I always try to like Crystal, but they somehow disappoint me, thankfully the Black Moon Arc has been a lot better than Dark Kingdom Arc
Yeah, The first anime is really special for me. Why you didn't liked the last season btw?
To me it took the flaws of the show and multiplied it ten fold.
Some people didn't like chibi-USA? Cool we got Chibi-Chibi who was more annoying and had zero personality.
Some people thought Uranus and Neptune were tools in how they didn't help the other sailors or normal people, I was ok with it. Starlight a outside of Saya are huge tools that leave people to literally die just cause
Galaxia makes no sense with her plan, she shows full well she knows sailors have star seeds, then doesn't try to bait out the other scouts and has her minions just run around without a clue.
She doesn't just do it herself? At least with every other season there was a reason, this one, literally none.
The manga for that arc are far far better as a conclusion.
It felt hollow and without fun.