Hey guys, I'm working on a Snake Adavnced Techs vid to add to my Snake Guides. I don't wanna miss anything and want to try to see if I can fit alternate ways to performing some of the techs. If anyone wants to throw some ATs that I may forget (I haven't made a full list yet) by all means let me know. Also, I'd like some alternate (or all) inputs for: DACUS & Pivot Grab & Platform Cancels
Here's a list of obvious ATs I'm including:
Pivot Nade
Reverse Pivot Nade
Pivot Grab
Platform Cancel
C4 usages
If you want any others you think are important, let me know. I'm prob forgetting quite a few at the moment.
Try throwing in boost grabs and boost pivot grabs into the video. Example of its use would be the gr cg snake has on falco.
You can do boost grabs with cstick down->grab, A->Block, or A->grab
Boost pivot grabs I do by pressing back A-Block
When it comes to platform cancels you can show people that it can lead to grab, ftilt, utilt, c4 stick, jab mix up etc
You can also go into how being able to do these things out of platform cancels is good for conditioning an opponent, and how it will lead into different mix ups.
Example: Opponent waits for the platform cancel but instead you double jumped and uair poke the shield they've been holding or you just jump c4 stick them.
Dacus you can talk about how its good for frame trapping people who are near the ledge. Being able to dacus a spotdodge and making the opponent try to avoid an usmash is an important tool snake players should be aware of if they want to land heavy punishes or kills.
Inputs for dacus: Cstick down -> Cstick up quickly
Down cstick to up+z
On hit cstick down -> cstick up works as well
C4 usages there's how it controls space, how it can be used to change the direction you want to go when trying to land.
Put in c4 sticks please. This is something not many snake players use sadly and its really really good. If someone lands on a platform you can jump c4 stick them and from there you can
1) double jump into nair, bair, dair or uair
2) land and detonate c4 and powershield the explosion
Explain how c4's properties change when stuck on an opponent. Showing that it explodes inside the person its stuck on before expanding, giving you the ability to detonate a c4 next to someone and powershield the explosion that would normally hit you.
There are also frame traps with c4 sticks, such as having someone offstage because of an ftilt at the higher %'s after you stuck a c4 onto them. You can then detonate -> uair/ nair or bair because they are forced to airdodge. And once again if you use c4 sticks often you can use it to condition your opponent into jumping leaving them open to uairs, or having them wait for you to make your move which can result into an utilt on a weak shield.