"Download Complete."
Rosalina getting nerfed?It's almost mesmerizing how Tails just...disappears.
And in case this hasn't been talked about yet, apparently Luma can no longer attack while Rosalina is being grabbed in the Wii U version, and presumably version 1.0.4.
Yeessss thank you based Sakurai

Sony said it was a copy of smash? wut?Yes, this is BRB's first game. Yes, it's a bad game. Now it's falling appart for some reason I don't know.
Sonic Boom 3DS is as bad as the Wii U Sonic Boom. They tried to make the game good, but maybe they were in a deadline to release it alongside the TV show.
PSASBR is meh. I think Sony said the game was a copy of Smash.
Excuse me for a sec...
Ahem.... Sony fanboys are full of BS

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