you also have to get and that might surprise people that this happening was just a very weird series of luck.
Everything was set up for me to not be OP. I thought the possibility of becoming it as a joke before and didn't consider it because I was so new and didn't talked much, but also because a certain @
Rockaphin , good Paper Mario supporter, actually was intending to ask the OP. All the thing I did was to ask to revamp it without knowing that the old OP lost interest and was willing to give it to the first person that asked.
I just became it despite myself, but because I was trying to do new stuff in my life, i accepted and I eventually realized i should have been OP since a long time.
Even more, the motivation to ask a revamp comes from me playing TTYD from recording footage from an English movie project which just happen to be about my life and video game and the reason I mention it is it's the only project ever I got in my entire school life that allowed me to do this.
Not to mention that doing glitch hunt on TTYD wasn;t even an intention, I just declared it without much thinking in an irc and someone thought I was in....I actually did joined after all.
I know, it;s crazy fluke, but in the end, even @
Rockaphin is happy in the end