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Smash Bros. DOJO!!

Lord Sakurai

Smash Cadet
Oct 30, 2008
Link to original post: [drupal=1133]Smash Bros. DOJO!![/drupal]

Roy is the main character of the sixth installment of the Fire Emblem series. Roy has already been in Super Smash Bros. Melee, and thanks to the WiFi network, he is able to be unlocked and played as in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, too!

His attack style is very similar to Marth's, just a bit stronger. While the strength of Marth's sword lies in its tip, Roy's sword is stronger when the blade is used. To make up for his strength, Roy is a bit slower than Marth.

Roy has to be downloaded on WiFi, but not only that, you also will have to unlock him like a normal secret character.

WiFi sure is amazing, don't you agree? You can even download a new character! Maybe I'll make use of it more often from now on...


Smash Ace
Jan 9, 2009
Too bad it's not real...

I'd actually go and set up the wifi on my own wii if it was.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Okay, it's old now...we know you're not Sakurai, we know this is a load of bull, and it's not funny anymore...please, just do us all a favor and jump in a fire >>;

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Okay, it's old now...we know you're not Sakurai, we know this is a load of bull, and it's not funny anymore...please, just do us all a favor and jump in a fire >>;
I found it funny. Even though I know it's fake.

I'm actually more astonished how much work that guy puts into his silly troll-like behaviour. I think it's awesome.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
I must say that is a great Photoshop job.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I'm actually more astonished how much work that guy puts into his silly troll-like behaviour. I think it's awesome.
Now THIS annoys me. Stupid trolls who are more sophisticated than the extremely obvious ones
are somewhat respected because they actually put effort into trolling. If I took the time to formulate a plan to jump out of stores on the street at specific times while people are walking by just to be annoying, would that make me respectable, as opposed to someone who spontaneously decides one day to jump out of a store and scare someone? I would hope not...

I'll admit this guy was half-funny when he started out. Now the joke is old so it's not even amusing in the slightest. I'm mostly annoyed that these blogs are allowed to continue. If he wants to make fake posts, then do so and say "Hey, I made a fake update for the Brawl site." and post it. The way he does it now is just spam.

The guy SPECIFICALLY joined the forums to do this. I don't think he's done anything else in his time here.

EDIT: I stand corrected, he has posted elsewhere. But he always pretends he's Sakurai.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
^ /agreed

but i respect sliq, as he is a fellow bowser mainer. despite the fact he may troll other areas.

its just certain people
I'm going to have to assume Firus said something about me as I blocked him, in which case:

no u

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
If I took the time to formulate a plan to jump out of stores on the street at specific times while people are walking by just to be annoying, would that make me respectable, as opposed to someone who spontaneously decides one day to jump out of a store and scare someone? I would hope not...
Though, there's a difference between scaring people to be annoying and posting obvious fake Smashdojo-postings on the User Blog section of SWF. I have no idea how you could draw such a line.
Besides, I prefer these fake blogs over threads like "I changed my avatar" or crap like that.

All you do is *****ing how the User Blog boards are "abused" for spammy stuff, but come on. Don't you have anything better to do? You're trolling the people who are not posting "proper blogs". You should marry Cinder, cause he's just exactly the same.

I got a chuckle from that posting here, and from the others, as well. If it's at least entertaining to some (and there ARE people who found it entertaining) and not hurting anybody, I see no reason to not let him post his fake dojo postings. We all know he's not real, so why not just let him?


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
All you do is *****ing how the User Blog boards are "abused" for spammy stuff, but come on. Don't you have anything better to do? You're trolling the people who are not posting "proper blogs". You should marry Cinder, cause he's just exactly the same.
Well sorry we actually expect a Blog forum to have...y'know...blogs...and at least some intelligence...

And yes, I have better things to do...and I do them...as well as this...

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
If these postings here would be that wrong, I suppose a mod would close them. It's not like it hasn't happened before. Not to mention the posts stopping to get counted.

Stop trying to be the forum police and let people enjoy themselves.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Though, there's a difference between scaring people to be annoying and posting obvious fake Smashdojo-postings on the User Blog section of SWF. I have no idea how you could draw such a line.
Besides, I prefer these fake blogs over threads like "I changed my avatar" or crap like that.

