Hi guys
So, today I would like to announce a temporarilly sad new, but an EXTREMELY good one that comes with it.
The bad one, if you guys have been paying attention, I wasn;t active in the last 24 hours at all which is very unusual. I wasn;t active in any threads. This is because I aim to temporarily be inactive and this might extend for some weeks (unless critical news happens such as a direct).
The good news......
guys, I am VERY tempted to go back to TTYD glitch hunting, and this might be for real. I also intend as planned to start on spm, but I am even more motivated.
Here's what happened yesterday night:
I was talking for one of the rare time in the skype group I was for gltich hunting stuff, I say rare because it;s been very inactive. I was talking about my futur on how I thought TTYD was done, that I would like to go to spm......etc.....
Then, one proceed to linki me a wip and new doc they were making that intends to lsit every tricks, explanation and visual proof. i skimmed through like around 30 or more pages to realise that......a lot of these I never heard of it. I realised I have been outdated since 2 years....which was nothign new and proceed to reexplain the major issue: the communication sucked. It began pointless for me to gltich hunt if idk what the others knew.
This was the same issues in 2 years so i still said I wouldn;t want to get back to it.......but then the person linked me to a discord (like skype, but more secure) chat claiming that everyone int he speedrunning community was there and was talking almost every day. After deciding to lurk a bit. it took me an hour to get that he was NOT kidding......
polar opposite, I was talking with someone that shared me offsets of the game, there was way too much but I proceed to go through the lsit and ask a ton of question and the guy answering.......until 7am!!!!!
And I still have to go through that doc of glitches that ISN'T EVEN COMPLETE!!!!!
So, my claim TTYD is done?
Only the English version, the JP version is beginning to be broken. If i called the English version "stable and rock solid", the JP version is "unpolished and unstable". Seriously, I saw the weirdest gltich ever that if I show it to you, you would be blown away and wonder how the heck they messed that thing?
So I wasn;t entirely wrong, but I was on saying the entire game is done.
In fact, since 2 years, so much has been found and this lead to my main point: that I have to spent a lot of time to learn what I missed. Since my paper mario support here is done since months (we aren;t getting much supporters and the ballot ends very soon), I decided to start VERY soon (like the next time I can with college stuff).
This involves effort and time which is why it would take soem weeks to learn stuff.
For spm......I REALLY want to do it more than ever. i kept telling how spm has a lot of potential......since I did some stuff with it, the stuff I did was the only major thing that was done.........everything else was very old test known before that it;s like the people anbandonned the game.......
Fun fact, the guy I was talking in the chat had some quite good and usefull test done, but he didn;t knew that a part of his test was copied from mine. I shared my test on the tasvideo forums so someone added it to the ressources page.......and the guy jsut copied it in his doc.
essentially, the game is so untested that even as little and honestly basic data that i got, it made the game progress. The guy I actually have to give him a tutorial on cheat engine......
so, I have to learn TTYD WHILE setting up adn starting spm. this takes a while guys, you have to spend weeks reading doc and asking question because glitch hunting is quite more complicated as the game begins to have more and more research and findings.
The good news is that once I am updated, I will be able to work as I want meaning more time to be active here
So, I might just begin to be more and more active as time goes, I won;t return suddenly, but do not expect me to be available daily from now on until I am done learning.
That';s it, wish me luck because in this case....I mgiht need it