce Lee or anything, the guy IS only 12 after all, and new to all of this. I like that he's got a few rough edges actually. Makes it seem more realistic.
So, yeah, I actually liked them quite a bit, despite my nitpicking here and there. There are also some other things I could nitpick at if I REALLY wanted to, but, it's nothing that I actually care about much anyways.
Oh, one more thing, I've decided to keep track of just how many times Sokka gets owned in some way or another by a girl, just to see just how much pain he goes through because of his sexism.
Those were my thoughts so far anyways. Any questions...comments...complaints?