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Sigma Busters (Name Pending): Official Discussion Thread


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
I think my priorities right now is working on the characters and stages first then the UI, since I'm more familiar with the former than the latter.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Kirbeh Kirbeh I am going to experiment on particle effects to make trails that follow the player. My concept was that each character has a unique particle trait, such as Aremi having a fiery trail, Weevle a bloody mist trail, etc etc. The idea was that on low percents the trait is short in length and wide in width, while the opposite occurs when you reach higher percents, sort of my stand-in for percents becoming more red as you rack up damage. How does that sound to you?


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Kirbeh Kirbeh I am going to experiment on particle effects to make trails that follow the player. My concept was that each character has a unique particle trait, such as Aremi having a fiery trail, Weevle a bloody mist trail, etc etc. The idea was that on low percents the trait is short in length and wide in width, while the opposite occurs when you reach higher percents, sort of my stand-in for percents becoming more red as you rack up damage. How does that sound to you?
I'd suggest not having the trails appear at all until they start hitting those higher percentages. Make them into a visual cue of "watch out, you're at kill percent"


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
I'd suggest not having the trails appear at all until they start hitting those higher percentages. Make them into a visual cue of "watch out, you're at kill percent"
Yeah maybe have them appear when you either sustain a strong hit, or at high percents in general.

Also how's the sprites going, we can continue the chat over Discord if you want.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Yeah maybe have them appear when you either sustain a strong hit, or at high percents in general.

Also how's the sprites going, we can continue the chat over Discord if you want.
Like I mentioned on Discord, I haven't really worked on the sprites for almost a week now.

And right now I'm still at work, just on lunch break, so I won't be online tonight. Tomorrow night I should have a little free time to draw and discuss things.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Like I mentioned on Discord, I haven't really worked on the sprites for almost a week now.

And right now I'm still at work, just on lunch break, so I won't be online tonight. Tomorrow night I should have a little free time to draw and discuss things.
That's cool, im patient on that front, I just wanted to some sprites to show some physical process to the server, since just telling what I'm doing can only do so much.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
For the initial menus, since I have 4 main options to choose from (Play, Options, Records, and Quit) I am picturing the menus to appear as a wheel, and you tilt the stick in the specified direction, this will lead to its own wheels, such as Play giving you the various game modes of the game, Records showing records, etc, etc. I think this future tech aesthetic could compliment the planned appearance of the character select.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Kirbeh Kirbeh did we ever decide on what to name the galaxy this game takes place in? We can discuss a potential name over Discord.


Smash Rookie
Jul 4, 2024
Can I give some input on the galaxy name? Because imo it should just be the milky way galaxy in the far future.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Name - Photos
Gender - Male
Species - Quason
Origin -
Photos can be best described as having a post-life crisis. His species is the Quason, a race of pure energy beings who are said to be the ghosts of dead stars, and are known for their highly erratic lifespans. Some live only a few months, while others live centuries, and as such made themselves secluded hermits, with no concept of companionship, waiting to fizzle into stardust and become new stars somewhere in the galaxy. Photos feels like his life, no matter how long or short it is, is worth living, and wants to a find a way to find some sort of legacy people can look up to instead of dying in obscurity. His opportunity comes when the Centauri 500, a great cosmic grand prix, begins—a full lap around the galaxy for eternal glory and adoration. Faster than the speed of light, Photos decides to take such a grand tour in order to obtain some sort of companionship.
Appearance -

Archetype - Rushdown
Gimmick - None
Intended Strengths -

  • Fastest speed in the game, his running is unparalleled on the ground.
  • His attacks have impeccable frame data, and great combo potential.
  • Decent recovery options make him have decent survivability.
Intended Weaknesses -
  • Lacks raw damage to kill, needing to rack up damage with combos to win.
  • He has the worst traction in the game, meaning he can have trouble with accurate movements.
  • Heavy physics can make him awkward to control due to falling like a rock.

