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Data Smash Ultimate Power Rankings Directory (WIP)


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia

1st: Big D :ulticeclimbers: :ultkingdedede:
2nd: Captain L :ultpikachu: :ultpichu:
3rd: Lemmon :ultjoker: :ultdaisy:
4th: Focus :ultrob:
5th: Locus :ultken: :ultridley: :ultdoc: (pre-terry)
6th: Ouch!? :ultchrom: :ultwolf: :ultike:
7th: Tickle :ultinkling:
8th: Len :ultdarkpit:
9th: Firefly :ultyoshi:
10th: SpamCop :ultmario: :ultwolf:
11th: Machu :ultrob: :ultinkling: :ultlucina:
12th: Irakaz :ultfox: :ultwario: :ultmario:
13th: Grade :ultmewtwo: :ultwolf:
14th: Kantrip :ultdiddy: :ultswordfighter:
15th: Yaya :ultgnw:

HMs: Shoghi :ultike: :ultchrom:, Legit247 :ultrob: :ultdk: :ultdiddy: :substitute:

1st: Lemmon :ultjoker:
2nd: ouch!? :ultwolf: :ultroy: :substitute:
3rd: Big D :ulticeclimbers: :ultmario: :ultkingdedede:
4th: Tickle :ultinkling: :ultcorrinf:
5th: Locus :ult_terry: :ultridley:
6th: Infinity :ultolimar:
7th: Irakaz :ultwario: :ultyounglink: :ultfox: :ultgreninja:
8th: Legit247 :ultrob: :ultdk: :ultdiddy: :ultkrool: :ultpalutena: :substitute:
9th: Captain L :ultpikachu: :ultpichu:
10th: Seraphy :ultwiifittrainer: :ultwiifittrainerm:

HM: Zerango :ultfalcon: :ultlucina: :ultbanjokazooie:, PoundCake :ultsnake: :ultken:


1st: Machu :ultbanjokazooie: :ultrob: :ultridley:
2nd: Espeon*CH :ultlink: :ultyounglink:
3rd: ZachB :ultdiddy:
4th: Rhythm :ultrob:
5th: Moss :ultbowser:
6th: Yaya :ultgnw: :ultrichter:
8th: Sarbassi :ultike: :ultcloud:
9th: Efeo :ultbowser: :ultfox:
9th: MMM :ultluigi: :ultdarkpit:
10th: Flux :ultlink: :ultisabelle:

Link to thread: https://twitter.com/FVS_Shoghi_SSB/status/1212875226834321409
1st: Shoghi :ultrobin: :ultike: :ultchrom:
2nd: SpamCop :ultmario: :ultwolf:
3rd: Liam :ultrichter: :ultness:
4th: PoundCake :ultsnake: :ultken:
5th: Proto :ultmegaman:
6th: IrisZ :ultlink:
7th: Dawsyn :ultjoker: :ultwolf:
8th: Grazer :ultgnw: :ult_terry:
9th: Nervy :ultpokemontrainerf:
10th: Eclipse :ultpiranha: :ultwolf: :ultfox:

HMs: Moment :ultfalcon:, TravishVII :ultzss: :ultlink: :ultlucina:

and some other canadian ones:

Tweet: https://twitter.com/JaeighLovesFood/status/1186128221420412929
1st: Exodia :ultzss:
2nd: Chomo :ultinkling:
3rd: Marf :ultzelda:
4th: MOOBESOR :ultpokemontrainer:
5th: Nurse :ultfalcon: :ultgreninja: :ultwario: :ultpiranha: (this is pre-terry)
6th: Nick Fury :ultwario:
7th: Chaizord :ultzss: :ultjoker:
8th: Parfit :ultyoshi:
9th: Kursed :ultwiifittrainer:
10th: MD3 :ultsonic:

HMs: Sno :substitute:, Vando :ultjoker:, Chochobo :ultpikachu:, HERO :ultlink:, Gina :ultwolf:

Link to image: https://twitter.com/pinkbombo91/status/1183421443641446401

1st: Scubbss :ultlucina: :ultcloud:
2nd: Beezy :ultwolf: :ultlucina:
3rd: Pinkbombo91 :ultpeach: :ultfox:
4th: Nadia :ultpikachu:
5th: Garry2Scary :ultsnake:
6th: Squire :ultpalutena: :ultwolf:
7th: BugDoctor :ultmegaman:
8th: AMac :ultdiddy: :ultbowserjr:
9th: CandyChicken :ultyounglink:
10th: Overcast! :ultwolf:

HM: Dippy :ultpacman:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManitobaSmash/status/1206642810763366403

1st: Strike :ultfox: :ultyounglink: :ultjoker:
2nd: king_chris :ultzss: :ultjoker:
3rd: Kerbooples :ultpiranha: :ultwolf:
4th: frededish :ultrob:
5th: Phili :ultbanjokazooie: :ultdk: :ultyoshi:
6th: Jackson :ultdaisy:
7th: Sonic :ultyounglink:
8th: Pie Flavor :ultdarksamus:
9th: Ashari :ultroy: :ultjoker:
10th: DILF :ultgreninja: :ultwario:


1st: Riddles :ult_terry: :ultken: :ultjoker:
2nd: Blacktwins :ultpichu: :ultroy: :ultmario:
3rd: Jw :ultgreninja:
4th: XCal :ulttoonlink:
5th: Stas :ultwiifittrainerm:
6th: tamim :ultbayonetta:
7th: Grape :ultsnake:
8th: DoctorKayh :ultcloud:
9th: Burst :ultyoshi: :ultinkling:
10th: Blanc :ultfalco: :ultroy2:
11th: ADADA :ultlink:
12th: M9 :ultmegaman:
13th: Steve From Accounting :ultrob: :ultswordfighter:
14th: Pokecheese :ultgunner: :ultswordfighter:
15th: Chad :ultkrool:

HMs: Orange :ultlink:, Landon :ultluigi:, Litany :ultganondorf:, Slime :ultmario: :ultbowserjr:, Xyro :ultpokemontrainerf:


1st: Solarflare :ultbowser:
2nd: Catalyst :ultshulk:
3rd: Soh :ultpokemontrainerf:
4th: Shuck3y :ultpalutena:
5th: C-Salt :ultinklingboy:
6th: Joe :ultwiifittrainer:
7th: Bogmire :ultluigi:
8th: Maher :ultmario:
9th: Light :ultyoshi:
10th: Josh MagBrag :ultkrool: :ultjoker:

HMs: Andomal :ultwolf:, TM20 :ultlucina: :ultmario: :ultrob:


1st: Bailo :ultpalutena:
2nd: Asprey :ultincineroar:
3rd: Vapor :ultjoker:
4th: TehBlueOne :ultike:
5th: Croi :ultridley:
6th: Raziek :ultjoker:
7th: Gronk :ultrob:
8th: Trevor :ultzelda:
9th: Sham Savior :ultyoshi:
10th: Joboone :ultpiranha:

HMs: Honeybadger :ultchrom:, Zeldablade :ultrichter:


1st: Twan :ultpichu: :ultmario:
2nd: Brando :ultzss: :ultpalutena:
3rd: Banjo :ultganondorf: :ultbowser:
4th: Fuzzydyne :ultjoker:
5th: Intol :ultshulk:
6th: Groovy :ultpokemontrainerf: :ultchrom:
7th: Dingus :ultwiifittrainer:
8th: Drex :ultfalcon:
9th: Slick :ultludwig: :ultpokemontrainer:
10th: Jar :ultfalcon: :ultdk:
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Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
Argentina has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/ArgResults/status/1218742442171752449

