The colonies were socialist at one time?
but I gotta leave for Thanksgiving at me grandparent's <3
If you do a search for the word "thanksgiving" and relegate it to posts only by the member Jaedrik, you should see more explanation I gave from the past. :D
This is the only part of your post I don't agree with. Reminding ourselves of painful events in history allows us to learn from our ancestors past failures and [ideally] learn how to avoid them. While the concept of the holiday is pure, the relationship between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans isn't. We can't just say "well ****, that happened. Oh well!", since we are bound to repeat similar atrocities.
Regardless, I agree that we shouldn't fault the descendants for their ancestor's faults. They didn't even exist.
I believe you fail to understand what I mean by "do about." Actually, you seem to understand what I mean, just don't apply it to that part, which is understandable.
No restitution can be justly taken from the descendants of the people who committed the evils. It would be far more unjust to take from others who commit no evil to patch up the wrong of others.
Therefore, attempts to force justice for the wrong of the pasts will inevitably result in more injustice. We can't do anything about the failures of the past.
Nobody's saying "Oh well!" If the people who committed the wrong itself, directly, are still alive then of course restitution can be given to the natives and the perpetrators can be punished, and it should.
The other hand is remembering. I understand what you're saying, and we
can remember these things to prevent us from doing them in the future, but we should take a principle based approach instead of a historical based one. History only supports principle. Without a framework to analyze, data itself is useless.