I'm leaking the script for the upcoming sequel to this,
Here's the script,
Operation 1338
Part 1 Get dose LEakZ
The Leaks group is anxious for m0re leakz. (spelling errors deliberate) They find out that the leaks they stole only went up to Ryu and Roy, but they want to know what other DLC is coming. They decide to break into Nintendo HQ again to steal the new leaks and maybe save Reggie, however they need to be careful, last time they severely injured Anouma, which led to a delay of Zelda U, and Iwata out of pure anger for being directly scorched in a lava pit, decided to greenlight Metroid Prime Federation Force.
BluePikmin11 in his new form yells stuff in Pikmin to distract the guards, they also have to kneel down to spot him since he's now a Pikmin, then @
UNiC0RN 0F SM4SH ♫ will jump on them and knock them out. @
vaanrose will come into Sakurai's office with the leaks file he stole in operation 1337 and Sakurai will chase him. Then @
Burb will go into his office and #Free Wolf.
With Wolf freed and running about, Sakurai will have no choice but to chase after him, before he gets leaked, giving @
Mega Bidoof time to break into the leaks lab and steal the new leaks, while @
Con0rrrr and @
Tr1pleDee fight Shibata and Not Iwata from the June 1st direct. @
Swampasaur and @
ThePenguinGamer0 will fly the getaway copter, @
Naoshi will serve corndogs to the crew while @
GoldenYuiitusin and @
Frostwraith laugh. Any other member who wants to be a part of this mission will be in the getaway copter with everyone else. Back at Nintendo HQ Bill gets fired and shrunken into a mini Bill by Iwata for failing to stop the leakers, and Wolf gets away with me on a Wolfen. Sakurai then goes down a secret staircase, where he's keeping Krool locked up in a Kage, and then he laughs.
Part 2 When Monkay NInjas ATTACK
Meanwhile the leaks crew gets attacked by Knuckles the Tank engine (Knock Knock its Knuckles) and crash land in the woods where they find King Dedede fighting against Monkey ninjas and their leader. The leader notices the leakers and steals the leaks so he can see if they contain any Monkey magic (so he can rule the world as king). He then reveals that he has geneticly mutated Smasher ZeRo to be more monkey like, and has gotten Diddy to join his side. Just then Etika, who's in the middle of filming a video, walks in and bumps into the monkey ninja leader leading to a fight. Nigel Thornberry appears Smashingly and goes to attack the Monkey ninja leader, but accidentally kicks Etika in the DOODONGS!
Monkey ninja leader then kidnaps Etika and vanishes with him into the night. To make matters worse Monkey ZeRo and Diddy appear to take their revenge on Smashboards for putting a bounty on their heads. Dedede then calls up NME"
Customer Service:"How can I help you King DEDEDE?" Dedede:"I need a monta to clobba dat dere Monkay Ninja!" Customer Service:"That's what we do best at NME" Escargoon:"You better get it with a money back guarantee!" NME then sends over the monster and archenemy of Monkey ZeRo, Krool under the guise of ___?___ . Meanwhile at Nintendo HQ, Sakurai remebers that he accidently built Krool's cage ontop of an NME transporter. Krool then throws Pokeballs at Monkey ZeRo, but he catches them all, but then Krool Falcon kicks him, thus defeating him. Dedede, then clobbas Diddy and the remaing monkey ninjas in the area with his hammer. At the monkey ninja leader's castle, The monkey ninja leader is trying to decipher the leakes, but he isn't very good with technology, so he contacts the evil Dr. Eggman to come decipher the code, for the price of 7 Chaos emeralds. Monkey ninja leader sends the meme Ganonduff to help him and Eggman get the Chaos emeralds.
Part 3 Chaos emerald LeAKiNg
Naoshi finds a chaos emerald, but the dreaded Shovel knight attacks him, luckily he summons Zazz to give Shovel Knight some megaton news, "YOUR GOING HOME IN A BOX!"
BluePikmin11 finds a chaos emerald under water.
Tr1pleDee fights a moon with the monado to get the 3rd chaos emerald.
Mega Bidoof finds a chaos emerald, but more importantly finds some rare amiibos.
Swampasaur goes to a swamp and fights Shrek for control of the swamp and the chaos emerald.
Con0rrrr finds one and gives it to Ganonduff mistaking him for @
vaanrose leaks the final chaos emerald to the ship, but then encounters his doppleganger, Ganonduff. An epic battle takes place.
With all 7 chaos emeralds, the leaks group + Nigel and Dedede DACUS to the Monkey ninja leader's castle.
Part 4 You know what they say, the more the merrier.
Arriving at the castle, the leaks group locates Etika, but the Monkey ninja leader steals all the chaos emeralds. They pursue him to a room with a big ceiling when all of a sudden a voice says, "SnooPINGASusual I see" (Eggman drops from the ceiling in his Egg Dealer, E.G.G.M.A.N. Dr Robeatnix starts to play) "Monkey man, hand over those Chaos emeralds to me, like a good boy" Etika then attacks the monkey ninja leader, but Eggman intervenes, "You know what they say, the more the merrier!" The leaks group and Nigel faces off against Eggman, while Dedede and Krool take on the Monkey ninja leader in his robot monkey mech. Just then Wolf and Wario come in and destroy Eggman and the Monkey ninja leader with a fart and a flash. The leaks group gets the leakz and escapes on my super carrier with Etika, Nigel, Wolf, Wario, Dedede, and Krool. Then @
PushDustIn gets the leaks.