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So Now that the Roster is Quite Possibly Leaked. Who Would you Like to See Arrive in DLC form


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
The one thing I don't want to see is more characters from franchises that already have a wealth of representation. Mario, Kirby and Kid Icarus especially are already well represented. Smaller series like Pikmin or Xenoblade don't really need more than they have, either.

Other franchises, especially newcomer franchises, could use the spotlight.


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
Super Smash Bros 4 DLC's? Yeah I can think of a few.

But as it was rumoured. Some characters may still not have been unlocked at the time of the screenshot, or added so far, leaving it most likley being 4 characters left. And the 4 characters that I believe still has a chance to be in the launching roster I will add a (*) to. Also I won't make fancy names on the DLC with certain character on, since we can never predict such greatnes. So with no further ado, let's begin!

DLC Potential ~

Isaac * - Golden Sun representation has been lacking since Pre-Brawl, and the upgrade to AT was a start, but this time around its more commonly to think that Isaac would receave a Playable Status, and if there are more characters to be revealed, I think he has a shot this way. So far he has survived the AT's Slaughter and the PotD's.

King K. Rool * - When it comes to most talked about villains for Smash K. Rool scores high on most lists. And being one of the most wanted characters, I don't see why he should be left out. DK needs their villain, and K. Rool is a character I believe is one of the last to unlock, which is why I think he might be in, just no unlocked as of the time they made the screenshot leak. If I'm wrong, I think he is a good candidate on the DLC list.

Ridley * - The only thing bigger than Ridley himself is his fanbase, and that has helped a lot of characters making it into the Smash franchise. Sakurai once stated it was too hard to make him in. But that was similar to what he said about Villager, but look at him now, pluss all the trolling of Ridley must mean something?! I think he has shot of being in. But most likley he is in from the start or I see it hard why Sakurai would troll him already... If not he is a stage hazard working the same way as Toon Link but not in the launch roster but a DLC for Ultimate Trolling by Sakurai?! ~

Ice Climbers * - It's hard to believe they are being cut, even due to what they said about their troubles. But then again rumours has it that they are planned as DLC. But what if their difficulities are still being worked on/tweaked so they have yet to be added to the primary game? Still time for debugging and adding you know.

Lucas * - Even tho, he is a clone, so is Lucina, Ganondorf, Dr. Mario, Toon Link, Falco and Dark Pit, so it would be sad to just leave Lucas out of the game, but have him as a DLC makes time for the developers to make him even more unique from Ness, and that could be a good thing for Lucas, so I feel it is somewhat right to add him as a DLC:

Wolf * - I remember everyone wanted to see Wolf make it in to the series, and when he did in Brawl, people started to shut up about Wolf. But even tho he was a total clone sort of settlement, I still think Wolf should come back, for his important role as a villain in the franchise. But as with Lucas it could give them more time to make Wolf more unique from Fox, and that is something I'd love.

Snake * - Snake never really fit in to the style, so it makes sense to not have him in. But then again I don't see it 100% likley that they will kick him out. His fighting style is very unique in the series, and that is a great thing that I think makes him still having a shot to be playable. But with 2 NEW 3rd Party characters, I believe he should be the DLC representive 3rd Party.

Squirtle - Even tho Pokémon Trainer is gone, and Charizard is a stand alone character, I still don't see a big reason to include Squirtle or Ivysaur, but both of them brings unique moveset to the table, which would be sad if they dissapeared like that. So they fit the bill's as DLC characters, so like this I would not mind at all.

Ivysaur - See Squrrtle ~

Lip - Even tho there might not be a lot of people who know who Lip is. We still got her stick as a weapon, and for those who knows her I can say that so does Masahiro Sakurai and he also said that he think her games are masterpieces. So it could give him a reason enough to include him as a DLC surprise without desturb the launch roster with a JAPAN Exclusive like Roy and Marth at the Melee times.

Dixie Kong * - Fight for the 3rd DK spot either goes to K.Rool or Dixie Kong, both strong competitors. But it seems like Nintendo is more in favor of having the third Kong as a playable in more stuff than the big ol'croc. But nothing is said yet. AND with the DLC's going on, there is a possible chance of both of them getting the playable status. But nothing is set in stone yet.

Krystal - Another character a lot of people wants to see, even tho most of her fans was on top around pre-Brawl. She still have support, and the most likley would be DLC status. In my opinion, the only Star Fox character that has same potential of different moveset is Slippy Toad, but the most likley would be Krystal.

