What are some ways to punish snakes recovery, specifically his u-B. For some reason I cant find the right approach to it and he always gets through. He usually air dodges and when I try to dair the thing will always hit me.
Ask in the Q&A thread next time.
Try a few of these methods:
If snake is using the UpB and is above the stage, try to 1st jump up towards snake, but don't attack with an aerial. By doing this you can sometimes trick a snake into airdodging on reaction by you getting close to him in the air. If he does that all you have to do is time your 2nd jump and aerial attack to punish him once the air dodge finishes.
Another alternative is to just let snake try and land on the stage and make sure you are close by to attack him around the area he lands in. Snake has very few options available to him when he is in the air and you are on the ground. By attacking him in the air makes it so much easier for him to avoid you from my experience.