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Smash revival 16: Why do you play?


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2010
Gwinnett county, GA
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Last week's blog

I apologize for not making a blog every Sunday. One week I was in Chicago on vacation and the other, well, EVO was on and I'm not missing that. It was worth it though. KOF grand finals was one of the most hyped sets I've ever seen. Anyhow, I never thought I'd see this day. For the longest, no one wanted to tell me why they play. I believe it's because most people actually don't know why they play. The mash buttons, want to win, and practice for high placing on ladder or tournaments. But, why?

The first time I was asked why I play was after playing WIFI friendlies with PatG. I asked for feedback on my play like usual, but before he told me, he asked why I wanted it. What was my reason for playing. I had never thought about it really. I wanted to win, get on the GA PR, and be the best Dedede. But, I never really knew the motive behind it. However, my mind already knew why and they typed a response. It came out something like this:

"I want to make myself a better person. I've always been a procrastinator and a bad time manager, but in order for me to become great I need to eliminate those habits. No one's really ever truly motivated me to change, so I use smash as my motivation to improve because I care for this game so much that I know one day my passion will override my laziness and my habit will be fixed. It's also going to make me a more social person. It's an excuse to travel places I wouldn't normally go. I have to see new people every time and I will have to talk to them in order for me to get the most out of playing smash(which I love to do). I'm timid, but hopefully I will break out my shell."

After it was said, I felt a release. I felt all the tension I had from playing melt off my body. I knew it all along, but never really put it into words. Afterwards, a lot of pressure to become good went away because I knew what my true goal was. Money, placing, fame, they were just thing to help me gauge my progress to my ultimate goal. So, a big thanks to PatG for getting that out of me.

People to know the reason why they play. Running around without a main goal won't fuel the passion you need to get to the higher ranks. It can be something simple, such as for money or for friends. But, don't just play to play. Do so with a reason. Even if you don't plan to take the game seriously, just make your reason for fun. If you feel like you are having fun, mission accomplished. The money and notoriety will just be a bonus. If you are have trouble with finding your reason, read some other people's reasons.

"I play Brawl because I enjoy the game, because I've already put a lot of time into it, because my girlfriend plays it with me and because I want to get better at it (partly to earn other people's respect, partly to respect myself and partly because I enjoy playing it as well as I can). I also play it cause I get bored."

"Cause the texas scene is amazing and makes me wanna keep playing. I only started competitively last year, but everyone has been so helpful so I've gotten a lot better from when I first started out."

"To be better than 9b"

"I play because I want to improve. I want to improve because I randomly decided do get good at Brawl for no real reason in particular. Lol. It was just a random thing to work towards I guess?"

DLA's answer (It's a good read.)

"It's only been a year playing competitively for me, but I do it in order to gain the desire to want to win. It's helped me learn that it takes focus, time and practice to become better at this game or anything in life. It's also given me a chance to meet people from all over the world. Tournaments help me deal with performance anxiety as well. Playing new or tough players gets me past my own physical issue. It's not all sunshine and smiley faces, but it's worth it."
-bukowski on ice

"People and the good times"
-Smash King

"Smash adds layers to friendships, and I hang out with several of my best friends mainly because of smash.
I also like winning and preparing to win, but you can do that in any game. If a couple good friends quit brawl, I'm the next to go."

"My reason for playing when I started was to be the best. Then it became more about having fun and meeting people, and now it's about remembrance and maintaining friendships. But when the new game comes out, you better believe I'll start that whole cycle over again."

"The feeling of winning, out thinking someone, and doing it at the highest level in the world."
-Rich Brown

"The desire to get better."

"It feels like I was born to play games in general. Playing Smash feels like an extension of my body and mind. It feels natural. Feels like me! Sounds crazy, I know... but it's just what I feel. I feel happy when I play, sad, angry, everything happens... in Smash. Around Smash. Etc. After so many years playing (2001)... it's just.. Like, why not? It's like, cmon, it's Smash! It's just something I love and would do like anything to keep doing it."

Read Anti's blog with more great answers here

Many people of all different qualities of play have a reason. From the simple to the deep. But, they have something they fight for. Something that wills them to turn the Wii on one more time and hit the stick. Or something that makes them want to put 7 hours a day discovering new techs and strategy. Whatever they do to express themselves, it's all for their final goal. I want all of you to just think hard and write and type your goals, even if you already know why you play. Know yourself just a little more and feel like you have control over your passion.

Next week, I think I'll talk about goal setting (like I've promised for a month.) Please read Smash revival help if you've haven't. Also, watch SKTAR. It is so stacked and amazing play is going on.

Have a good day and go DRN and Player-1!
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