Alright folks! Let's count the votes!
This'll be a quick segment today, for our Tetris Stage Strawpoll, Tetris Palace & Tetris Effect got 2 votes each, while Tetrisphere got 3, making
Tetrisphere our Tetris Stage! Congrats to
Next up, the Shiori Alt vote! DragonRobotKing26 got 1 vote, and I got 2, meaning we'll be using my alt list!
Vote for your top three! Don't put your submission in first place (do I really gotta keep saying that second part? It's getting tiring

Next up, let's round up the minecraft tokens all in one place!
Job 154: Minecraft Tokens
Ender Dragon-Gold
Zombie - Bronze
Villager - Silver
Crafting Table - Bronze
Iron Golem - Silver
Warden - Gold
Blaze - Bronze
Ghast - Silver
Piglin - Silver
Chicken - Bronze
Arch-Illager - Gold
Minecraft Tokens:
Silverfish (Bronze)
Bed (Bronze)
Sniffer (Silver)
The Wither (Gold)
Diamond Ore (Gold)
We've got a whopping 20 tokens thanks to all your submissions, thank you!
We've also got Misc Info for Tetromino courtesy of
, thank you for that!
And now that everything's finished with the set of weird fighters, it's time for...
Job #155: Submit a 2000s Fighter!
Ahh the 2000s, a great time for gaming. It saw the births of a ton of franchises and brought a lot of new consoles into the fold. Ps2, Ps3, Psp, Xbox, Xbox 360, plus all the Nintendo stuff that's slightly less important for this thread.
The series doesn't have to be a 2000s creation, but the fighter does! Excited to see what you come up with!
Job #156: Submit a Token Pinball Table!
So here's a throwback, a long long time ago we did a mode job, and Token Pinball got added to the game. But you can't have Pinball without tables to play them on!
For this job, I'm gonna be accepting 3 Token Pinball Tables into the game, only holding a vote if more than three are submitted.
To make things different than a typical stage vote, Token Pinball Tables cannot be based on specific games/game series. You should focus on other aspects of thr gaming world, or just be more broad with your theme, like instead of a specific game, make the table about the company behind that game! Just an example.