All you do is *****ing how the User Blog boards are "abused" for spammy stuff, but come on. Don't you have anything better to do? You're trolling the people who are not posting "proper blogs". You should marry Cinder, cause he's just exactly the same.

I got a chuckle from that posting here, and from the others, as well. If it's at least entertaining to some (and there ARE people who found it entertaining) and not hurting anybody, I see no reason to not let him post his fake dojo postings. We all know he's not real, so why not just let him?
tl;dr version: lighten up folks.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Though, there's a difference between scaring people to be annoying and posting obvious fake Smashdojo-postings on the User Blog section of SWF. I have no idea how you could draw such a line.
Besides, I prefer these fake blogs over threads like "I changed my avatar" or crap like that.
I prefer REAL blogs over 50% of the crap here. I'm not saying "I changed my avatar" or "I'm going to be playing SSBB FOREVER!" is any better than this. It's probably a little worse. But the guy's just trolling and he's not funny.

All you do is *****ing how the User Blog boards are "abused" for spammy stuff, but come on. Don't you have anything better to do? You're trolling the people who are not posting "proper blogs". You should marry Cinder, cause he's just exactly the same.
Before you make sweeping generalizations like that, try to actually see my posts, hm? Instead of accusing me of constantly complaining about them being abused for spammy stuff.
If I can be accused of doing nothing but complaining about spam, maybe it's because people here do nothing but put out spam for me to complain about?

I am not trolling. Trolling = "Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can."

I'm saying something because...it'd be nice if there weren't spam on the forum? And don't even say "YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOOK AT IT LOL". Because by that logic, people should post pornography because no one technically has to look at it. Or they can just type random characters constantly because no one has to look at it.

And wow, a "You should marry *person/thing*" statement? I don't think I've heard one of those since elementary school. You're a funny one.

I got a chuckle from that posting here, and from the others, as well. If it's at least entertaining to some (and there ARE people who found it entertaining) and not hurting anybody, I see no reason to not let him post his fake dojo postings. We all know he's not real, so why not just let him?
Okay. Let me see if I can explain something to you.

Just because people find something entertaining, does not mean it's good at all. Maybe it just means you have low standards for entertainment and "humor".

Just because Nickelback sold 7 million or whatever albums, that doesn't mean they're great. It could just mean 7 million people are dumb as hell. (I stole that concept, I couldn't find the exact quote.)

If you find a lack of rules, as well as the presence of spam, funny, go to 4chan. Seriously.

If these postings here would be that wrong, I suppose a mod would close them. It's not like it hasn't happened before. Not to mention the posts stopping to get counted.

Stop trying to be the forum police and let people enjoy themselves.
Post count being disabled is a start. But rules aren't in place just so people don't get extra posts, believe it or not.

There is no official mod to this forum. So no, mods aren't closing threads consistently. It doesn't mean they're not close-worthy, it just means that it requires a Super Mod or Admin coming in and closing the threads. After all, "Play SSBB Forever" went on for 70+ pages before it got closed. It was the same thing from page 1 all the way to the end, so it's not as if there was some awful change requiring it to be closed. I don't expect mods to have no lives and be lurking the forums and close threads immediately; however, the argument that the threads aren't getting closed so they're okay is not legitimate.

As for not being "forum police", I'm sorry I'm upset by the presence of spam. Again. If you like spam and just want to "enjoy yourself" and post and read spam, go to 4chan. I personally am a fan of actually intelligent discussion, but I guess I'm just some crazy weirdo, right?


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2008
We need more updates, Lord Sakurai! Please!

And I could tell FirustheHedgehog was a Melee player even before I read his sig. Just saying. He must be that... awesome

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
I also enjoy intelligent discussion. But you won't care if I tell you that, cause, you know, I am a idiot because I find statements like "Beat 120 enemies in 100 Man Brawl" or "Who is Mario? He is unimportant" funny.

I'm also an idiot because I'm not having a stick shoved up my anus and like to be silly at times. Oh my god! I'm an undereducated ****** whose opinion is voided immediately!

If you have so many problems with the spam-threads on this subboard, use the Report-Button. It's there for a reason. If you think the thread is spam, go ahead, report it, put "Spam" as a reason. Let's see what happens.

