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SnooPingAsUsual 3 (SPAU3) Results 3/15/14


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2007
Mah Closet, MI
Just a quick update on the video thread!

1) Parent johns are in full force this week, so I'm super sorry for the late night uploads, it's the only real breathing room I get. But at least I'm getting there! Let's hope the dual-recording for future tourneys turns out better (such as actual 480p/720p @ 60FPS eyecandy? I'm really trying to step-up my stream game lol.)
2) All of pools should be up now. If I skipped any, super sorry! Let me know and I'll backtrack for it.
3) If you have any videos you want on the video thread, just link them with where in the bracket they were and I'll add them!
4) If you love me, don't use adblock ;o; (Kidding, I actually don't care because ads suck lol.)

I think that's about it for the updates. I just uploaded the final 12 pools matches that I found and singles will hopefully start (again, super late) tomorrow! :3


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2007
Mah Closet, MI
~Aw man double post~

So, as far as I know, all the matches have been uploaded. The playlist is here and the video thread is here (more organized/detailed.) I just want to say sorry for the fairly slow upload time along with how horrible the exported quality is. I'm hoping in the future to work out something better for both of those issues. I'm not GimR or Chibo, but I'm trying! So yeah, enjoy! :dr^_^:


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2011
Columbus, Central Ohio
Time for my shoutouts!
2: Stewy ($20) :popo: Ehhhh. Some of my Brawl motivation kinda left when I knew I had to fight you, but nice seeing you again anyway.

4: Zyth :metaknight::dk2: GGs. Whatever Stewy coached you on Fox worked,

7: Willy Stroker :039: I really wished we didn't have to face each other in P:M, but at least it's great that both of us got so high in the bracket to make it into the Top 8. Also, sorry for that sleep. This was the first day I went on a road trip with you after an exhausting day of work.

9: Hands:falcon::falcon::falcon:(Xatic) :falconmelee::falconmelee::falconmelee: Dat deal tho

9: QD :lucario: You are seriously improving a Brawl Lucario player. Even I have problems dealing with you now. GGs and hope to see you again.

1: Anther ($254) :025: Sucks that we couldn't face each other in bracket, but at least I got a taste of what you can do in our friendlies. I'm keeping an eye on you.

2: LOE1 ($116):wario: YOU STEAL MY EXPLOSIVE THUNDER?! YOU WILL PAY! Nah, but really, you stepped your game up and surprised me because of it. Now I have at least two areas I need to watch out for you in.

3: Carls ($75):wario:

4: Solharath ($45) :sonic: :metaknight:Yo, that very last match. So much revenge in one day.
5: Lordy ($20) :ike::falconmelee: Both of your characters are still awesome as usual. Keep it up!

9: Tutu:sheik: GGs & nice seeing you again, too. Juushichi gave me a lot of Sheik experience.

13: Monte :ness2: GGs in our friendlies. Your Ness is the best one I've faced in P:M so far.

13: GSN | WubS :yoshi2::fox: It really sucks what happened to you for pools.

13: DRB | Juushichi :gw: Next time I'm making sure who I'm fighting is right. That kinda wasted some time.

17: JTsm :snake: Thanks for being a cool guy & house Columbus and host this tourney. Keep up that Snake!

17: Robjoe :006: Your Charizard's the best one I've faced so far. You could probably even beat Chibo's!

4: Ori_bro: It's always great to see you again, my man.


Sorry for anyone I forgot. It's great to see all of you, and I hope to do the same in the future.

Better watch out, because I sure am.


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