I hope so. Not that the game isn't a disaster glitch-wise. 06 had a very tiny list of glitches, even if it had quite a lot of unpolished gameplay, but those are not glitches regardless. Knuckles/Rouge's climbing glitch(same controls, so same issue), Silver being able to launch another PC out of bounds, Shadow's homing attack glitches, and Silver's small glitch that allowed you to get through a door. Besides those 4(or 5 if you count Knuckles and Rouge separately), there's other issues, but those are things like poorly designed gameplay like the Mach Speed section. No, sidestepping would not do much to help. Losing less rings and going at a more tolerable pace is what fixes that kind of gameplay. Unleashed's Day Stages was barely an improvement, to the point that some prefer the Mach Speed sections. Colors/Generations/Lost World did a far better job, though, of fixing that type of gameplay, outside of making the Homing Attack worse, anyway. Locking on halts gameplay speed pretty badly, if not ironically due to the idea of us preferring to go faster and smoother. I'm still waiting for them to find a legitimate speed that doesn't include bad gimmicks or stuff that halts gameplay for no reason whatsoever.