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Silver the Hedgehog lifts up the stakes: Silver the Hedgehog support thread!

Does Silver the Hedgehog deserve a spot?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Yes, but not as a 2nd Sonic rep.

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • No, only one Sonic rep is needed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If Sonic and Shadow are in the game I would want Silver to complete the trio.

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014

Hello, my family on smashboard. I am here to bring you a character support thread for a sonic character that may be one that you will absolutely don't want. Silver the Hedgehog. I know there are many sonic characters that people see as more important; (Shadow, Tails, Dr. Eggman, ect). While I agree that Silver isn't the most ideal choice for a second Sonic rep, but I feel he would be a great addition as a 3rd or 4th rep. In my opinion, it would be cool if we had Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Silver the Hedgehog. Silver being in the game if Shadow got added could be a cool thing for a chance to play as the hedgehog trio.


Silver is arguably the most unique out of the three hedgehogs. While Sonic is mostly in a ball, shadow has an echo or semi-clone status silver will have to be unique. If you are not to familiar with Silver I don't blame you. He was introduced in one of the worst sonic games of all time hurting his future and significance to the sonic vers. Even his spin-off game was canceled. (Fun fact, he was named silver because so Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Silver the Hedgehog could be near each other on game shelves). Silvers moveset is heavily based on telekinesis. There is some great potential to have there and could separate him from being in a ball or "being fast". He can even have telekinesis move set lifting up objects and throwing them. His throws could even use the telekinesis to throw people (which really works for a throw if you ask me.)


Super Silver could be his final smash giving his own unique spin to it.



I hope you enjoyed the read and I hope I can have your support!


T ThoughtfulWanderer
Captain Shades Captain Shades

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Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
I'll happily support. He doesn't get a lot of love but he's my favorite Sonic character and he deserved a chance at redemption after 06 happened. He's been important in a few games since but none would be as notable or helpful to his popularity as a spin-off game starring him would be.

He's like Eggman where his attributes are too different to have him copy anything from Sonic. In his most important role, his standard run speed is way too slow, he can't spindash, and he can only reach blinding speeds when he flies. Telekinesis isn't an ability that's used much in Smash with any of the other psychics. :ultness: uses it in his grab and :ultmewtwo: uses it to grab items but neither have their moveset revolve around it. That would make Silver stand out greatly against them.

I think it's more likely that I'd join the Smash dev team and code him in myself than for Silver to actually make it in, but he'd be my #1 personal bias pick for a new Sonic character even if he doesn't deserve it.

Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
Getting Silver in Smash

“It’s no use!”

Nah, I support, but I highly doubt his chances compared to Shadow.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
I'll happily support. He doesn't get a lot of love but he's my favorite Sonic character and he deserved a chance at redemption after 06 happened. He's been important in a few games since but none would be as notable or helpful to his popularity as a spin-off game starring him would be.

He's like Eggman where his attributes are too different to have him copy anything from Sonic. In his most important role, his standard run speed is way too slow, he can't spindash, and he can only reach blinding speeds when he flies. Telekinesis isn't an ability that's used much in Smash with any of the other psychics. :ultness: uses it in his grab and :ultmewtwo: uses it to grab items but neither have their moveset revolve around it. That would make Silver stand out greatly against them.

I think it's more likely that I'd join the Smash dev team and code him in myself than for Silver to actually make it in, but he'd be my #1 personal bias pick for a new Sonic character even if he doesn't deserve it.
I think it would be cool to get major psychic character. To bad silver was introduced in such a crap game. If the game was good I wonder how popular he could have been... It will be cool to get all three of them in the game though.


Added your support!

Getting Silver in Smash

“It’s no use!”

Nah, I support, but I highly doubt his chances compared to Shadow.
Added your support!

Oh yeah, SIlver will never get in as a character. Shadow, Tails, and Eggman for sure have top four priority. Maybe if we ever get a sega fighting game or something. They definitely have the IPs for it.


I don’t see the use in supporting him but he could be fun to play as
Ok, I won't add you then. :(
He would be fun to play as! :D


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Behind you.
I think it would be cool to get major psychic character. To bad silver was introduced in such a crap game. If the game was good I wonder how popular he could have been... It will be cool to get all three of them in the game though.


Added your support!

Added your support!

