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Smashed Clams and Fried Chicken


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2010
The Middle Pokeball

Hey Smashboards, ya miss me? Im sure ya didnt, Im lame like that :bee:
Anyway, While Ive been away, Ive been expirimenting with the world of Gen V. Im....well not great to be honest, but one thing I know : Cloyster. It is the epitome of "sweeper" in gen V. So I dedicated this team to him. He works quite well in lead position, not having to worry about setup. So thats where we start.

Cant say Nickname due to smaller viewers. (Cloyster) (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Skill Link
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Shell Smash
- Ice Shard
- Rock Blast
- Icicle Spear

The king of sweeps, wrecker of teams, breaker of subs, that one thing you got fried with a side of tartar sauce at that one coastline restaurant. This thing is as broken as its shell. Shell Smash, its key to victory, Raises its attack and Speed a tremendous amount (spA too, but nobody likes that on cloyster, so blegh.) For only a measly defensive loss. Paired with a sash = instant **** to a huge portion of the metagame. Icicle spear is its main means of offense Taking out pokemon. A guaranteed 4-5 hits thanks to skill link means a grand total of 100-125 Base power, plus stab. Rock blast acts as a second icicle spear, but covers pokemon that resist ice, leaving only steel and water to live. Normally people run shell blade to cure those two resistances. however, that leaves me open to breloom and other priority. To KO ES dragonite and breloom, or give a bit of resistance before roob or another priority deals the final hit, I have ice shard. Its worked wonders for me, dispite my few resistances.

So that left two resisting types, Fighting and Steel. What is strong against those two? Flying and ground. With that thought I came up with the perfect guy, someone I should have been using earlier...

Scorpio (Gliscor) (F) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 196 Atk / 252 Def / 4 SDef / 56 Spd
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Acrobat
- Protect
- Earthquake
- Fling

This thing walls like crazy. Later I found him to be usefull on an irritating ground weakness this team otherwise would have..Anyway, its first move used is pretty much always protect, so I can allow toxic orb to take effect without taking damage. After my poison heal is actuvated, I dispose of the orb via fling, hopefully poisoning an opponent. This frees my hold item space, letting acrobat have 110 base power. Earthquake is...well earthquake, STAB and **** in one :p. Acrobat makes for decent coverage and with 110 BP and stab, is NOT a bad Idea :p Protect lets me stall things out too, letting poison heal do its job :D

So thats out of the way...BUT WAIT, we have the problem of those physically bulky pokemon like roob and scizor that deal priority. What now? Well from my findings priority workers are...slow BST. And if I can get something to survive this and/or abuse their slowness....AHA!

BadgerBadger (Breloom) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Technician
EVs: 12 HP / 252 Atk / 244 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bullet Seed
- Swords Dance
- Spore
- Mach Punch

Yes, Breloom, the guy everyone learned to know and hate. When something like roob pops in an decides to be annoying, WHO DO WE CALL? No, not GHOSTBUSTERS!, But the mushroom guy next door. Spore is perfect for the imbosiles like that. Slow and steady doesnt win the race this time :p After a spore, I swords dance once, maybe twice if they dont switch and I fel lucky.After this SD, its Mach-punching time! Also, Bullet seed works wonders on those bulky water types.

One immediate thing I noticed I was doing wrong right at this point.
1) No special attackers.
2) Once Cloysters gone, anything with ice-beam rips straight through it. Its wide open to rain teams.
This needed a serious remedy with the abundance of rain.

Oxy Clean (Rotom-W) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 164 Def / 92 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

Yes, this little washing machine decided to come home for a ride. Levatate AND water resist? YES PLEASE!
Thunderbolt makes great STAB, hitting water types well and even a chance of paralasis if Im lucky. Hydro Pump deals with pokemon like heatran that constantly troll me without Gliscor around, not to mention other gliscor. Wil O wisp burn certain Mons in my way helping me live longer and stall longer. Pain split for any....irritating problems, like poison stall for example.

So one thing I see that can annoy this team alot. Skarmory. Physical wall. No poison weakness. Overall resists my team a good bit. I was thinking shandera but....nahhh. Then I thought I might use my Special attacking victini set that worked well on my other team. But theres one guy Im surprised to have not used...until now.

KFC (Blaziken) (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Speed Boost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Protect
- Swords Dance
- Hi Jump Kick
- Blaze Kick

Yeah, thats right, I havent used Blaziken till now. I also have never made a rain team in gen V OR IV and use zuruzukin over Roobushin, get at me.
This thing does a very good job at what it does best. SD if it cant kill me, protect if it can, then outspeed for the kill with my +1-6 speed. A sash gives me a free SD, but I use it wisely. Blaze kick and High jump Kick grant relentless coverage, coverage only shandera can resist. This set is pretty much easy to figure out, so yeah.

Now....what to put in....Maybe something for speedy sweepers? Like, scarf kingdra? Now that I mention it, dragons could pose a threat if Im not careful. Or maybe just backup sweeper? Im thinking filler right now...and I got just the guy

Pimp (Ditto) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Eccentric
EVs: 255 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Transform

Yup, ditto. The gelatinous blob of jello everyone wants to get it on with. Yeah, everything that wants to sweep is pretty much screwed. 252 attack and max speed for dragons. Dragons, thats what this sets built to take.

Well there you go. This team has ranked up a bunch of wins by ladder, not seeing too many glaring weaknesses, though I did lose to crappy predictions a few times. Any comments? Suggestions? Or is there something I flat out failed at? xD


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Jirachi's EV spread has some issues.

