I haven't been feeling strongly about the 3DS. The only ones I really loved were AA5, KIU and ACNL. SSB3DS is going to be great though if the demo is anything to come by.Finally, I have a top 5 3DS games I can be sure about:
1. Super Smash Bros. 3DS
2. Kid Icarus: Uprising
3. Fire Emblem: Awakening
4. Bravely Default
5. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Honorable mention goes to Pokémon Y. Hard decision on whether Zelda or Pokémon would get the #5 spot, actually.
My list at the moment:
1. Animal Crossing New Leaf
2. Ace Attorney 5
3. Kid Icarus: Uprising
4. Tomodachi Life
I have no top 5 because I can't think of a 5th 3DS game I really love. SSB3D will likely fix that though.
I have yet to try Luigi's Mansion, Kirby Triple Deluxe and Bravely Default, but I've heard great things about them, so I'm willing to give those 3 a shot. I'm avoiding games like Mario & Luigi Dream Team since I've heard meh things about it such as annoying tutorials and bad pacing which I dislike so much in games. I'm going to avoid Sonic Lost World since the Wii U game was mediocre and the 3DS version looked much much worse, eugh. Sonic Boom doesn't look promising either.
I've barely played Link Between Worlds, but it was fun from little what I've played of it. Fire Emblem Awakening I've barely played too but I have to be in the mood to play it.
As for the rest, from other the games I did played and beaten... Pokemon X/Y was okay, Kalos could've been more interesting and the game needed good post play content, because it's seriously lacking. NSMB2 and 3D Land felt too safe, they were fun but not interesting enough to be great. Paper Mario Sticker Star was really lame, I did not like it at all. Mario Kart 7 was a good game but I couldn't get into it. Sonic Generations 3DS was very mediocre and lazy. And I could not get into Layton and the Miracle Mask for some reason, I loved the previous games before it on DS though.
Overall, I feel the 3DS is decent so far, I'll eventually dig into Zelda, Kirby, Luigi Mansion and Fire Emblem and hope it'll change my view on the system!
EDIT: Want to note that I'm avoiding remakes in this list since I want to focus on original games. But if you're curious, I really liked both Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 3D.
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