Planned Stats: (Give a letter grade from E- to A+)
Walk Speed -
Running Speed - A+
Traction - E-
Jump Height - B+
Air Acceleration - B-
Fall Speed - A-
Weight - C-

Ground Moves:
Jab - Lightspeed Kicks -
A flurry of kicks performed in a rapid-fire fashion, among the fastest jabs in the game with high-end lag, but lacking in power and knockback.
Forward Tilt - Radiant Spinner - A strong, more forceful, roundhouse kick is performed, with a strong sweetspot on the heel, a good combo ender.
Up Tilt - Wheel Kick - Photos kicks upwards, kicking in the shape of a wheel, hitting three times in a multi-hit. This is a good combo tool due to juggling it enables, though your defenseless from behind when using this move.
Down Tilt - Grinding Slide - A sliding kick with Photos' skates kicking up loose dirt, good for being low profile against enemy attacks, though the high end-lag can prove to be risky at times.
Back Tilt - Barrel Roll - A full 360 degree kick is performed, hitting both sides of Photos. The Back Tilt is unique as it can be used while running, giving him a boost of speed. This comes at the cost of weak damage and knockback unless being hit by the heel.
Dash Attack - Trick Kick - Photos performs a trick while spinning, he will do one of 3 poses while kicking, each with their own hitbox values. There is a link between damage and knockback, with one pose dealing high damage but low knockback, while another deals the opposite effect; the other is in between.

Charge Attacks:
Side Charge - Peel Out -
Revving one of his skates, Photos performs a potent upwards axe-kick, good for sending foes upwards.
Up Charge Orbiting Flip - Flipping into a loop, both of Photos' skates become fast bludgeoning weapons, before ending with a cool handstand that is as stylish as it is laggy.
Down Charge - Skid Out - Revving up his skates, Photos performs a rough-looking breakdancing kick. This attack has some kill power to it, making it a good kill move.

Neutral Air - Twin Cycles -
A pair of kicks, one after another, the first dealing decent damage and the second launching the target.
Forward Air - Great Hawk Kick - A flying jump kick, Photos' most powerful move due to its high kill power, but a very risky move as missing the move is extremely laggy.
Up Air - Blade Chop - An upwards scissors kick is performed, with a nice sweetspot in the attack's center.
Down Air - Missile Star - A drilling kick downwards, the force speeding up Photos' descent onto the ground.
Back Air - Sidechopper - A sideways heel kick from behind, has some decent power, but also some notable lag as well.

Pummel - Electro Knee -
As his knee is exposed energy, the opponent gets shocked with electricity during this knee jab.
Forward Throw - Curb-stomp - A stomp that sends foes forward in a downward angle, the force flying them off the floor.
Down Throw - Bullet Kicks -
Five kicks are performed, one after another, the sheer speed of the move makes it a very fast throw, good for combos. The damage is on the lower end to balance out the sheer speed involved.
Back Throw - Hook Kick - Using his skates as hooks, Photos tosses the foe around himself and to his back, all the while turning around in the end to adjust to the new direction.
Up Throw - Quasar Kick - A vertical kick with such force it can send foes flying, Photos' sole kills throw, so its very useful for him.

Neutral Special - Power Parkour -
Photos charges up to perform a flip either upwards or sidewards, good for mobility and recovery purposes. After the flip you can pressed the special button to perform a kick in the opposite direction of the flip, though it sends him into free-fall afterward.
  • Neutral Hyper - Starside Flip - A flip straight upwards, good for vertical recovery and escaping certain attacks, you can then press the special button downwards to perform a powerful stomp, or by itself to perform a triple kick to slow your descent.
Side Special - Lightspeed Flash - As a being of pure energy, Photos moves his particles at such a speed that it looks like he is warping from one area to the next, when in realty he is performing a hypersonic tackle with some decent power.
  • Side Hyper - Lightspeed Luster - The dash is now slightly longer and segmented into two independently aimed tackles, good for better control and recovery.
Down Special - Grind Kick - At first it looks like a standard downwards kick, however when the kick hits the ground, Photos will grind on the ground with a damaging slide. His current momentum determines the length he goes with his slide. He can use this move to slide on semisolids like grind rails, which is good for mobility.
  • Down Hyper - Nova Kick - While the kick is shorter, it is MUCH more powerful, being a kill move at high percents when you hit during the middle of the attack.
Up Special - Cosmic Hurricane - A hurricane kick resembling a lariat, pressing the special button will raise the flurry's vertical height but truncate the horizontal distance traveled. Balance must be maintained if you want a safe recovery back onto the stage, as it will send Photos into free-fall afterward.
  • Up Hyper - Comet Rising - A more reliable recovery tool with Photos performing an enhanced hurricane kick, starting horizontally before rising upwards in an arc, though the move is unable to be guided now, making it more linear as a recovery tool.
Hypermax Attacks -
Level 1 - Dizzying Flash -
Using potent lightspeed travel, Photos dashes forward and spins the opponent, confusing them and leaving them open for combos.
Level 2 - Photon Storm - Using the powers of stars, Photos launches a projectile that rises upwards and travels across the sky, striking bolts of cosmic electricity to the ground, a good spacing tool and Photos' sole projectile.
Level 3 - Eclipse Hurricane - A hurricane kick of cosmic proportions, if all hits manage to connect, which can be helped by taking advantage of the wind box the attack creates, then you can deal a devastating final blow.