Roy - No one knows if Roy actually will return for the 4th Installment. One things for sure, it will not be by the launch roster, so only chance homeboy Roy got is the DLC status. It only depends on how desireable Sakurai look at him at this time.

Mewtwo * - Not only relevent, but also incredibly populare. And with the leaks going on he is also stamped as a questionmark, so either he is in by launch or he is directly added as a DLC status character. I just hope he won't have that bad way to unlock him....

Toon Zelda or Impa - Toon Link returned, and the rumours that Toon Zelda was going to make it in to Brawl, makes me thing that she might have a shot as a DLC character, the other character I believe got a shot is Impa, which will most likley become a Sheik clone as Toon Zelda would be for Zelda.

Black Shadow - As a faithful Smasher, Falcon has fought alone for the F-Zero franchise, only briefly see his old rival Goroh on the field while he is summoned. But F-Zero should get 1 more character, and that should be Black Shadow. He has a lot of potential, and a semi clone type of character is also possible to pull on him, making him a top candidate for DLC.

Wonder Red - I think there is a possible chance, but I don't have much to speak about as of now.

Chibi-Robo - I would love to see Chibi-Robo make it in. He has a huge potential, and its a bit sad to think he is not in already and it would be a waste of oppertunity to see him not playable. If not, then maybe he appears as a Assist Trophy, but then I hope Doshin The Giant also gets AT Status, but if not then I hope for a DLC.

Bandana Dee - Another somewhat popular character I can see get a DLC Playable Status.

Professor Layton - Remeber the tweets back in the day, where he stated he fought a Blue Robot and a Boxer? Little Mac and Mega Man, both in Smash 4. Think how fun it would be if Nintendo and Level 5 came together to arrange his inclusion in Super Smash 4. But most likley I think he will appear as a DLC if anything.

Inklings - Even tho their IP is really new, it still got really popular very fast, and it could be that Sakurai and the developers of Splatoon have been talking behind the curtains about maybe include the Inklings to the game, this is only rumous, but time will tell if anything will happen. DLC is the most plusable chance they got.


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
At this point, I would like to have a mixture of cut (and planned) characters along with characters from new and upcoming Nintendo franchises as DLC.
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Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2014
United State
I'm still under the assumption Mewtwo, Dixie, and Ridley are in so I would want Lucas, K Rool, and Isaac


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
Super Smash Bros 4 DLC's? Yeah I can think of a few.

But as it was rumoured. Some characters may still not have been unlocked at the time of the screenshot, or added so far, leaving it most likley being 4 characters left. And the 4 characters that I believe still has a chance to be in the launching roster I will add a (*) to. Also I won't make fancy names on the DLC with certain character on, since we can never predict such greatnes. So with no further ado, let's begin!

DLC Potential ~

Isaac * - Golden Sun representation has been lacking since Pre-Brawl, and the upgrade to AT was a start, but this time around its more commonly to think that Isaac would receave a Playable Status, and if there are more characters to be revealed, I think he has a shot this way. So far he has survived the AT's Slaughter and the PotD's.

King K. Rool * - When it comes to most talked about villains for Smash K. Rool scores high on most lists. And being one of the most wanted characters, I don't see why he should be left out. DK needs their villain, and K. Rool is a character I believe is one of the last to unlock, which is why I think he might be in, just no unlocked as of the time they made the screenshot leak. If I'm wrong, I think he is a good candidate on the DLC list.

Ridley * - The only thing bigger than Ridley himself is his fanbase, and that has helped a lot of characters making it into the Smash franchise. Sakurai once stated it was too hard to make him in. But that was similar to what he said about Villager, but look at him now, pluss all the trolling of Ridley must mean something?! I think he has shot of being in. But most likley he is in from the start or I see it hard why Sakurai would troll him already... If not he is a stage hazard working the same way as Toon Link but not in the launch roster but a DLC for Ultimate Trolling by Sakurai?! ~

Ice Climbers * - It's hard to believe they are being cut, even due to what they said about their troubles. But then again rumours has it that they are planned as DLC. But what if their difficulities are still being worked on/tweaked so they have yet to be added to the primary game? Still time for debugging and adding you know.

Lucas * - Even tho, he is a clone, so is Lucina, Ganondorf, Dr. Mario, Toon Link, Falco and Dark Pit, so it would be sad to just leave Lucas out of the game, but have him as a DLC makes time for the developers to make him even more unique from Ness, and that could be a good thing for Lucas, so I feel it is somewhat right to add him as a DLC:

Wolf * - I remember everyone wanted to see Wolf make it in to the series, and when he did in Brawl, people started to shut up about Wolf. But even tho he was a total clone sort of settlement, I still think Wolf should come back, for his important role as a villain in the franchise. But as with Lucas it could give them more time to make Wolf more unique from Fox, and that is something I'd love.