1st: ZanT :ultpokemontrainer::ultwiifittrainer:
2nd: Escurridizo :ultpikachu: :ultwolf: :ultjoker:
3rd: Bakuryu :ultken: :ultryu:
4th: Smashu :ultness: :ultlucas: :ultinkling:
5th: Paco :ultridley:
6th: Toplus :ultsnake:
7th: Flagtail :ultshulk:
8th: Joa :ultswordfighter: :ultcorrin:
9th: Cyrano :ultjoker: :ultsimon: :ultdiddy:
10th: Ipu :ultmegaman: :ultluigi: :ultpiranha:

HMs: Aliluc :ultpichu: :ultdarkpit:, Idle :ultlucina:, Supra :ultinkling:, Meint :ultpalutena:, Mashiz :ultsnake: :ultganondorf:, KPC :ultcloud:

New York has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/NYPowerRanking/status/1223689793562980352

1st: Dabuz :ultolimar: :ultrosalina:
2nd: Venia :ultgreninja:
3rd: Mr. E :ultlucina:
4th: Gen :ultpalutena: :ultfox:
5th: Suarez :ultyoshi:
6th: Jul :ultrobin:
7th: Stocktaker69 :ultwolf: :ultpalutena: :ultwiifittrainer: :ultvillager:
8th: Sinji :ultpacman:
9th: John Numbers :ultwiifittrainer: :ultswordfighter:
10th: Utopian Ray :ultpalutena: :ultbanjokazooie:
11th: Dill :ultrob:
12th: Zomba :ultrob: :ultroy: :ultlink:
13th: ZeroTwoNone :ultzelda:
14th: Vivi :ultlucario: :ulthero:
15th: Kofi :ultfalco:

South Korea has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/CoreAEvents/status/1223470275242557440

1st: LynZle :ultjoker: :ultgnw:
2nd: Mage :ultpalutena:
3rd: Tanark :ultfox:
4th: JJROCKETS :ultdiddy: :ultjoker:
5th: Steeb :ultpalutena:
6th: Sejun :ultkingdedede: (for those of you familiar with Pokemon VGC, this is Se Jun Park, the 2014 world champion who won with Pachirisu)
7th: Bruh :ultincineroar:
8th: Thomastwins :ultzelda:
9th: Mayonnaise :ultbanjokazooie: :ulthero:
10th: Guma :ultpacman:

Texas has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/ZanoShiran/status/1223367801223766016/photo/1

1st: Meme :ultyoshi: :ultlucina:
2nd: Joker :ultsamus: :ultdarksamus: :ultridley:
3rd: Ismon :ultwario: :ultfalco:
4th: Grayson :ultrob:
5th: Hakii :ultzss:
6th: Gidy :ultroy: :ultchrom:
7th: KingK :ultrob:
8th: Shadow_PR :ultbayonetta: :ultpalutena:
9th: Denti :ultpokemontrainer::ultolimar:
10th: Brr :ultinkling:

HMs/Inactives: Megafox :ultfox:, Trela :ultbanjokazooie: :ulthero:, Lima :ultbayonetta:, Awestin :ultness:, Dojo :ultinkling:

Delaware has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/BlaiseSSB/status/1222678653974327296/photo/1

1st: DSF :ultvillager: :ultpalutena:
2nd: Jolt :ultbowser: :ultmario:
3rd: P3 :ultbayonetta: :ultdaisy:
4th: MPg :ultmegaman: :ultinkling: :ultpokemontrainer:
5th: Guap :ultdk: :ultchrom: :ultpichu:
6th: Inferno :ultbanjokazooie: :ultpacman:
7th: Superdois :ultpacman:
8th: Kingjoker64 :ultness: :ultwiifittrainer:
9th: Boogaloo :ultroy:
10th: Ji :ultjoker: :ultlucina:

Ohio has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/CrusticusSSB/status/1221995751665958917/photo/1

1st: Toast :ultyounglink: :ultroy: :ultshulk:
2nd: Katakiri :ultgunner: :ultkingdedede:
3rd: DarkShad :ultshulk: :ultken:
4th: Midnight :ultpeach: :ultpalutena:
5th: Doorstop :ultzss: :ultpokemontrainer:
6th: Nhan :ultlucina: :ultmarth:
7th: Lunick :ultbowser:
8th: Colinies :ultroy: :ultyounglink:
9th: Shmael :ultpalutena: :ultjoker: :ultpokemontrainer:
10th: TLoReO :ultjoker: :ultchrom: :ulttoonlink:
11th: Alexzzz :ultpeach: :ultpalutena:
12th: Carls493 :ultshulk:
13th: Kamui :ultjoker:
14th: Purp :ultgunner: :ultsnake: :ultkingdedede:
15th: Syco :ultolimar: :ultmario:

Italy has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/SmashBrosItalia/status/1221928010091323392/photo/1

1st: Firstbones :ultpalutena: :ultjoker: :ultinkling::ultmewtwo:
2nd: Meercko :ultlucina:
3rd: Genarog :ultpokemontrainer::ultlucas: :ultincineroar: :ultzss:
4th: Dinamirer :ultjoker: :ultpalutena:
5th: NFL :ultsnake:
6th: TunaLink :ultjoker: :ultrob: :ultsonic:
7th: ForzeRusse :ultrob:
8th: Porke :ultinkling: :ultkirby:
9th: Midoriss :ultlittlemac:
10th: Kartina :ultwolf: :ultjoker:
11th: Pand :ultken: :ulticeclimbers: :ultgnw:
12th: Sim-Max :ultrob: :ultfalco:
13th: Mapiz :ultmario:
14th: G-Danzee :ultjoker:
15th: Kuro :ultganondorf: (No, not that Kuro)
16th: Bowsermarco :ultbowser:
17th: Andaya :ultwario:
18th: Lordrigo :ultzss:
19th: Elmartho :ultwolf:
20th: Sadler :ultfox:

Panama has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/smashultpma/status/1220369833092689920/photo/1

1st: AnDy :ultpeach:
2nd: JD :ultdiddy: :ultpalutena: :ultgnw:
3rd: GaBo :ultdarkpit: :ultsnake: :ultwario:
4th: Lumaking :ultjoker: :ultchrom: :ultpalutena:
5th: Starfil :ultrobin: :ultrichter: :ultdarkpit:
6th: Jaime :ultsnake: :ultmario: :ultfalcon:
7th: Why Not :ultpalutena: :ultinkling: :ultmario:
8th: Colgate :ultvillager:
9th: MDL :ultyoshi: :ultinkling:
10th: DDF :ultjoker:
11th: R10 :ultchrom:
12th: Sr. Snake :ultsnake:
13th: Y26 :ultwolf:
14th: ISCO :ultlink:
15th: Hydra :ultwolf: :ultsheik: :ult_terry:
16th: Noway :ultrosalina: :ultzelda: :ultpalutena:
17th: Danteblake :ultpokemontrainer::ultlittlemac:
18th: Ch90 :ultlucina:
19th: ADB :ultryu: :ultwolf:
20th: DM :ultfalco: :ultdk:

Arizona has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/StroderAme/status/1220073895878774784/photo/1

1st: Stroder :ultgreninja: :substitute:
2nd: Silver :ultmarth:
3rd: CRUP!!! :ultfalcon:
4th: Asotil :ultrichter:
5th: BassMage :ultjigglypuff: :ulticeclimbers:
6th: JumboJack :ultdiddy:
7th: Ronald :ultroy:
8th: B-Rice :ultisabelle:
9th: Thor :ultcloud:
10th: Coco :ultmario:

Connecticut has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/Cagt3000/status/1219767805601554432/photo/1