New fighter concept for something I have been thinking of for a while. Kirbeh Kirbeh check it out when you can.
Kirbeh Kirbeh I want your stance on this change to Photos' Side Special. I think it would be cool if instead of a straight-up clone of Falco Phantasm, he would instead charge for a tackle that he could angle, and if he would collide with the floor he would ricochet and have the attack be stronger. This was sorta inspired by the Cyan Laser color power from Sonic Colors, which I think fits a character like him. We can discuss this and other details over Discord if you want.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Kirbeh Kirbeh do you have any major updates, I've been improving some controls to better suite the physics of the game, we can chat about updates over Discord if you want.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Name - Kip
Gender -
Species - Ocram
Origin -
Kip is an odd case of being a big fish in a small pond, off world she has the capabilities on par or exceeding some of the strongest species in the galaxy, but on her homeworld of Urakai she is nothing spectacular, even considered pathetic to some. While she is happy to be part of the whole "kill someone stronger than you to be leader" thing, she just doesn't have the raw power of the rest of her species. For someone with enhanced strength, skin as hard as stone, and wily speed, that must hit Kip pretty hard. She is pretty much on the lowest end of the pecking order, not really having any opportunities to vie for power with the various warring clans of her planet. Maybe if there is a power vacuum she could have some recognition for her unique traits, maybe even power of her own, but she finds that event pretty unlikely.
Appearance - The Ocram are a species that take after the portrayals of traditional, Tolkein-esc orcs and goblins, in particular the Uruk-hai's portrayal from Middle Earth Shadow of War. Kip is rather scrawny in appearance, being the same size and age group as Weevle, which is rather in stark contrast with her actually good physical traits. Her skin is faintly olive with shades of grayish greens, and interlocking between her eyes is a stripe of black face paint. When off duty, Kip usually is found wearing a crimson-color casual dress and has short black-blue hair, with pointed ears, a pair of small tusks jutting from her mouth, and a small horn growing out of her forehead, which will become a great pair of horns when she is an adult. In battle, she dons a copper armor over her attire for protection and has a copper mask modeled after a combination of a bear and tiger, with a pair of sharp horns jutting from the helmet, the large size of the helmet makes her voice sound much deeper, adding to her attempted but ultimately failed intimidation factor. Her eyes have a notable pinkish tint to them, a trait shared by her species, and texture-wise, her skin has faint scales, showcasing her hidden durability. She wields a special mace in combat that she can either swing like a club or flail around by the mace's chain.

Archetype -
Gimmick - (If Applicable)
Intended Strengths -

  • With balanced stats all around, she has both solid mobility, speed, and weight to compliment her effective kit.
  • Potential for trapping, as the various angles her specials encompass can leave the opponent cornered.
  • She is a character easy to pick up and play, good for beginners with a lot of potential for mastery.
Intended Weaknesses -
  • Average stats leave her with some issues with KOing opponents.
  • Her kit is effective in multiple situations, but is also quite laggy.
  • As she has average stats all around, she can be seen as a jack-of-all traits, master of none.
Planned Stats: (Give a letter grade from E- to A+)
Walk Speed -
Running Speed - B-
Traction - A
Jump Height - B-
Air Acceleration - B-
Fall Speed - C
Weight - B-

Ground Moves:
Jab - Flail -
A trio of mace swings, ending with an overhead slam that deals good damage.
Forward Tilt - Wide Swing - A wide mace swing that offers more horizontal range in exchange for vertical range compared to the jab. The swing is also able to negate weak projectiles.
Up Tilt -
Down Tilt -
Back Tilt -
Dash Attack -