Snake * - Snake never really fit in to the style, so it makes sense to not have him in. But then again I don't see it 100% likley that they will kick him out. His fighting style is very unique in the series, and that is a great thing that I think makes him still having a shot to be playable. But with 2 NEW 3rd Party characters, I believe he should be the DLC representive 3rd Party.

Squirtle - Even tho Pokémon Trainer is gone, and Charizard is a stand alone character, I still don't see a big reason to include Squirtle or Ivysaur, but both of them brings unique moveset to the table, which would be sad if they dissapeared like that. So they fit the bill's as DLC characters, so like this I would not mind at all.

Ivysaur - See Squrrtle ~

Lip - Even tho there might not be a lot of people who know who Lip is. We still got her stick as a weapon, and for those who knows her I can say that so does Masahiro Sakurai and he also said that he think her games are masterpieces. So it could give him a reason enough to include him as a DLC surprise without desturb the launch roster with a JAPAN Exclusive like Roy and Marth at the Melee times.

Dixie Kong * - Fight for the 3rd DK spot either goes to K.Rool or Dixie Kong, both strong competitors. But it seems like Nintendo is more in favor of having the third Kong as a playable in more stuff than the big ol'croc. But nothing is said yet. AND with the DLC's going on, there is a possible chance of both of them getting the playable status. But nothing is set in stone yet.

Krystal - Another character a lot of people wants to see, even tho most of her fans was on top around pre-Brawl. She still have support, and the most likley would be DLC status. In my opinion, the only Star Fox character that has same potential of different moveset is Slippy Toad, but the most likley would be Krystal.

Roy - No one knows if Roy actually will return for the 4th Installment. One things for sure, it will not be by the launch roster, so only chance homeboy Roy got is the DLC status. It only depends on how desireable Sakurai look at him at this time.

Mewtwo * - Not only relevent, but also incredibly populare. And with the leaks going on he is also stamped as a questionmark, so either he is in by launch or he is directly added as a DLC status character. I just hope he won't have that bad way to unlock him....

Toon Zelda or Impa - Toon Link returned, and the rumours that Toon Zelda was going to make it in to Brawl, makes me thing that she might have a shot as a DLC character, the other character I believe got a shot is Impa, which will most likley become a Sheik clone as Toon Zelda would be for Zelda.

Black Shadow - As a faithful Smasher, Falcon has fought alone for the F-Zero franchise, only briefly see his old rival Goroh on the field while he is summoned. But F-Zero should get 1 more character, and that should be Black Shadow. He has a lot of potential, and a semi clone type of character is also possible to pull on him, making him a top candidate for DLC.

Wonder Red - I think there is a possible chance, but I don't have much to speak about as of now.

Chibi-Robo - I would love to see Chibi-Robo make it in. He has a huge potential, and its a bit sad to think he is not in already and it would be a waste of oppertunity to see him not playable. If not, then maybe he appears as a Assist Trophy, but then I hope Doshin The Giant also gets AT Status, but if not then I hope for a DLC.

Bandana Dee - Another somewhat popular character I can see get a DLC Playable Status.

Professor Layton - Remeber the tweets back in the day, where he stated he fought a Blue Robot and a Boxer? Little Mac and Mega Man, both in Smash 4. Think how fun it would be if Nintendo and Level 5 came together to arrange his inclusion in Super Smash 4. But most likley I think he will appear as a DLC if anything.

Inklings - Even tho their IP is really new, it still got really popular very fast, and it could be that Sakurai and the developers of Splatoon have been talking behind the curtains about maybe include the Inklings to the game, this is only rumous, but time will tell if anything will happen. DLC is the most plusable chance they got.
You my friend just wrote an awesome post with awesome characters! Especially since Isaac was at the top of the list :p Just kidding, good list, pretty comprehensive and detailed with all your reasoning.

I agree that there are tons of characters which can be added by DLC which can really lengthen the lifespan of the game! Plus new characters that are largely wanted would greatly keep the interest going (just don't cut 'em from the main game!). That, Nintendo, is the way to keep your game in the best selling list. You heard it here first folks :p

Isaac still has a great chance to be added due to his sheer awesomeness and the huge popularity his game had garnered during the GBA era, one of the most popular games on the handheld more than even Fire Emblem and other games at that time! Plus he is very unique and amazing. Plus Nintendo still knows the series seeing that both of the games have been released on Wii U VC in Japan and the 1st game to the western market (which was better in my opinion, albeit shorter).