Why does Blaziken have a Focus Sash? Sandstorm and entry hazards are very common.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Cant say Nickname due to smaller viewers.
And he swears he's a hardcore Catholic/Christian/Jahova's Witness/w/e XD

And wouldn't Suicune be better than Rotom? I'm pretty sure he makes a better bulky water than Rotom does

I could be wrong though since it turns out I'm a horrible teambuilder :/


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
And he swears he's a hardcore Catholic/Christian/Jahova's Witness/w/e XD

And wouldn't Suicune be better than Rotom? I'm pretty sure he makes a better bulky water than Rotom does

I could be wrong though since it turns out I'm a horrible teambuilder :/
Rotom-W isn't so much a bulky water as a bulky water/wall breaker fusion. Hes ****ing amazing, give him a try.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Heh, I always thought that Rotom-W was meant to be just a bulky water that's always outclassed by the likes of Vaporeon and Suicune



Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
You know what goes really well with Speed Boost Blaziken? Baton passing your boosts to a pokemon with Overconfident. Especially something like MixMence.

Good times.

Hell, Baton passing your boosts is great for anything, even Steelix. Why aren't you utilizing that move?

Oh, and inb4 TRG, Leafy, NJz, and BLM looking for fried chicken.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Rotom-W has a much better typing and also a better movepool / offensive ability. Suicune and Vaporeon are more defensive though. They just fulfill different roles.

Charmander is using Rotom-W wrong though.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
Rotom-W is kinda low-powered to be a wall-breaker, but it's nice defensively.

Watch the **** out for any kind of weather team. You're so weak to rain/sand/sun sweepers it isn't even funny. Even Breloom will get beaten by Landlos/Kingdra/Venusaur, or most of the other flagship weather sweepers. Blaziken can do decently against sun as long as the sun sweeper isn't carrying EQ or HP Ground for Heatran.

Put a Ditto over Jirachi if it's DW. Please. If you're in wifi, then try a little bit of this classic anti-rain magic and play a bit more conservatively:

Nattorei @ Leftovers
252 HP/196 Def /60 SpDef
Sassy (0 Spe) / Iron Barbs

Stealth Rock
Thunder Wave
Power Whip

Breloom can clean up rain if you set up enough entry hazards. Blaziken will take care of sun if they give you a free turn to get your speed boost going. Rotom-W will help beat defensive rain teams with wisp+dual-STAB hydro pump, and can check excadrill if breloom is gone already, but this team is missing hazard damage and desperately wants a check to rain. Also Blaziken wants Wide Lens. :p


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Kirbyraeg said:
Rotom-W is kinda low-powered to be a wall-breaker, but it's nice defensively.
OHKOs Gliscor, Comes very close to OHKO'ing Nattorei, 2HKO's Burungeru/Vaporeon/Suicune. Doesn't do anything to Chansey/Blissey obviously. 2HKOs Skarmory. OHKOs Forretress.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
You know what goes really well with Speed Boost Blaziken? Baton passing your boosts to a pokemon with Overconfident. Especially something like MixMence.

Good times.

Hell, Baton passing your boosts is great for anything, even Steelix. Why aren't you utilizing that move?

Oh, and inb4 TRG, Leafy, NJz, and BLM looking for fried chicken.
Baton-pass is illegal with speed boost on Blaziken if I remember correctly.

I use Rotom-W on almost every team I make, and in my experience this set works the best.

Rotom-W@Choice Specs
252 HP / 252 Sp.Att / 4 Def
~Hydro Pump
~HP Fire

I use HP Fire over trick since I have specs for a reason and I don't think it cripples the opponent horribly in a lot of situations. HP Fire offers a way to deal with Nattorei if you have nothing left to do so.

Specs hydro pump is awesomely powerful and still bulky enough to only take like 65% from +2 dory SE. It does a good job of dealing with sandstorm and Rain.


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2010
The Middle Pokeball
CRAP I put the EVs in wrong...this is embarrassing...
I meant it to be for attack, not spA xD

EDIT: Changing Rachi for Ditto, fixing Rotoms set

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Charmander said:
After a spore, I swords dance once, maybe twice if they dont switch and I fel lucky.After this SD, its Mach-punching time! Also, Bullet seed works wonders on those bulky water types.
Chris Is Me said:
People suck at using Breloom, and they've always sucked. You never Spore on the first turn. You never Spore on the first goddamn turn.
Although you lack Substitute, I'd still argue Sporing on the first turn isn't too great of an idea. You could probably just smash something really hard with Mach Punch / Bullet Seed before deciding what to do / the possibility of Sporing.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
That quote is now inaccurate with the introduction of team reveal.

Unless of course you don't use team reveal, which charmander doesnt =/. In which case, you probably should only spore first turn in a few situations.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
^I actually used that for a while and it was indeed great, but I concluded that the potential to sweep a team was a greater reward than (maybe) paralyzing a Breloom counter.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
Instead of swords dance, how about dual powder. That'll teach 'em.
I suggested this like when DW was first ever released. Wtf.

Although then I tried it and every single time I went to use Stun Spore I'd miss and then proceed to get ****ed up, so it never did work out like I hoped.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
I don't think Breloom is going to be switching in on a Bullet Punch or Mach Punch anytime soon.

IIRC CB Scizor's BP is a 2HKO, it easily does over 50%.
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