Now excuse me, I'm dumb so I have to go to listen pop music while reading a comic book. But I won't read it, I'll just look at the pictures because I'm illiterate.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I also enjoy intelligent discussion. But you won't care if I tell you that, cause, you know, I am a idiot because I find statements like "Beat 120 enemies in 100 Man Brawl" or "Who is Mario? He is unimportant" funny.

I'm also an idiot because I'm not having a stick shoved up my anus and like to be silly at times. Oh my god! I'm an undereducated ****** whose opinion is voided immediately!

If you have so many problems with the spam-threads on this subboard, use the Report-Button. It's there for a reason. If you think the thread is spam, go ahead, report it, put "Spam" as a reason. Let's see what happens.

Now excuse me, I'm dumb so I have to go to listen pop music while reading a comic book. But I won't read it, I'll just look at the pictures because I'm illiterate.
Hey, I like to take things and blow them up to be way more than they actually are to make others' points seem moot without actually arguing against them that much, too.

Seriously. I made a comment about you having poor taste in entertainment and humor and all of a sudden I guess I flamed you, or something? Your whole post is like "Oh poor me, I've been victimized and labeled stupid for silly things! Oh, the HORROR!" What the hell? Legitimately argue with me, don't start acting like I flamed you to make me look like a bad person.

You're allowed to have your own sense of humor. It is your opinion. I am not calling you stupid for having it. I'm just saying that what you find funny also falls under spam. Just because you find it funny doesn't make it any less spam.

I like to be silly at times, too. There's a difference between being silly and spamming. Thanks for telling me I have a stick shoved up my anus for actually, you know, wanting order and rules.

I do use the report button. I reported that idiotic "Chikkin Dance!" thread, and it got locked for about five seconds before someone re-opened it, for god knows what reason. But you're right, I haven't reported this thread yet so I'll give it a shot, not that it'll do anything.

And when did I ever say anything about listening to pop music and reading comic books meaning someone's dumb...?

You're not clever.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Seriously. I made a comment about you having poor taste in entertainment and humor and all of a sudden I guess I flamed you, or something? Your whole post is like "Oh poor me, I've been victimized and labeled stupid for silly things! Oh, the HORROR!" What the hell? Legitimately argue with me, don't start acting like I flamed you to make me look like a bad person.

You're allowed to have your own sense of humor. It is your opinion. I am not calling you stupid for having it. I'm just saying that what you find funny also falls under spam. Just because you find it funny doesn't make it any less spam.
Tastes and opinions are what they are: Tastes and opinions. It's for noone to judge whether anyone's taste/opinion is poor. You don't even KNOW what entertains and amuses me, except for stuff like small sarcastic "spam" like those lines I mentioned. But of course, knowing that I have a chuckle from "Mario isn't important, who is he anyway?" gives you so much away from my personality and tastes that you can completely judge over me and know everything else about me.

I like to be silly at times, too. There's a difference between being silly and spamming. Thanks for telling me I have a stick shoved up my anus for actually, you know, wanting order and rules.
I want order and rules, too. There's a difference between order and rules and being a spoilsport who does nothing but rant how everyone is stupid who doesn't agree with him and not posts texts of the length of Goethe's Faust.

I do use the report button. I reported that idiotic "Chikkin Dance!" thread, and it got locked for about five seconds before someone re-opened it, for god knows what reason. But you're right, I haven't reported this thread yet so I'll give it a shot, not that it'll do anything.
If it doesn't do anything, then it means that, GASP, the mods have nothing against it! Oh the HORROR!

And when did I ever say anything about listening to pop music and reading comic books meaning someone's dumb...?
I consider Nickelback being pop music. Therefore, if I listen to pop music (to which Nickelback counts) I am one of the 7 million people who are too stupid to realize that the music they listen to is an indicator of being dumb. That last line in the post, besides, was supposed to be sarcastic.

You're not clever.
You neither.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Okay, fine. You have sufficiently proved that I'm an idiot who has a stick up his ***, doesn't know how to have fun, spends his time trolling forums just to be a jerk, needs to lighten up, is an elitist, overreacts to things which should just be funny rather than spam, etc.

Are you happy? Did you enjoy making me feel like **** because god forbid someone tries to stop what they consider spam from being allowed?
I hope so, because I sure as hell didn't.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Roy is too sexy. I want to **** him nao!1!1!11one!1 :mad:


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Hector is too good. My fav FE character by far.
And please change your AV Skrah, I hate looking at it >.>
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