I mean, at least they aren't using Windows 95 or something. Mac OS X is a pretty good OS, but there's not nearly enough software ported to it. This software availability thing is probably why Windows is still the most popular.
linux has that problem too, but honestly, I will say that I think I saw it was better than OS X.
Like OS X apparently can;t even work with wine while it works on linux quite easilly and yes wine saved my life multiple times (like cheat engine, it works so well on wine). I think I did heard people were able to play game with wine.
And on the linux good side, at least Valve are very generous towards the open source community because I feel that steam OS would make gamers and devs more interested to have games support. And more users......well you get the idea.
The thing is I read somewhere on the wine about section that was bringing quite good points about the need of diversity. Windows is so popular that it can become risky if something bad happened. I mean so much pc uses windows.....it does sound scary.
Idk how the future will turn out, but I do see linux growing. with the years, there has been a TON of progress and it just never ends so.....I think it would be interesting