Charge Attacks:
Side Charge -
Up Charge -
Down Charge -

Neutral Air -
Forward Air -
Up Air -
Down Air -
Back Air -

Pummel -
Forward Throw -
Down Throw -
Back Throw -
Up Throw -

Neutral Special - Chained Flail -
A more heavy projectile, not having the longest range or fasted speed, but a deals a powerful hit when it connects. Charge up the move to let it travel back and forth across a longer distance, the longer the travel, the more damage it deals. When it comes back it deals a much weaker hit with small knock back, but in some scenarios it can lead into combos.
  • Neutral Hyper - Bouncing Iron - The mace's ball is twice as big and now bounces in an arc. Charge the move to let it be tossed higher, therefore allowing it to bounce more times.
Side Special - Throwing Knives - Throwing a sharp shard of metal, Kip tosses one of the fastest projectiles in the game. This projectile also has the unique trait of sticking to opponents, and successive knives will deal increased damage and hitstun.
  • Side Hyper - Knife Curve - A curved arch of long throwing knives will get shot out, each deals as much damage as a max damage base Throwing Knife and will cover a wider area due to one knife being shot in 5 different angles.
Down Special - Iron Head - A potent headbutt, the angle Kip bonks her head with is both a potent spike and a move instantly capable of breaking shields. It even has super-armor, which combined with the attack's quick speed makes it one of her most safe options, just brought down by its short range.
  • Down Hyper - Beast Charge - Kip rams into the opponent with her helmet's large horns, glowing hot orange, if she snags her opponent with her helmet's horns she will fling them straight upwards.
Up Special - Eagle Rider - Calling an Urukai Eagle, a black reptilian raptor, Kip hangs on to recover. A very flexible recovery move since you can press the Special button at any time to flap continuously, all the while you can use the Neutral button to perform a slashing attack. However, Kip is left vulnerable as any strong attack can scare away the bird, meaning you have to use the slash attack as a get off me tool. Be mindful of stamina too, as if used for too long the eagle will get tired and fly away, causing Kip to fall.
  • Up Hyper - Eagle Leap - A rarer Urukai Warbird appears to give Kip a lift. This bird has increased speed and power compared to the Urukai Eagle, making it a stark improvement for Kip's recovery.
Hypermax Attacks -
Level 1 -
Brutal Pummel - Kip dives forward and grabs the opponent, before she pummels them into submission. Rapidly tap the special button to punch continuously until the opponent pushed her off.
Level 2 - Barrel Bomb - Kip heaves a giant explosive barrel in an arc, which then crashes down and explodes, a powerful but hard to aim move that gives great reward.
Level 3 - Ogre Rush - Calling the aid of an Ocram Ogre, Kip rides on its back as it swings wildly with its club, at any time Kip can jump off and allow the massive Ocram to push the foe off the stage.

Hey Kirbeh Kirbeh I've been trying to make this kit for a few days, but I have been getting some trouble with making it. I noticed we don't have any jack-of-all trades characters aside from Aremi, so I was trying to conceptualize an idea for one while also making someone to better work with the story mode I had in mind. I have the specials for her, but can't think of good neutrals and grabs, so some input would be nice. We can discuss this matter over discord if you want.
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Name - Kip
Gender -
Species - Ocram
Origin -
Kip is an odd case of being a big fish in a small pond, off world she has the capabilities on par or exceeding some of the strongest species in the galaxy, but on her homeworld of Urakai she is nothing spectacular, even considered pathetic to some. While she is happy to be part of the whole "kill someone stronger than you to be leader" thing, she just doesn't have the raw power of the rest of her species. For someone with enhanced strength, skin as hard as stone, and wily speed, that must hit Kip pretty hard. She is pretty much on the lowest end of the pecking order, not really having any opportunities to vie for power with the various warring clans of her planet. Maybe if there is a power vacuum she could have some recognition for her unique traits, maybe even power of her own, but she finds that event pretty unlikely.
Appearance - The Ocram are a species that take after the portrayals of traditional, Tolkein-esc orcs and goblins, in particular the Uruk-hai's portrayal from Middle Earth Shadow of War. Kip is rather scrawny in appearance, being the same size and age group as Weevle, which is rather in stark contrast with her actually good physical traits. Her skin is faintly olive with shades of grayish greens, and interlocking between her eyes is a stripe of black face paint. When off duty, Kip usually is found wearing a crimson-color casual dress and has short black-blue hair, with pointed ears, a pair of small tusks jutting from her mouth, and a small horn growing out of her forehead, which will become a great pair of horns when she is an adult. In battle, she dons a copper armor over her attire for protection and has a copper mask modeled after a combination of a bear and tiger, with a pair of sharp horns jutting from the helmet, the large size of the helmet makes her voice sound much deeper, adding to her attempted but ultimately failed intimidation factor. Her eyes have a notable pinkish tint to them, a trait shared by her species, and texture-wise, her skin has faint scales, showcasing her hidden durability. She wields a special mace in combat that she can either swing like a club or flail around by the mace's chain.

