Back on Monday, my wife and I's kitty, Jun, has his operation. He had broken his leg while we were at work. We originally thought he pulled down a fan onto his leg but we think he climbed onto top of our wobbly mirror and knocked it down and it broke his leg. The vet inserted pins into his leg as the break wouldn't heal properly by itself. It also required a two weeks in the vet.
We visited him on Monday and I checked up on him on Tuesday and Thursday after the operation. Well, I got the call this morning that Jun was fine and that we could actually take him home which was great news so we immediately went and got him from the vet. The vet gave me an estimate of $1,800 for the surgery and the vet stay. That is A LOT of money but he said I could do monthly payments. Then a few days ago, my car pooped out and I found out I need a new battery and alternator with the mechainic saying it could be around $800. This type of news just kept piling on and I had no idea how we could afford all of this without making huge adjustments in our finances.
Well, I went to the mechanics today and found out he had fixed by car and put in a used alternator and it will cost $250 altogether. I was just floored. He also cleaned out my car and increased the strength of my fans in the car for free plus an oil change. I then went to go pick up Jun and found out that the total amount of the surgery and vet stay would be $650. I couldn't believe it....I was pretty relieved.
Needless to say, both my car and my kitty are back home safely. He is doing alright. He wants to play but can't cause he has this collar on him
He should be back in good health by next Monday the vet said.