Alright, I'm actually legitimately p***** off at Shovel Knight now, particularly Yacht Club Games. They shouldn't jump on the bandwagon and get peoples' hopes up by outright asking them to vote for their character. A simple 'yes we'd be cool with it' would suffice, like we've just seen with Banjo. Look I'm all for companies trying to promote their IPs, but this could set a dangerous precedent and also makes the whole thing slightly unfair as Level-5 or Platinum Games haven't started a Twiiter campaign for their characters, they get heavily beaten in a poll like that as a result. Now I know YCG are a small team and need all the help they can get, but there's ways to do it, promote your fantastic game the same way you've done it already, especially the amazing free DLC, but to do something like they've done just rubs me the wrong way a stinks of a lack of class. Sorry for the rant and I don't want to offend anyone, as I say I'm a fan first and foremost, I just heavily dissagree with this.