Archetype -
Gimmick - (If Applicable)
Intended Strengths -

  • With balanced stats all around, she has both solid mobility, speed, and weight to compliment her effective kit.
  • Potential for trapping, as the various angles her specials encompass can leave the opponent cornered.
  • She is a character easy to pick up and play, good for beginners with a lot of potential for mastery.
Intended Weaknesses -
  • Average stats leave her with some issues with KOing opponents.
  • Her kit is effective in multiple situations, but is also quite laggy.
  • As she has average stats all around, she can be seen as a jack-of-all traits, master of none.
Planned Stats: (Give a letter grade from E- to A+)
Walk Speed -
Running Speed - B-
Traction - A
Jump Height - B-
Air Acceleration - B-
Fall Speed - C
Weight - B-

Ground Moves:
Jab - Flail -
A trio of mace swings, ending with an overhead slam that deals good damage.
Forward Tilt - Wide Swing - A wide mace swing that offers more horizontal range in exchange for vertical range compared to the jab. The swing is also able to negate weak projectiles.
Up Tilt -
Down Tilt -
Back Tilt -
Dash Attack -

Charge Attacks:
Side Charge -
Up Charge -
Down Charge -

Neutral Air -
Forward Air -
Up Air -
Down Air -
Back Air -

Pummel -
Forward Throw -
Down Throw -
Back Throw -
Up Throw -

Neutral Special - Chained Flail -
A more heavy projectile, not having the longest range or fasted speed, but a deals a powerful hit when it connects. Charge up the move to let it travel back and forth across a longer distance, the longer the travel, the more damage it deals. When it comes back it deals a much weaker hit with small knock back, but in some scenarios it can lead into combos.
  • Neutral Hyper - Bouncing Iron - The mace's ball is twice as big and now bounces in an arc. Charge the move to let it be tossed higher, therefore allowing it to bounce more times.
Side Special - Throwing Knives - Throwing a sharp shard of metal, Kip tosses one of the fastest projectiles in the game. This projectile also has the unique trait of sticking to opponents, and successive knives will deal increased damage and hitstun.
  • Side Hyper - Knife Curve - A curved arch of long throwing knives will get shot out, each deals as much damage as a max damage base Throwing Knife and will cover a wider area due to one knife being shot in 5 different angles.
Down Special - Iron Head - A potent headbutt, the angle Kip bonks her head with is both a potent spike and a move instantly capable of breaking shields. It even has super-armor, which combined with the attack's quick speed makes it one of her most safe options, just brought down by its short range.
  • Down Hyper - Beast Charge - Kip rams into the opponent with her helmet's large horns, glowing hot orange, if she snags her opponent with her helmet's horns she will fling them straight upwards.
Up Special - Eagle Rider - Calling an Urukai Eagle, a black reptilian raptor, Kip hangs on to recover. A very flexible recovery move since you can press the Special button at any time to flap continuously, all the while you can use the Neutral button to perform a slashing attack. However, Kip is left vulnerable as any strong attack can scare away the bird, meaning you have to use the slash attack as a get off me tool. Be mindful of stamina too, as if used for too long the eagle will get tired and fly away, causing Kip to fall.
  • Up Hyper - Eagle Leap - A rarer Urukai Warbird appears to give Kip a lift. This bird has increased speed and power compared to the Urukai Eagle, making it a stark improvement for Kip's recovery.
Hypermax Attacks -
Level 1 -
Brutal Pummel - Kip dives forward and grabs the opponent, before she pummels them into submission. Rapidly tap the special button to punch continuously until the opponent pushed her off.
Level 2 - Barrel Bomb - Kip heaves a giant explosive barrel in an arc, which then crashes down and explodes, a powerful but hard to aim move that gives great reward.
Level 3 - Ogre Rush - Calling the aid of an Ocram Ogre, Kip rides on its back as it swings wildly with its club, at any time Kip can jump off and allow the massive Ocram to push the foe off the stage.

