So, many of us have been playing predominantly with customs for the last 4 months. Here's some facts, for better or for worse:
- Yes, most characters have 1 or 2 optimal movesets for most or all matchups.
- Customs are on average worse than defaults.
- I prefer the default option to either custom 60% of the time.
- Thankfully, no custom is broken.
- The very best customs options are not as dominating as some default options.
- Still, Kong Cyclone and Timber Counter can be a big threat to players who don't understand them.
- Customs definitely benefit balance, but do not cause anyone to leapfrog Sheik or Diddy.
For comparison, here is my current opinions on character tiers with and without customs:
Naturally, any tier list is highly opinionated, so anyone will find things they disagree with. The point here is the big picture.
1v1, no customs, ordered within each level:
1v1, customs, ordered within each level--
each level relative to the above:
Moves up 4 tiers relative to a no-customs list:
Moves up 2 tiers relative to a no-customs list:
Moves up 1 tier relative to a no-customs list:
Note: We shouldn't discuss general tier opinions in this thread;
Character Competitive Impressions is the place for that. I'm just copying this to try and give people with little custom moves experience an idea of what to expect.