Ridley's fanbase is larger than him, nice line! He has been THE most demanded character so Nintendo surely knows about him and has teased him.

K. Rool has also been asked by a lot and seeing that Donkey Kong is being eclipsed by Kid Icarus, they can surely take a spot. Would be preferable over Dixie since Dixie has a high chance of being a Diddy clone.

Snake is a character I could do without. It is not as if his games come out on Nintendo consoles. I was surprised he was a character in Brawl in the first place. And his style doesn't really fit into Smash either.

Mewtwo is a pretty significant addition as he is really popular plus he used to be a veteran. And he is a unique character that deserves to get in. Plus he is a very different Pokemon, could use some Psychic in there.

Don't know much about Lucas, Ice Climbers or Wolf, but none of them should be cut over new clones. I don't use them much and neither have I played the Mother series or Star Fox, but I agree with your sentiments.

Impa would be amazing seeing how she is in Hyrule Warriors, plus The Legend of Zelda being part of the Big Three of Nintendo could more characters. Mario already has 7, so Zelda could have 5.

The rest of the characters should be in DLC not in the main rosters. The characters I mentioned above, if any miss out on the original game (I sincerely hope not), then they should be SUPER HIGH priority DLC!

I'm still under the assumption Mewtwo, Dixie, and Ridley are in so I would want Lucas, K Rool, and Isaac
You get a like for asking for Isaac! :)

Isaac for Smash 4! Plus other characters!

And the ones who don't make the cut in DLC! Make this Smash best ever Nintendo! You started DLC with Mario Kart, now use it properly for Smash AFTER the game comes out!
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Deleted member

Frankly, I can see the DLC being divided into three groups, with potential contenders. Other than a few, I apoligize if my list sounds haphazard:

Characters Cut from Brawl
*Ice Climbers

Newcomers/Promoted ATs
*Isaac (Oh, God, yes!)

Surprise Newcomers
*King K. Rool

I can also see each DLC pack coming with 2 new stages (3 if a newcomer is from a new series) along with accompanied soundtracks and potential trophies, to boot.

Granted, with the promoted ATs, I can legitimately see them using algorithms to "close off" the AT version of the character, so that part of the coding might be easier than you may think.


Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014
Well Metwo's DLC :joyful:and Ridley's a boss on the Pyrosphere:cry: So I want WOLF FOR DLC!!!!! HE WILL COMPLETE THE VETERAN VILLAINS WOLF FOR SMASH 4!


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
Reposted from the character discussion thread:

My wanted list has changed because of actually playing the game. My current DLC wanted list:

1) Mewtwo - Cause I like wanting one that happens.
2) Flying Man - Cause Game and Watch needs some flat company. And I love watching him fight on Magicent.
3) Magnus - Cause it looks like he has a built in move set pretty much already done.
4) Wolf - Bring him back.
5) Lucas - See Wolf
6) Ice Climbers - See Wolf
7) Venusaur - Cause the moveset mostly already exists.
8) Blastoise - Cause the moveset mostly already exists.
9) Dixie Kong - Cause it should happen.
10) Ridley - I already put Flying Man.
11) Saki - See Magnus
12) Vaati - I want Vaati.
13) Geno - I want Geno.
14) Ashley - Neat model and I love her theme.
15) Dillon - Cause Dillon. That's why.
16) Isaac - Where'd he go?
17) F-Zero Rep - Yes, Goroh's an assist. Yes everyone loves Black Shadow's voice actor. I just really like Pico. But I'm good with any.
18) Impa - Hyrule Warriors is awesome.
19) Captain Toad - ....I like how he says Adventure.
20) Nester - Cause I read way too much Nintendo Power as a kid. And I want a Virtual Boy Rep.
21) Bandana Dee - Spear user
22) Ephraim, Hector, or Eliwood - I want a fire emblem spear or axe user.

Deleted member

Well, considering we got Mewtwo, and that's why we are all back...

I just want Isaac and (by a long shot) Medusa as potential DLC. Since Ridley has been finally classified as a quasi-fighter/stage boss hybrid, I can feel comfortable knowing that people won't get too hard on the Venus Adept.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I would like to see Isaac from Golden Sun, Sami from Advance Wars, and Captain Toad from the Captain Toad series.
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