On the Wuhu Island stage, planes from Pilotwings Resort can be seen flying around.
It's interesting how Wuhu Island is featured in two different stages. In one you fly through it in a plane along with the SNES Pilotwings island, while on the other you fight on several landmarks and see Miis practicing sports.
And of course, different song choices. One is Pilotwings themed, the other is Wii Sports themed.
Wuhu Island could count as a Mario Kart stage since it also appears in Mario Kart 7.
Still not an excuse to go and flame someone in their favorite character's thread.
At this point, I don't want Paper Mario that much, not because I don't love him, which is obviously not true, but because there's already so many Mario characters, and none of them are Toad.
Yes, it's still no excuse for flaming. I never implied that.
Although I do understand why people are hostile to the idea.