1st: Light :ultfox:
2nd: Ling Ling :ultpeach:
3rd: Phantom :ultpalutena:
4th: Ese :ultroy:
5th: Hawk :ultwolf:
6th: Nelvin :ultdiddy:
7th: Blank :ultdaisy:
8th: Kairos :ultpalutena:
9th: Zoo :ult_terry:
10th: Interrobang :ultvillager:

Montreal (this is basically the Quebec PR) has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/SSBU_Z/status/1219106949083684866/photo/1

1st: Smokk :ultsnake: :ultwolf: :ultganondorf:
2nd: Venom :ultken: :ultjoker:
3rd: FSharp :ultken: :ult_terry:
4th: Z :ultdiddy: :ultcloud: :ultpalutena:
5th: Jayy :ultpokemontrainer: :ultmetaknight: :ultjoker:
6th: SuperGirlKels :ultsonic: :ultkirby:
7th: Fwed :ultfox: :ultwolf: :ultfalco:
8th: Justin :ultdarksamus: :ultroy:
9th: Bap :ultfox:
10th: DooM :ultpiranha: :ultgreninja:

New England has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/BiGSPiLL_/status/1219307958552670208/photo/1

1st: Marss :ultzss:
2nd: Light :ultfox:
3rd: Laid :ultlucina: :ultpacman:
4th: Raffi-X :ultrob: :ultinkling:
5th: Pelca :ultsnake:
6th: Kuma :ultjoker: :ultroy:
7th: Aixom XL :ultwario: :ultbanjokazooie:
8th: DM :ultpikachu: :ultpalutena: :ultpokemontrainer:
9th: Sharp :ultsheik: :ultjoker: :ultzss:
10th: Pugwest :ultmarth:

New Jersey has updated their PR:
Image (characters not included): https://twitter.com/MasterHandGames/status/1219304672571412481/photo/1

1st: Nairo :ultpalutena:
2nd: Tweek :ultwario: :ultwolf: :ultpokemontrainer::ultroy: :substitute:
3rd: Rivers :ultchrom:
4th: Leon :ultbowser:
5th: JaKaL :ultwolf:
6th: Wishes :ultjoker: :ulticeclimbers:
7th: Biddy :ultyounglink:
8th: Chrismus :ultinkling:
9th: The Great Gonzales :ultpalutena: :ultgnw:
10th: Strawhat :ultyounglink:
11th: Jalil :ultsnake:
12th: MaverickHunter :ultmegaman:
13th: LemonTea :ultwolf:
14th: Haven :ultwario:
15th: Sensei :ultsnake:

Lithuania has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/SmashLietuva/status/1218482955301146629/photo/1

1st: YvelX :ultjoker: :ultpichu:
2nd: FairySeal :ultshulk:
3rd: Aaron EKS :ultzelda: :ultmewtwo: :ulttoonlink:
4th: Saitoz :ultwolf:
5th: SpiritWave :ultpacman:
6th: MuttButt :ultroy:
7th: 3rtan :ultrob: :ultpacman:
8th: Nexus :ultkrool:
9th: spirittq :ultlink:
10th: Oanthmek :ultlucina:
11th: Diddy :ultcloud:
12th: Lapinas :ultken:

HM: Stead :ultrobin:

Saskatchewan has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/SpikeyMikeSK/status/1217138700762537986/photo/1

1st: Scubbss :ultcloud:
2nd: NadiA :ultpikachu:
3rd: Beezy :ultrob: :ultwolf:
4th: Garry2Scary :ultsnake:
5th: Pinkbombo91 :ultpeach:
6th: Overcast! :ultwolf:
7th: Rilo :ultsnake:
8th: Bugdoctor :ultmegaman:
9th: Bentatek :ultinkling:
10th: Player :ultkirby:

HMs: LukeDuke :ultchrom:, Pongo :ultken:
Last edited:


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
TDK TDK Thanks. Can I make a request of you for next time? Please stick to default icons, even if the players' are confirmed to use Female Robin, Inkling Boy, any of the Koopalings, etc. Echoes don't count in that, those are fine to use :yoshi:


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
Several smaller regions of Japan have PRs, sorta (they're made by someone from out of region but are accurate, you can include them or not):

Image: https://twitter.com/LoopBarnard/status/1225945786317447169/photo/1

1st: 8mitsuki :ultlucas:
2nd: Beji :ultpacman:
3rd: HIDE :ultwolf:
4th: Shissho :ultdoc:
5th: Karoegu :ultpichu:
6th: Kony :ultwiifittrainer:
7th: Hide :ultwolf: (yes, this is a different player)
8th: Yoko :ultfalcon:
9th: Renya :ultpikachu:
10th: Weiss :ultjoker:

Image: https://twitter.com/LoopBarnard/status/1225945786317447169/photo/2

1st: Some :ultgreninja:
2nd: Kare :ultwolf:
3rd: Es :ultzss:
4th: Aygoski :ultolimar:
5th: nagi :ultmegaman:
6th: Tenra :ultpalutena:
7th: Ecs :ultfox:
8th: Deeple :ultjoker: :ultpalutena:
9th: Zundamochi :ultsonic:
10th: Higei :ultpichu:

Image: https://twitter.com/LoopBarnard/status/1225945786317447169/photo/3

1st: Rudolph :ultrob: :ultike:
2nd: Zoma :ultmegaman:
3rd: Hiroki :ultike:
4th: Lagnel :ultsnake:
5th: Massyu :ultcloud: :ultlucina:
6th: Korousa :ultzss:
7th: Karintou :ultrob:
8th: Two :ultdarksamus:
9th: Kidoru :ultchrom: :ultroy:
10th: Konpota :ultlucina:

Image: https://twitter.com/LoopBarnard/status/1225945786317447169/photo/4

1st: Nao :ultmario: :ultsnake:
2nd: Hakadama :ultlucas:
3rd: POCHI :ultwiifittrainer: :ultyoshi: :ultpiranha:
4th: Nyaga :ultsimon:
5th: Marcos :ultfalcon: :ultjoker:
6th: Hugo :ultshulk:
7th: Eve :ultpacman:
8th: Yurica :ultcloud:
9th: Wasawasa :ultganondorf:
10th: Gomamochi :ultolimar:

Denmark has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/MrKingFunk/status/1224753302778281987/photo/1

1st: Hope :ulthero: :ultroy:
2nd: Tsun :ultjoker: :ultpokemontrainer: :ultchrom:
3rd: Melih :ultmario: :ultpokemontrainer:
4th: Dreegon :ultfalco: :ultinkling:
5th: Roh1 :ultlucas: :ultrobin: :ultbayonetta:
6th: Laske :ultpokemontrainer: :ultsnake:
7th: Calamity :ultchrom:
8th: CheatmanDK :ultsonic:
9th: Zonkius :ult_terry: :ultpalutena:
10th: King Funk :ultyoshi: :ultwolf:

HMs: Rules :ultsnake: Friis :ultpokemontrainer:

Finland has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/SmashFinland/status/1224002756152909824/photo/1

1st: Lancelot :ultchrom: :ultpalutena:
2nd: Solobattle :ultwario: :ultrichter: :ultike:
3rd: BL4CK :ultdoc: :ultpalutena:
4th: Mursu :ultpacman: :ultkirby:
5th: Heru :ultpokemontrainer:
6th: ZartZu :ultlink: :ultbanjokazooie: :ultganondorf:
7th: Kaura :ultrob:
8th: Lyfja :ultsimon:
9th: NOQQYSC :ultincineroar:
10th: Eedwarddi :ultlucina:
11th: Maksu :ultkrool:
12th: Rickshaw :ultpeach: :ultdaisy:
13th: Shvico :ultken: :ult_terry:
14th: Jiikoo :ultpeach: :ultcloud: :ultrichter:
15th: Vurky :ultyoshi: :ultjoker:


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
I went to try and find the most updated power rankings for all the states, since you're missing a fair amount of the more recent ones:

Image: https://twitter.com/KenaiSmash/status/1210338019657441280/photo/1
This is not the full Alaska PR, I have no idea how I'm going to find that

1st: Paradox :ultpokemontrainer:
2nd: Pound :ultchrom:
3rd: JJTNT :ultfalcon:
4th: Jadeyes :ultpalutena:
5th: Toon :ultinkling:
6th: HKL :ultjoker:
7th: Zurg :ultrob:
8th: Tivel :ultkingdedede:
9th: Blink :ultsamus:
10th: Bard :ultbowser:

HMs: Nirv3 :ultlucario:, DriftingDust :ultroy:

Image: https://twitter.com/MopN811/status/1211885864852303873/photo/1

1st: ChillyChilli :ultmario: :ultpikachu:
2nd: Kip! :ultwario: :ultrob:
3rd: Merf :ultchrom:
4th: MopN :ultroy: :ultlucina: :ultjoker:
5th: Spinach :ultsimon: :ult_terry: :ulthero:
6th: ShadePrince :ultpeach:
7th: C2 :ultpikachu: :ultzss: :ultpalutena:
8th: Pudd :ultness: :ultyounglink:
9th: Logan :ultpacman: :ultbanjokazooie:
10th: Rax :ultroy: :ultchrom: :ult_terry:

HMs: Dimento :ultdarkpit:

Image: https://twitter.com/nwaDanbi/status/1180138029920522241/photo/1

1st: Danbi :ultyoshi:
2nd: Capn Melon :ultroy: :ultjoker:
3rd: Nosmo :ultsnake:
4th: Mexiken :ultken:
5th: Blook :ultridley:
6th: Young Fritz :ultfalco:
7th: Smile :ultpokemontrainer:
8th: Revan :ultwario:
9th: Enchanted Pige :ultbowser:
10th: Elrox :ultbayonetta:

HMs: MKayy :ultchrom:, Avalon :ultjoker:, Toucan :ultpokemontrainer:

Image: https://twitter.com/Bubba_SSB/status/1224469726421635073/photo/1

1st: Prodigy :ultmario:
2nd: Lui$ :ultfox:
3rd: Klaatu :ultolimar:
4th: Varun :ultwiifittrainer:
5th: Legit :ultdiddy:
6th: King Koopa :ultbowser:
7th: Saogonza :ultgnw:
8th: Solo :ultness:
9th: Scion :ultlink:
10th: Versed Ace :ultrob:
11th: Ako :ultlucina:
12th: Infamous :ultfalcon:
13th: Twan :ultpokemontrainer:
14th: Vermillion :ultlucina:
15th: Nabster :ultrosalina:
16th: Puresalt :ultdk:
17th: Mikee :ultmegaman:
18th: Nick Memories :ultluigi:
19th: Yokai :ultsnake:
20th: JEFFsoBOMB :ultzss:

Image: https://twitter.com/WayShifter/status/1219312966798962688/photo/1

1st: Shoe :ultzss: :ultmario: :ultpalutena:
2nd: Smirk :ultken:
3rd: Chronos :ultsnake:
4th: Steam :ultlucario: :ultsnake:
5th: Mellow :ultmario:
6th: ~King :ultluigi: :ultroy:
7th: XzibitA :ultken:
8th: Fabian :ulttoonlink: :ultlink: :ultyounglink:
9th: Prey :ultroy:
10th: Jesus :ultmario:

HM: Miiself :ultjigglypuff: :ultfox:

Image: https://twitter.com/JoseJFB/status/1214964710631624705

1st: Kola :ultroy: :ultcloud: :ultsnake:
2nd: Wrath :ultsonic:
3rd: Fatality :ultfalcon:
4th: Sonido :ultsonic:
5th: ScAtt :ultsnake: :ultmegaman:
6th: Danye :ultbowser:
7th: Player-1 :ultdiddy:
8th: Vendetta :ultken:
9th: Omega :ultjoker:
10th: Dusk :ultgnw:

Image: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/677754959776710667/677769737807200280/image0.jpg

1st: Small Left :ultpokemontrainer:
2nd: AciD :ultgreninja: :ultyoshi:
3rd: Dren :ultyoshi:
4th: Tapii :ultwario:
5th: AnD :ultwolf:
6th: The Chancellor :ultrob:
7th: King :ultzss: :ultpalutena:
8th: Evanger :ultchrom:
9th: Dandy :ultjoker:
10th: Click :ultinkling:

HMs: DoubleABattery :ultcloud:, Elliston :ultjigglypuff:

Images: https://twitter.com/PokkiSsbu/status/1223251848737329152 https://twitter.com/PokkiSsbu/status/1223253580217339904 https://twitter.com/PokkiSsbu/status/1223271434950066176

1st: Mada :ultpikachu:
2nd: Vermanubis :ultganondorf:
3rd: Suop :ultinkling:
4th: Pladman :ultbowser:
5th: Marathon :ultrobin:
6th: Relwrd :ultyoshi:
7th: EZPZ :ultbowserjr:
8th: Tofu :ultsamus:
9th: Zangoose :ultincineroar:
10th: Browi :ultfalcon:

Image: https://www.ssbwiki.com/images/thum...Chicago_Power_Rankings_Winter_Season_2019.jpg

1st: Ned :ultpokemontrainer: :ultjoker:
2nd: Ravenking :ultike:
3rd: ATATA :ultness:
4th: Super Dan :ultmario:
5th: Frosty :ultrichter: :ultgnw:
6th: Earl :ultchrom: :ultroy: :ultmarth: :ultlucina:
7th: Yoomoo :ultlucina: :ultmario:
8th: Shana :ultluigi:
9th: Sayuki :ultchrom:
10th: SNooFL :ultfox: :ultwolf:
11th: big_mak :ultinkling: :ultsheik:
12th: Yumi :ultgnw:
13th: Panda Bair :ultvillager: :ultwolf:
14th: Rickles :ultganondorf: :ultwolf:
15th: Viri :ultrob: :ultgreninja:

Image: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/1201570891701858310/1579635476/1500x500

1st: Welfare Pickles :ultsnake:
2nd: Dai :ultjoker:
3rd: Sandbag :ultmegaman: :ultyounglink:
4th: Salad :ultpalutena: :ultisabelle:
5th: PeZ :ultfalcon:
6th: Tech Chase :ultpikachu: :ultbanjokazooie:
7th: Chan :ultmegaman:
8th: Eric :ultlucina: :ultken:
9th: Vexil :ultlink:
10th: Trephno :ulttoonlink: :ultfalco:

HMs: Gobbles :ultpokemontrainer:, HAM :ultinkling:, RCSCompany :ultyounglink:

Image: https://twitter.com/MDVA_SMASH/status/1216769311488069635/photo/1

1st: WaDi :ultrob:
2nd: ZD :ultfox: :ultwolf: :ultroy:
3rd: Dexter :ultwolf:
4th: Seagull Joe :ultpalutena: :ultbanjokazooie: :ultdiddy:
5th: Puppeh :ultpokemontrainer: :ultpalutena:
6th: Iota :ultridley: :ultsamus: :ultlucas:
7th: Dazai :ultroy: :ultpalutena:
8th: NoTag :ultmario: :ultwolf:
9th: Jerry :ultjoker:
10th: MJ :ultrob:
11th: Jlim :ultsnake:
12th: Pink Fresh :ultzss: :ultchrom: (this was before Byleth)
13th: Mata-door :ultwario:
14th: Joe-J :ultike:
15th: EnhancedPV :ultcloud: :ultwolf: :ultdiddy:
16th: Adastran :ultwiifittrainer:
17th: Dingus Joe :ultgnw:
18th: Disgaea :ultgnw: :ultinkling:
19th: :ultzss: :ultpalutena:
20th: Fastcree :ultvillager: :ultisabelle:

Image: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/666821847844651019/677685278495735836/MAPR.jpg

1st: Marss :ultzss:
2nd: Laid :ultlucina: :ultpacman:
3rd: Raffi-X :ultrob: :ultinkling:
4th: Pelca :ultsnake:
5th: Aixom XL :ultwario: :ultbanjokazooie:
6th: DM :ultpikachu: :ultpokemontrainer: :ultpalutena:
7th: MiLe :ultyoshi:
8th: Nuggetz :ultdaisy: :ultpeach:
9th: MattyG :ultchrom: :ultwolf:
10th: Mattheus :ultfalcon:
11th: Unleashed :ultinkling: :ultbanjokazooie:
12th: TheRed :ultsnake:
13th: Exciled :ultbowser:
14th: Hero :ultjoker: :ultshulk:
15th: Brevity :ultluigi: :ultroy:

Image: https://twitter.com/KoolOriBro/status/1220074996615262208/photo/1

1st: Zinoto :ultpeach: :ultdiddy: :ultpalutena:
2nd: BooBear :ultrob: :ultpokemontrainer:
3rd: Daybreak :ultwolf: :ultroy:
4th: Gomakenpi :ultolimar: :ultmario: :ultjoker: :ultdk:
5th: Advo :ultdarksamus: :ultgnw:
6th: Kepler :ultsnake:
7th: Ksev :ultsnake:
8th: Runes :ultdk: :ultroy:
9th: Dylster :ultlucina:
10th: ???? :ultmewtwo: :ulticeclimbers:
11th: Lavish :ultchrom:
12th: Aquatic :ultfox: :ultmario:

Image: https://twitter.com/SoulComet/status/1228073865198424066/photo/1

1st: Comet :ultfox:
2nd: Parappa :ultbrawler: :ult_terry: :ulthero:
3rd: Kasen :ultzss: :ultjoker:
4th: PowPow :ultsonic:
5th: Starman :ultgreninja:
6th: Fons :ultdoc:
7th: DRO :ultyoshi: :ultinkling:
8th: Broadway! :ultsnake:
9th: Meden :ultkirby: :ulthero:
10th: Edboy :ultmario: :ultridley:
11th: J :ultbrawler:
12th: Twisted Ego :ultlucina: :ultwolf:
13th: Spencer :ultness: :ultpalutena:
14th: Abel :ultike: :ult_terry:
15th: Plague_2 :ultbowser: :ultgnw:

I'll do the other ~half of these tomorrow, probably.
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A+B smash tech is my baby <3
Mar 23, 2015
Corpus Christi, Texas
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Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
The Netherlands has updated their PR:

Image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ESMYiJuWoAEdq78?format=jpg&name=4096x4096

1st: Space :ultinkling: :ulthero:
2nd: Supahsemmie :ultyounglink:
3rd: S1 :ultness: :ultwolf: :ultpikachu:
4th: iStudying :ultbanjokazooie: :ultgreninja:
5th: Meru :ultpeach: :ultzelda:
6th: Antireflex :ultrob:
7th: Mr. R :ultchrom: :ultsnake: :ultsheik: :ultyounglink:
8th: Young Eevey :ultbowserjr:
9th: Azrael :ultwolf: :ultcloud:
10th: Patrino :ult_terry: :ultfox:
11th: TripleAAA :ultpalutena:
12th: Bejay :ultsnake:
13th: Grove :ultsnake:
14th: Purpledebo :ultpacman:
15th: Loading... :ultjoker: :ultmegaman:
16th: Paint :ultduckhunt:
17th: Jesse :ultpalutena:
18th: WhYYz :ultlucas:
19th: Treehugger :ultgnw:
20th: Joe :ultike: :ultchrom: :ultridley: :ultbowser:

HMs: Koyu :ultdarksamus:, ShuC :ultgreninja: :ultroy: :ultpalutena:

Australia PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/AusSmashSenate/status/1223094311241170946/photo/1

1st: JDizzle :ultyounglink:
2nd: Extra :ultgnw:
3rd: DD :ultwario:
4th: Luco :ultness:
5th: Sirks :ultroy:
6th: Ghost :ultbrawler:
7th: Ben Gold :ultkrool:
8th: Dr. A. Ness :ultdk:
9th: AT LOWES :ultbowser:
10th: Ignis :ultpalutena:
11th: Joe :ultzss:
12th: SebPro101 :ultrob:
13th: Insle :ultike:
14th: Luma :ultpokemontrainer:
15th: Shadrew :ultken:

HMs: RaZe :ultdarkpit: :ultlink:, Cherry :ultrichter:

Central Arkansas PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/YukaOmatic/status/1224853124999000064/photo/1

1st: Phenom :ultfox: :ultroy: :ultgreninja:
2nd: Tron :ultpikachu: :ultmario:
3rd: Histomix :ultinkling: :ultmario:
4th: Tiger Millionaire :ultness: :ulthero: :ultdoc: :ultmario:
5th: Ayygent :ultrob:
6th: GGKR :ultroy: :ultjoker:
7th: Exile :ultdarkpit: :ultkirby:
8th: Rewd :ultincineroar: :ultbanjokazooie:
9th: Prince Raj :ultfalcon:
10th: Will :ultkirby: :ultjigglypuff:

HMs: Playat :ultganondorf:, mykei :ultpokemontrainer: :ultkrool:

Westchester, NY Power Rankings:

Image: https://twitter.com/NokuUltimate/status/1234683731010473987

1st: Mile :ultyoshi:
2nd: Bobo :ultsnake:
3rd: Cee :ultdk:
4th: Ice :ultjoker:
5th: Zaxel :ultbowser:
6th: Noku :ultpokemontrainer:
7th: Saladdressing :ultmegaman:
8th: Charles :ultrob:
9th: Quidd :ultivysaur: (:ultpokemontrainer:?)
10th: Wontonwarrior :ultlink:

HMs: PCNinja :ultyoshi:, Username :ultlucario:
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Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2016
I noticed a PR was missing, here's Oklahoma as of Q4 2019:

1. ESAM :ultpikachu:
2. MVD :ultsnake:
3. Zurge :ultmegaman:
4. Cannon Red :ultjigglypuff:
5. <-/Ben :ultshulk:
6. Chuck Nasty :ultpokemontrainer::ultbowser:
7. DARN :ultike:
8. Mr. Quick :ultrob:
9. David :ultfalco:
10. Slawdini :ultjoker::ultcloud::ultken:
11. Starbuck :ultjoker::ultwolf:
12. Pancakes :ultfox:
13. Regal :ultrob:
14. Quote :ultpalutena::ultrob::ultridley:
15. Lorenzo :ultmegaman::ultbayonetta:

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
Power ranking for Corning, New York. Small scene, but it's a PR none-the-less:


1. Nefarox :ultdarksamus:
2. Zuu :ultbowser:
3. Huck (formerly known as "Deku") :ultsnake:
4. Sum :ultpiranha:
5. Oculus :ultlucas:
6. DrinkMilk (this guy is my doubles partner <3 ) :ultyounglink:
7. Toxzis :ultwario:
8. Mow :ultlink: (the guy that always beats me in bracket. RIP lol)
9. Spicee Picklez :ultgnw:
10. Sean :ultken:

HM. Ignatius :ultiggy:
HM. Dark :ultdk:


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
The Fraser Valley Region of BC has updated their PR:


1st: SpamCop :ultmario:
2nd: Shoghi :ultrobin: :ultchrom: :ultike:
3rd: Grade :ultmewtwo: :ultwolf:
4th: Liam :ultrichter:
5th: IrisZ :ultlink:
6th: Dawsyn :ultjoker:
7th: Nervy :ultpokemontrainer:
8th: Janzo :ultpikachu:
9th: Moment :ultfalcon:
10th: TravishVII :ultmetaknight: :ultbowser: :substitute:

HMs: TPS :ultinkling:, Lodestar :ultjoker:

South Australia has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/CouchWarriorsSA/status/1242330371250769920/photo/1

1st; Ghost :ultbrawler: :ultgnw:
2nd: Taicho :ultgreninja:
3rd: Con :ultfox: :ultwolf: :ultfalco:
4th: Andre :ultzss: :ultroy:
5th: StabbyJ :ultsnake:
6th: Taco :ultlink: :ultinkling:
7th: Q :ultyoshi: :ultlucina: :substitute:
8th: Jon :ulttoonlink: :ulticeclimbers:
9th: Whissle :ultwiifittrainer:
10th: Vivi :ultbowser:

HMs: Jacko :ultpalutena: :ultdiddy:, Blu :ultcloud:

North Carolina has updated their PR:

Image: https://twitter.com/Rubber_NC/status/1242504299508359169/photo/1

1st: Donquavious :ultgreninja: :ultmetaknight:
2nd: Mekos :ultlucas:
3rd: Dietsoda :ultcloud: :ultwolf:
4th: Bully :ultrob: :ult_terry:
5th: Regalo :ultlucas:
6th: Wasabi :ultgreninja:
7th: Senor :ultdiddy:
8th: Jiggs :ultpikachu: :ultcloud:
9th: Mintos :ultcloud: :ultroy:
10th: AK8 :ultzss: :ultjoker:
11th: KDK :ultdk:
12th: LazyBoredom :ultbanjokazooie: :ultlittlemac:
13th: CStream :ultpokemontrainer:
14th: Ferf :ultwario: :ultsonic:
15th: ShotgunRaptorJesus :ultsnake:
16th: Yoyoguy :ultfox:
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Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2019
Not much data to go by but Las Vegas updated their PR:

There was a problem fetching the tweet
1. FOW :ultness:
2. ven :ultzelda:
3. Grandmaster :ultpalutena::ultrobinf:
4. Dakpo :ultdiddy::ultgnw:
5. Yumeko (formerly frawg) :ultbayonetta:
6. SK92 :ultwolf::ultfox:
7. Brosinex :ultryu::ultken:
8. SHO Caius :ultcloud::ultroy:
9. Urameshi :ultsnake::ultmetaknight:
10. Top LuBu :substitute: (:ultbyleth::ulthero3::ultdk::ultlink:)


Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2020
Quebec by day, Crocodile Isle by night
For the sake of giving my fellow Quebec smashers more exposure, here are the most recent PRs for Quebec City, Sherbrooke, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Centre-du-Québec. They're all (more or less, as some of them also included September 2019 data) from Q4 2019. I reckon it's been a while but hey, it's not like covid is allowing new data to flood the internet every quarter or so. Also, bear in mind that some of the character choices are inevitably outdated.


1. Hoe :ultmetaknight::ultrobin::ultjoker: :ultgunner: (I don't recall him ever using Gunner...)
2. Stroumbert :ultbowserjr:
3. Diablak :ultlucina:
4. Deeder :ultwario::ultmario:
5. Wisifox :ultsnake::ultzss:
6. Sensuell :ultken::ultshulk:
7. Fairlines :ultpokemontrainer:
8. Tartelette (aka Yang Wen-Li) :ultcloud:
9. Zhebed :ultswordfighter:
10. Helloween :ultincineroar:
Gatekeeper: JuiceBox:ultrob:
Most improved: Momann:ultpacman::ultsamus:
Most improved: Audio :ultgreninja:


1. Floyd :ultlucina::ultdiddy:
2. Nokura :ultbowser:
3. X-Naut :ultrosalina:
4. LuG :ultjoker::ultsnake:
5. Silver :ultlucario:
6. OffBe4t :ultpalutena:
7. Jake :ulticeclimbers:
8. OrangeDog :ultjoker:
9. Jay4Prez :ultmario:
10. DoumXD :ultkrool:
HM/Gatekeeper: Cyan :ultridley::ultken:


1. DooM :ultpiranha:
2. Dreadwave :ultbowser:
3. Bismarck :ultbowser:
4. Runescape :ultpokemontrainer:
5. Shaam :ultyoshi:
6. Thunderp :ultinkling::ultlittlemac:
7. Gros Big :ultwario:
8. WeFit :ultwiifittrainer::ultroy:


1. DynamiX :ultlucas:
2. Arsenic :ultluigi::ultkingdedede:
3. Yetik :ultinkling::ultisabelle:
4. Ramen :ultchrom::ultganondorf:
5. Darth :ultwiifittrainer::ultbanjokazooie:
6. No U :ultmegaman::ultjigglypuff:
Hidden Boss: Nokura :ultbowser:
HM: Jeff :ultyoshi::ultkirby:
HM: Wood :ultfalco::ultmario:
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Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2020
Quebec by day, Crocodile Isle by night
Vermont's latest PR kinda flew under the radar so there it goes. Judging by the Winter 2019/2020 label, there probably isn't much data to go by:

1. TM :ultjoker::ulthero::ultlucas:
2. Cabelob :ultrob:
3. Failboat :ultswordfighter::ultinkling::ultlucario:
4. Rags :ultpichu::ultbowser: (shout-outs to them for maining both ends of the weight spectrum)
5. Never :ultpokemontrainer:
6. Yugen :ultsnake::ultfox:
7. Balco :ultpacman:
8. UmaSylphyn :ultshulk::ultlittlemac::ultrobin:
9. Che :ultrobin::ultbyleth::ultisabelle:
10. Quantum:ultlucas:
Inactive. Waterboy :ultbanjokazooie::ultbowser::ultkrool:
Inactive. Red Panda :ultsamus::ultpalutena::ultkingdedede:
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Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2020
Quebec by day, Crocodile Isle by night
Here's a buffet's worth of PR's, and from 3 different continents no less...
Philippines, Thailand, Panama, Queensland (Australia) and Perth (Australia).