Hey Kirbeh Kirbeh I've been trying to make this kit for a few days, but I have been getting some trouble with making it. I noticed we don't have any jack-of-all trades characters aside from Aremi, so I was trying to conceptualize an idea for one while also making someone to better work with the story mode I had in mind. I have the specials for her, but can't think of good neutrals and grabs, so some input would be nice. We can discuss this matter over discord if you want.
Honestly, based on the moves you have so far, she strikes me as more of a mid range spacer/zoner. The weapon of choice gives her range comparable to a swordie and she's got two fairly unique and strong projectiles that feel like they'd be the central focus of her game plan.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I'll also add that in combination with her small size, the keep away plan makes even more sense.

In regards to story/stats, I get that the idea here is that she comes from a pretty powerful species while among them being "average," but if she's only average among her species while being incredibly strong compared to other life forms in the universe shouldn't she actually be pretty strong/broken compared to the rest of the cast?


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
The thing with being below average by the standards of her species despite her species being quite strong compared to other species is that it allows her to be more approachable compared to her fellow Ocrams, with the help of Weevle and the gang she can gain more respect to her people and therefore convince the rest of said people to fight with them.

As for her moveset, since she has a unique weapon, I don't know how one could use that weapon for neutrals and aerials. I image her chain let's her have a tether grab, and being that it's a chain being used to choke the opponent she will among the strongest pummels in the game, but her throws are surprsengly weak knockback wise, meaning to meaning to her grabs are use to rack up damage quickly, a unique take on throws imo.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Honestly, been looking at the rolling mechanic of SNK vs Capcom, and I feel like for a game like this, taking inspiration from that mechanic would actually sort of work. Would you agree, Kirbeh Kirbeh . I feel being able to cancel a roll into an attack while keeping the dodge frames would be a cool thing to implement, while I can also the mechanic of turning around if you roll and then press the opposite direction while rolling. Considering there is still the stamina system you need to worry about, it can't be spammed, meaning there is some flaws to using this maneuver. Would that be a cool idea to implement?
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Honestly, been looking at the rolling mechanic of SNK vs Capcom, and I feel like for a game like this, taking inspiration from that mechanic would actually sort of work. Would you agree, Kirbeh Kirbeh . I feel being able to cancel a roll into an attack while keeping the dodge frames would be a cool thing to implement, while I can also the mechanic of turning around if you roll and then press the opposite direction while rolling. Considering there is still the stamina system you need to worry about, it can't be spammed, meaning there is some flaws to using this maneuver. Would that be a cool idea to implement?
You mean like, CvS2 roll canceling? That's more of an exploit than an intended mechanic. That and it's pretty divisive since it allows for invincible special moves. Even with a stamina system, it could still wind up pretty volatile if not balanced very carefully. Even then it's inherently an incredibly strong tool, so I think you'd need to add some other drawback.

Also, if you can carry i-frames from a roll to make your approach invincible, then that makes Hyper Specials a lot less viable compared to a roll canceled special.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
You mean like, CvS2 roll canceling? That's more of an exploit than an intended mechanic. That and it's pretty divisive since it allows for invincible special moves. Even with a stamina system, it could still wind up pretty volatile if not balanced very carefully. Even then it's inherently an incredibly strong tool, so I think you'd need to add some other drawback.

Also, if you can carry i-frames from a roll to make your approach invincible, then that makes Hyper Specials a lot less viable compared to a roll canceled special.
Good point, just an idea, also glad your here, what's your status like?


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
You mean like, CvS2 roll canceling? That's more of an exploit than an intended mechanic. That and it's pretty divisive since it allows for invincible special moves. Even with a stamina system, it could still wind up pretty volatile if not balanced very carefully. Even then it's inherently an incredibly strong tool, so I think you'd need to add some other drawback.

Also, if you can carry i-frames from a roll to make your approach invincible, then that makes Hyper Specials a lot less viable compared to a roll canceled special.
I was going to still implement a mechanic with rolling where tilting the stick to the opposite direction while rolling will have the character end the roll while turned around, allowing for easy pivoting.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
One more week of weird scheduling and easing into the new position. I should finally return to having some free time for SB during the 2nd week of September.
That's cool to know, I just started my next school, so I just work here and there on the game. I am attempting to work on the stamina system for the game, so a major mechanic.

Hey I have a question, what's your preferred way of referring pop culture, like I want to include a bunch of references but in a nice subtle way, any ideas?
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