Oh yeah, SIlver will never get in as a character. Shadow, Tails, and Eggman for sure have top four priority. Maybe if we ever get a sega fighting game or something. They definitely have the IPs for it.


Ok, I won't add you then. :(
He would be fun to play as! :D
No no put the list before I get trapped in front of wall


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014

If anyone is good at making stock icons and wants silver I found this online. It can be a good place as a jumping off point.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
For his chances, all I have to say is "It's no use"


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2019
I definitely support Silver's inclusion. I don't really think it'll happen though nor is he really my first choice after Sonic's inclusion :lol: but I think he's one of the more unique characters moveset wise to add from the franchise and could definitely play bit differently from the other psy guys Ness/Lucas/Mewtwo.
In fact… How about I just share the moveset I've been working on right here?!

* Attacks

Neutral Attack; Throw psy waves that do damage and emanate the opponent green for a quick second when being hit.

Dash attack; Telekinetically dash forward midair, knocking back anyone in the way.

Up tilt; Faces his spines in the air.

Side tilt; Throws a forward punch.

Down tilt; Silver puts out his hands on both sides of him and releases telekinetic energy to anyone on the sides of him, doing slight damage and good knock-back. Laggy move.
Good horizontal KO move.

Up air; Holds his hand in the air and makes a telekinetic blast, catching anyone above him, with good knock-back. Good KO move.

Dair; Stops midair for a second then plummets downward fist first and slams the ground with psy energy around him upon landing. Can spike. Overall laggy but good knock-back. (similar to Ridley Dair)

Fair; Like Sonic's Fair.

Bair; Like Sonic's Bair but weaker and not a KO move and combos instead. (like Pac-Man Fair)

Nair; Silver creates a small green psy blast around him, repelling anyone next to him.

Side smash; Glows green while charging and when released says, “Its no use!” levitating anyone caught right beside him where he's facing and launches them forward with great horizontal knock-back. Overall very laggy but good range.

Down smash; Glows green while charging and when released says, “C'mon!” levitating anyone caught on both sides of him, slamming them into the ground as they then bounce off. Has slight range below him to edge-guard but difficult to pull off. Has a lot of lag to execute and recover.

Up smash; Glows green while charging and when released says, “This will end it!” levitating anyone caught above him and launches them upward with great knock-back. Overall very laggy. (like Lucas Usmash)

Neutral special; Hold up hand (and glow green) and stop any surrounding objects from hitting you by holding them mid air. Also picks up objects on the ground. Can also move around and jump while holding on to neutral special but can't do anything else till releasing. Once released, all the objects you've gathered will be launched forward wherever you are facing. Momentum of an object is reset when caught.

Side special; A move that can be tapped or charged to throw an object forward. When tapped Silver will throw a small piece of rubble as he says “Take this!”. When charged for a full second throws a silver box (from sonic'06) saying “How bout this!” which shatters upon impact.

Down special; Enters a counter stance for close to 2 seconds (longer than average active frames) as Silver says “Its no use!” and any projectile or attack from the opponent activates the counter, creating a small telekinetic burst which catches anything or anyone nearby stuck in levitation and a second later are repelled back. repelled back. This increases the power of projectiles similar to a reflector and has set knock-back against caught opponents (opponent attacks not factored). Can KO offstage.

Up special; Bring out a box to lift him up for a fair distance but can be hit out of it if Silver himself is attacked. Can move left or right and jump when done. If box takes a couple decent hits and is destroyed then Silver in unable to use any moves and goes into free fall.

Forward throw; Levitate someone and throw them forward with great knock-back
saying, “Take this!”.

Back throw; Levitate someone and throw them backward with great knock-back
saying, “Get out of my way!”.

Up throw; Levitate someone and throw them up with great knock-back saying “This will end it!”.

Down throw; Levitate someone and throw them into the ground or abyss saying, “Get lost!”. Can combo at low percents.

Final Smash; Yells, “Its no use!” and releases a huge telekinetic burst, catching anyone nearby within it then continuing with a storm of objects slamming into the fighter/s until and explosion of debris ensues and the fighter/s go flying.

* Movement

Jumps; 2 jumps but can hold the second jump to stay midair for a few more seconds (and move left or right).