1. Regerets :ultbrawler::ultfalcon:
2. PSI Force :ultness:
3. REESE :ultwiifittrainer:
4. Yoshi_95 :ultlink:
5. NBD :ultbowser::ultdk:
6. Mystikmol :ultbayonetta:
7. Mania :ultpokemontrainer:
8. Hashibobo :ultdiddy::ultbanjokazooie:
9. Polaroid :ultwolf::ultmario:
10. CHEESE :ultchrom::ultpichu:
11. Enzo :ultrichter:
12. DJlive :ultyoshi:
13. GODZ :ultyoshi:
14. Kalu :ultzss:
15. Bwenjaboi :ultwolf:


1. Haa :ultchrom:
2. Tad :ultpokemontrainer::ultmario::ultness:
3. Chetkie :ultken::ultryu:
4. Nugget :ultlittlemac:
5. Mossyman :ultsnake::ultpacman:
6. Colberto :ultsheik::ultfalco:
7. Yee :ultgnw:
8. Shweepy :ultrob:
9. LaTTe :ultbayonetta::ultjoker:
10. AuM :ultluigi:

1. AnDy :ultpeach:
2. JD :ultdiddy::ultpalutena::ultgnw:
3. GaBo :ultdarkpit::ultwario::ultsnake:
4. LumaKing :ultjoker::ultchrom::ultpalutena:
5. Starfil :ultrobin::ultrichter::ultdarkpit:
6. Jaime :ultsnake::ultmario::ultfalcon:
7. Why Not :ultpalutena::ultinkling::ultmario:
8. Colgate :ultvillager:
9. MDL :ultyoshi::ultinkling:
10. DDF :ultjoker:
11. R10 :ultchrom:
12. Sr. Snake :ultsnake:
13. Y26 :ultwolf::ultpalutena:
14. ISCO :ultyounglink:
15. Hydra :ultwolf::ultsheik::ult_terry:
16. Noway :ultrosalina::ultzelda::ultpalutena:
17. Danteblake :ultpokemontrainer::ultlittlemac:
18. Ch90 :ultlucina:
19. ADB :ultryu::ultwolf:
20. DM :ultfalco::ultdk:

1. Shadrew :ultken:
2. Ben Gold :ultkrool:
3. SadHour :ultsnake:
4. Negima :ult_terry:
5. Ari :ultike:
6. ClassicJono :ultridley:
7. Verse :ultduckhunt:
8. Nicc :ultwario:
9. Kwaksy :ultness:
10. Joz. :ultlucina:
HM1. Cajeck :ultpalutena:
HM2. Flex :ultfox:

1. Poppt1 :ultlucina::ultness:
2. Turn Up :ultgreninja::ultrob::ultmario:
3. Luma :ultpalutena::ultpokemontrainer::ultluigi::ultmegaman:
4. Spud :ultzss::ultchrom:
5. Smesty :ultbanjokazooie:
6. Jarr :ultluigi:
7. Darr :ultsnake:
8. Sable :ultdk::ultlink::ultdoc:
9. Ever :ultness::ultroy::ultsheik:
10. Temper :ultpiranha::ultwolf:
HM. TinTin :ultfalcon:
Hidden Boss. Ttam :ultmario:
Hidden Boss. Shroom :ultwario:


Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2020
Quebec by day, Crocodile Isle by night
Sorry for the immediate double post but I noticed that Japan's latest country-wide PR is missing, so there it goes. It covers the second half of 2019:

(I wasn't able to find a graphic)

1. Zackray :ultjoker::ultrob::ultwolf:
2. kameme :ultmegaman::ultwario:
3. KEN :ultsonic:
4. Shuton :ultolimar:
5. Tea :ultpacman:
6. Kuro :ultzss:
7. Abandango :ultpalutena::ultwario::ultinkling:
8. Raito :ultduckhunt:
9. Kome :ultshulk:
10. ProtoBanham :ultlucina::ultinkling:
11. T :ultlink:
12. HIKARU :ultpokemontrainer::ultluigi:
13. Choco :ultzss:
14. Nietono :ultpichu:
15. Lea :ultgreninja:
16. kept :ultvillager::ultisabelle:
17. Umeki :ultdaisy:
18. shky :ultzss:
19. Etsuji :ultlucina:
20. Brood :ultbanjokazooie:
21. Somé :ultgreninja:
22. Shogun :ultsnake::ultfox:
23. Sigma :ulttoonlink:
24. Gackt :ultness:
25. DIO :ultsnake::ultyoshi:
26. Ron :ultmario::ultluigi::ultyoshi:
27. Nishiya :ultfalcon:
28. Atelier :ultpokemontrainer::ultwolf:
29. Kirihara :ultrosalina:
30. Eim :ultjoker:


Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2020
Quebec by day, Crocodile Isle by night
Here's Europe's continent-wide PR, covering January 2019 through January 2020.
Since the main PR graphic doesn't include secondaries, I figured that linking the threads that feature them would come in handy: https://twitter.com/SmashResultsEU/status/1241045233598595072

1. Glutonny :ultwario:
2. QuiK :ultsamus: :ultzss:
3. Space :ultinkling: :ultjoker:
4. Mr. R :ultchrom: :ultsnake: :ultyounglink: :ultsheik:
5. Meru :ultpeach: :ultzelda:
6. S1 :ultness: :ultwolf:
7. Oryon :ultwolf: :ultdoc:
8. Flow :ultroy: :ultchrom:
9. Light :ultpalutena: :ultsheik:
10. Homika :ultrosalina: :ultpikachu:
11. Tru4 :ultshulk:
12. Supahsemmie :ultyounglink:
13. Elexiao :ultgreninja:
14. Tarik :ultgreninja: :ultpokemontrainer:
15. iStudying :ultgreninja:
16. Lancelot :ultchrom:
17. Scr7 :ultpalutena:
18. Jeda :ultlucario: :ultjoker:
19. PeW :ultness: :ultinkling:
20. LuiS :ultpalutena:
21. Sirjon :ultzss: :ultpalutena:
22. RobinGG :ultpeach: :ultdaisy:
23. Peli :ultkingdedede: :ultsonic:
24. Greil :ultwolf: :ultrichter:
25. Yetey :ultpichu:
26. CurryGovernor :ultcloud: :ultfox:
27. Longo :ultrob: :ultpalutena:
28. Leon :ultlucina:
29. MVL :ultyounglink: :ultwario:
30. Young Eevey :ultbowserjr:
31. Streakz :ultwolf: :ultfox: :ultsnake:
32. Darkthunder :ultbowser:
33. Ogey :ultfalcon: :ultwolf:
34. cyve :ultdiddy: :ultinkling:
35. ShuC :ultgreninja:
36. TriM :ultmegaman:
37. Antireflex :ultrob:
38. Lucky :ultpit: :ultdarkpit:
39. Otakuni :ultlink:
40. Tag :ultpalutena:
41. Whoophee :ultwario: :ultrichter:
42. Rage :ultbayonetta:
43. VinS :ultlink:
44. Patrino :ult_terry: :ultfox:
45. Maeda :ultken: :ultryu:
46. Griffith :ultpokemontrainer:
47. Azrael :ultwolf: :ultcloud:
48. Loading... :ultmegaman: :ultjoker:
49. Greward :ultpiranha: :ultolimar:
50. Deon :ultgunner:
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Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2020
Quebec by day, Crocodile Isle by night
Unearthing some lesser-known Smash scenes... featuring the likes of a UAE player with a deep pocket that almost rivals Rizeasu's, as well as Rivers's Irish doppelgänger:


1. Prado :ultrob::ultinkling::ultpalutena::ultsnake:
2. Snacc :ultbanjokazooie: :ultmegaman::ultpalutena::ultryu:
3. Shiba :ultpalutena::ultlucas::ulticeclimbers:
4. CloudXZA:ultinkling::ultcloud::ultrichter::ultmegaman:
5. Kailex (check out this player's deep pocket @ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EOQAuv1X0AA1xFN?format=jpg&name=small) :ultfox::ultincineroar::ultchrom::ultmario::ultfalcon::ultganondorf::ultinkling::ultkrool::ultzss::ulthero::ultwolf::ultwiifittrainer:
6. Lems :ultike:
7. Marche :ultvillager: :ultdiddy:
8. AAA :ultfalcon::ultkirby::ultbayonetta:
9. Automan :ultsnake:
10. Sultoon :ultgnw::ultolimar:
HM. Olrox :ultsnake:
HM. Airror :ultken:
HM. SSS :ultdk:

1. WiiASE :ult_terry::ultbowser::ulthero:
2. Whoophee :ultwario::ultrichter:
3. Hudet :ultsnake:
4. Riksto :ultinkling:
5. Kanaribird :ultgreninja::ultfox::ultfalco:
6. Ton :ultpalutena::ultlucina:
7. J :ultlink:
8. Lunar :ultpalutena::ulttoonlink:
9. Near :ultcloud:
10. FriskyCissin :ultinkling::ultpokemontrainer:
11. Gardex :ultswordfighter:
12. Alextorg :ultrobin::ultzelda::ultpalutena:
13. Maroof :ultmegaman:
14. Lirnesu :ultyounglink:
15. Tredq :ultpalutena::ultjoker:
16. Gravy :ultike:
17. iLift :ultjoker:
18. Bach :ultpokemontrainer:
19. Doppio :ultpokemontrainer::ultmarth:
20. Amoll :ultincineroar:
Inactive threat. Bollefar :ultyoshi:
Inactive threat. Bryggiz :ultmario:
HM. Miidas :ultbowser::ultrob:
HM. :ultbowser::ultwolf:
HM. Hundur :ultyoshi:


1. Snook :ultpalutena:
2. BattlePuP :ultpalutena::ultzss::ultgreninja:
3. IsItReallyJohn :ultwario::ultwolf::ultroy:
4. Maikol :ultgreninja:
5. Winter Dreams :ultchrom::ultdiddy:
6. Hackle Serpent :ult_terry::ultrichter:
7. JamesPogChamp :ultmario::ultdk:
8. An2 :ultsamus:
9. WAH :ultsnake:
10. Sassypriest :ultike::ultbanjokazooie:
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Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2020
Quebec by day, Crocodile Isle by night
India's PR (the exact timeframe covered is unclear but I'm assuming it's in the Q1 2020 ballpark). The images are a bit misleading character-wise, so make sure to check the write-up further down in the thread:

1. LionHeart :ultbowser::ultganondorf:
2. Botman :ultinkling::ultjoker:
3. Quaylectra :ultridley:*
4. Rozelle :ultlucina::ultyounglink:
5. Gaurav :ultchrom:
6. Shunitsu :ultjigglypuff:
7. qwertz143 :ultkirby:
8. Voltusaur :ultlink::ultike:
9. DBL0C :ultbowser:
10. Dooby :ultincineroar:
11. abhi2k5 :ultkrool::ultyoshi:

*the PR write-up puts Fire Emblem next to Ridley... couldn't find which FE characters this guy plays


Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2020
Quebec by day, Crocodile Isle by night
A bunch of German PRs, all covering the 2nd PGR season (i.e.July 2019 through December 2019):
  • Southern Germany, combining the states of Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria (btw, both have standalone PRs with mostly the same players);
  • Lower Saxony;
  • North Rhine-Westphalia;
  • Hamburg;
  • Berlin.

1. Beek :ultken::ultryu:
2. cyve :ultdiddy::ultinkling::ultjoker:
3. Snormanda :ultbowserjr:
4. Dark :ultrobin::ultpalutena:
5. Yakumo :ultyoshi::ultgreninja:
6. Zwirrklop33 :ultdarksamus:
7. Kranke Maschine :ultzss::ultdk:
8. Sorgon :ultridley:
9. Takahashi :ultwario:
10. Meutrich :ultbanjokazooie: :ultjoker::ultpit:
11. KingVulk :ultkrool:
12. Raphy :ultkrool::ultincineroar:
13. Casp3r :ultzelda:
14. Labot :ultlucario::ultduckhunt:
15. Dobby :ultchrom:
16. Sic :ultwario:
17. Ragin :ultbowser:
18. Mad :ultsnake:
19. Dwoff :ultpacman:
20. Knacka :ultpalutena::ultwolf:
HM. n0x :ultwario:
HM. Sillintor :ultlink:

1. Lucky :ultpit::ultdarkpit:
2. Sabaca :ultlucina::ultzelda:
3. Rinor :ultchrom::ultroy:
4. Boomuki :ultolimar::ultbanjokazooie::ultfalcon:
5. Florimar :ultpalutena::ultjoker:
6. Julez :ultness:
7. Rendon :ultshulk::ultpalutena:
8. Luchalitten :ultincineroar::ulthero::ultwiifittrainer:
9. Voffinator :ultlink:
10. Tales :ultpalutena:

1. Sirjon :ultzss:
2. wusi :ultjoker:
3. Eldigan :ultike:
4. Poww :ultpokemontrainer:
5. SonX :ultsonic:
6. Takeo :ultike:
7. Yikarur :ultyoshi:
8. Honk :ultluigi:
9. Puya :ultincineroar:
10. F-A-!-A :ultluigi:

1. RobinGG :ultpeach::ultpalutena:
2. Niceface :ultlink:
3. Dr. L :ultpalutena::ultluigi::ultken:
4. Roxes :ultsnake::ultdarksamus:
5. Safariwisserin :ultdarkpit:
6. Yeet :ultwolf::ultpacman:
7. Hollowman :ultgnw:
8. Break :ultike:
9. Nakuri :ultkingdedede:
10. Scorpion :ultpit:

1. Miles :ultpalutena:
2. Sodrek :ultyounglink:
3. Zebra :ultness:
4. Schligger:ultpikachu:
5. Gin :ultjigglypuff:
6. Judge :ultsamus:
7. DaShuckle :ultmario:
8. Slipknot :ultwario:
9. Mudel :ultfalco:
10. Mono :ult_terry:
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Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2020
Quebec by day, Crocodile Isle by night
As a follow-up to my previous post, here are the standalone July-December 2019 PRs for Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria (Germany). A couple important things to note here:

- this is the first time I've ever seen the "RU" label in a PR graphic: I assume it stands for runner-up;

- the Bavarian PR features a couple players under the label "erhenbayer".
I looked it up and it roughly translates to "honorary Bavarian" in English: this is further supported by the fact that both players labelled as such are Austrian. I'm not sure whether they're supposed to be part of the PR, but I included them nonetheless.
FYI, I copy/pasted this explanation onto the Bavaria spoiler so that when Zinith includes the Bavarian PR in his initial post, there'll be no confusion regarding that.

1. cyve :ultinkling::ultdiddy::ultjoker:
2. Snormanda :ultbowserjr:
3. Yakumo :ultyoshi::ultgreninja:
4. Zwirkklop33 :ultdarksamus:
5. Casp3r :ultzelda:
6. Kaizen :ultbanjokazooie:
7. BanhofBanger :ultfalcon:
8. Moussa :ultbanjokazooie::ultjigglypuff:
9. Sasu :ultdarksamus:
10. reptain :ultinkling:
RU. Aki :ultkingdedede::ultgreninja:
RU. liquidmars :ultridley:
HM. Y :ultyoshi:
HM. n0x :ultwario:

1. Beek :ultken::ultryu:
2. Dark :ultrobin::ultpalutena:
3. Kranke Maschine :ultzss::ultdk:
4. Sorgon :ultridley:
5. Takahashi :ultwario:
6. Meutrich :ultbanjokazooie::ultjoker::ultpit:
7. KingVulk :ultkrool:
8. Raphy :ultkrool::ultincineroar:
9. Labot :ultlucario::ultduckhunt:
10. Dobby :ultchrom:
11. SiC :ultwario:
12. Ragin :ultbowser:
13. Mad :ultsnake:
14. Dwoff :ultpacman:
15. Knacka :ultpalutena::ultwolf:
RU. Shoegaze :ultyoshi:
HM. Silintor :ultlink:
"Ehrenbayer". Matthiasbayern :ultwiifittrainer:
"Ehrenbayer". Magitron :ultdarksamus:

I looked it up and "ehrenbayer" roughly translates to "honorary Bavarian" in English: this is further supported by the fact that both players labelled as such are Austrian.
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