Rolls; Levitates himself and swiftly moves to the side.
Groundspeed; Slow and levitates off the ground when running.
Airspeed; Slow and floaty.
Weight; Light but not as susceptible to being knocked out of the map as you may think given his size. (between 96 (Pit weight) and 86 (Sonic weight)

* Animations/Functionality
Match-start animation
; Levitates on to the platform.

Up taunt; Silver clenches fists “You'll pay for that!”
Side taunt; Angrily waves arms saying “I will destroy you!”
Down taunt; Levitates himself and objects around him while looking concentrated with arms folded and eyes closed.

Grabs; Has the unique characteristic compared to other grabs of having a very large grab range which instantly catches anyone caught inside but for balancing has a slightly longer start-up than any other existing grabs. Fighters are held a foot or two away from Silver. When landed Silver will shout “Its no use!”

1# Holds up fist triumphantly in front of him saying, “It all depends on me, I can't lose!”
2# Walks in front of the camera and bends down with hands on his knees, head tilted, saying, “Hmph! Is this a joke?!”
3# Silver swiftly levitates into view saying, “Don't you dare turn your back on me!”

* Analysis
A fairly slow and laggy character but has good ranged and defensive tools to help control the pace of the match. Silver is at his best when by a ledge as he can spam projectiles whilst protecting against them too and can prepare a decent ranged attack if someone decides to approach him but this requires careful timing and prediction which can sometimes be his downfall when it comes to very quick characters that can get in fast. When he's racked up enough damage on the opponent he also has many moves for finishing the job but most can be hard to pull off as they tend to be his laggiest moves aside from his Up Air. While still risky, Silver's most effective way of finishing stocks is through his multiple powerful throws after landing his laggy but long ranged grab. His grab can also be effective for whiff punishing or reads with its long range. While he can be quite good at staying in and traveling in the air this can also be a major weakness as he has trouble getting back to the ground where he is at his best. You might find Silver most effective in multiple people modes with items turned.

Kill moves; Up air, Up smash, Side smash, Down smash, Forward throw, Back throw, Up-throw, Dair, Fair, Down throw.
Edge-Guarding tools; Down Smash, Side tilt, Down tilt, Side special, Down special, Neutral special (in situational instances).

Difficulty of use; Medium to Hard
Fighter Classification; Grappler/Zoner

Hope you like it! Could may use a few more "Its no use!" or "Take this!" but overall I think as a whole stays pretty true to the character while having new dynamic mechanics to mess with.
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Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2017
I'm going to support Silver, despite hating Sonic. He would be a pseudo-clone or semi-clone, wheras Shadow would be a full-clone.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
Whew, this place is pretty barren!
Well, anyways, support. He's my favorite Sonic character and he'd provide the most unique moveset of anyone from the series (except Eggman). He'll probably get in as the fourth or fifth Sonic rep. That might take until Smash 7 or even beyond then, but the fanboy inside me can wait.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
Pete Capella is returning as Silver for the fanmade radio series, Sonic and Tails R!
This is big poggers because it shows he's willing to do more work as Silver. Maybe if Silver's current VA is busy with the main series, Capella can cover for him in Smash Bros! Assuming Silver gets in after the next Sonic character.
And I mean, on Green Hill, it is Tails, Knuckles, and-not Shadow, or Amy, or Metal-but Silver. And it's stayed like that for three games straight.

Dream of an absolution, Silver fans-we may be down but we are far from out!!
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
Happy Christmas Eve, Silver fans!
Sonic socials put out this cute little video featuring Silver as the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come. Very cool!


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2017
I know. But I like to support all of them on the chance that one of them does get in-even if it's a hated character that hasn't been relevant since 2006.
The main reason why I want Silver to be playable is because he is another well-known 3rd party character along the lines of Sonic, Pacman, and Megaman.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
Anyone feeling better about Silver's chances recently?


Yeah I didn't think so, but hey, we might get a Silver spinoff this year. That would be really cool.

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
I have never played any games featuring Silver as a playable character, but if he conjures to mind Sonic, and Ness,in terms of potential Smash Bros. gameplay , at the same time, and he is an important character, then he is likely worth some attention. I gather the game he is from is not very popular, but I support.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
Think I might write a bit of an essay for Silver later on. In the meantime, while I may be talking to a brick wall, anyone else buying Sonic Colors Ultimate when it gets announced and released?
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